Player Complaint: Cooper Lester

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Player Complaint: Cooper Lester

Post by slc97 » 22 Jul 2016, 19:28

Your Byond Key: slc97

Your Character Name: Dom "Deckr" Parnell

Accused Byond Key(if known): unknown

Character Name: Cooper Lester

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 07/22/2016 3:00 P.M - 6:00 P.M.

What rule(s) were broken: Don't be a dick, incompetent marines, ID Theft (possibly), griefing, possible power/meta-gaming

Description of the incident: This severe level of incompetency actually spans two games (since the first got restarted due to atmos bug). In the first game, Cooper Lester is a marine who decides that he is going to randomly firing off rounds at random marines while we are all standing in the garage. He hits but doesn't kill anyone and I don't know if anyone Ahelped it at the time. He then continued to fire on the cargo trams for funsies.

Now the game has restarted and by all of the bad luck from all of the kicked puppies in the world, Cooper Lester is the CO. Now right off the bat, he starts blasting insults at marines over the comms and then doesn't even bother to give a briefing. Then, one of his first orders is to send us underground, he also manages to figure out the aliens live underground on first contact planetside because he is magic. So as it goes, our marine lord and savior R. Lee Ermy shows us all the light that this is the absolute worst CO to ever exist in the history of absolutely everything. he then proceeds to have our BO, Axel Drust, arrested and demoted because I said I was gonna follow Drust's orders instead of his even though Drust never actually disobeyed any orders. Finally the CMO declares the CO unfit for duty, so he comes into medbay, where I am lying with no foot, and steals my ID to demote me even though he is unfit for duty. Finally we mutiny and kill him. That's my side of the story, I'm sure other people have accounts I was too busy fighting xenos with one foot and a pistol to pay too much attention.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I have no logs, but I know for a fact that Bmc777 (Axel Drust), and Technokat (Victor Kaipov) can back up the sheer incompetence that occurred. I believe Drust can also backup the top part where Cooper Lester shot at random marines for no reason because Drust was BO on that one.

How you would punish the accused: I would probably give a temporary ban for the random shooting (might be a little harsh, maybe just a warning). I would absolutely give a job ban from CO for the sheer amount of chucklefuckery he caused.
Last edited by slc97 on 22 Jul 2016, 19:33, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Player Complaint: Cooper Lester

Post by Zoron1999 » 22 Jul 2016, 19:32

I have also witnessed his actions and this is indeed true. What i have seen is the same as to what he has stated above.
Talon"Sight"Elderson says, "I'm sure every marine loves to get an Alien Wang stuck down there mouth"

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Re: Player Complaint: Cooper Lester

Post by Bmc777 » 22 Jul 2016, 20:19

Oh yeah I can definitely back this. Story time. At the start of the round Cooper's plan of action is to immediately "invade" underground, he announced this over the command console to the entire ship instead of giving a briefing. He completely through any RP out the window. From then on, he was running around station doing who knows what while I and the couple other BOs tried to actually turn his commands into something game worthy.

I managed to convince Cooper that we should at least have a squad patrol for survivors, so I provided Overwatch to Dom's squad and sent them on patrol. Charlie and Delta went to setup a FOB at Research, where they were then supposed to invade underground according to Cooper's orders while Alpha restored Comms and Bravo searched for survivors. Eventually everything got setup and both Bravo and Alpha squads came into contact with Aliens, Bravo saw them coming from underground, so there was at least now an RP reason to know where they were coming from. Around this time Cooper reappeared, freaked out because none of the squads had made it underground yet, and ordered Delta squad to invade underground even though they were defending against some Aliens on the surface.

Delta was complaining about not being able to go anywhere because they were fending of Aliens, Cooper had no response, I'm not sure if he ran off again or what because I was watching through Dom's camera at the moment but he wasn't giving orders. I told Delta to finish of the surface Aliens near them and group up to go underground with Charlie squad from Research.

During this time, I had Bravo pick up Alpha from Engineering. At this point we were down to two BOs just trying to manage all the squads at once. From there I sent them to the Foyer elevator as Cooper wanted all forces underground, which he announced to the entirety of the marines multiple times. I was in the process of talking to literally all the squads at this point, trying to co-ordinate them to go down the elevators at the same time for a double assault when Cooper shows up on Comms again. About a third of all the squads were on an elevator at the time and he says he wants everyone down now. People in every channel were saying to just wait a moment so they could get on so I announced on all channels that the elevators were to be sent down in 30 seconds to give time for all marines to enter. Cooper did not like that and took it as me undermining his authority.

The assault began at the correct times, the elevators went down within seconds of each other. About that time I was dragged away from my Bridge computer by Cooper who had an officer with him. I was to be arrested for defying orders and undermining authority. I told each squad I would not be able to give orders anymore as I was to be arrested, then privately asked what exactly I did wrong and was told nothing. I went peacefully. When I was arrested I asked to keep my headset, which I was allowed by law. The officer allowed me to keep it, so I checked in on the squads. I gave no orders, nor did I even mention my arrest. Cooper ordered my headset to be taken away. The police objected so he came down, fully armored, and took it himself.

He then took me to his office, and demoted me. The whole time I was telling him this wasn't legal and I am supposed to be able to appeal an arrest, or at least know why those charges were put on me, he refused all of that. The moment I was given my brand new Assistant ID but no headset, the CMO declared Cooper mentally unfit for duty. Nobody was directing any of the squads so they had all mostly retreated back to the ship during this time after taking heavy losses. Cooper asked multiple times if this was a mutiny, one of the medical staff said something like, "At this point I wouldn't be apposed, should we mutiny?". I stayed out of it for the most part because I was impartial and didn't want to get in trouble for starting a non-moderator approved mutiny.

Everyone decided to mutiny, but to arrest Cooper properly. Cooper holed up in the armory and started shooting at anyone trying to get to him. The go ahead was given by mods, I assume, so Victor Kaipov went in and killed him.

Story time over I guess. I personally do not think that whoever plays Cooper Lester should be allowed to play ANY position of authority in the server but that's probably me just being salty. Fairly, I think he should be job banned from Commander, and probably Executive Officer as well.

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Re: Player Complaint: Cooper Lester

Post by Feweh » 29 Jul 2016, 11:11

Theres no way to properly judge incompetence unless we actually visually see it.
Ill add a note to his account though.

