Mileswolfe 7/24/2016

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Mileswolfe 7/24/2016

Post by SASoperative » 24 Jul 2016, 20:12

Your Byond Key: SASoperative

Your Character Name: Joseph Skinner

Their Byond key: I am going to Assume Mileswolfe

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 7:02 PM 7/24/2016

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: I want to say this would if anything fall underneath the catagory of a rule 0 ordeal.

Description of the incident: Marines had just been done with briefing I do not know the reasoning as to why there was a Bear on the Sulaco but someone killed it. Admins got mad that it died (I will assume this I can not read thought) and called in a Iron bear team not even a hour into the round.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): ... 2836b1.png ... 07624a.png ... 3e2008.png ... c78b16.png ((This was after a probably 10 minute fire fight between marines and iron bears)) Before a SECOND IRON BEARS TEAM was called in once the first one had all died. ... 8ca5e4.png

How you would punish the accused: At the very least a stern warning or extension of trial

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Re: Mileswolfe 7/24/2016

Post by Cobraman202 » 24 Jul 2016, 20:24

I was ghosted at the time this happened at was spectating. Miles did warn the marines they would be punished if the bear died, however I do think an iron bears team was excessive. I agree that a talking to about events that contribute to the roleplay and a possible extension of trail is in order.
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Re: Mileswolfe 7/24/2016

Post by SASoperative » 24 Jul 2016, 20:25

Allow me to leave this however regarding MIles's posistion and the current staff on at the time though copy pasted from protocol.

Trial Admins
Trial admins hold powers similar to the Admins, but cannot run events without a full game admin present as well. After 1 month of the trial the performance of the Trial Admin is reviewed and they are either accepted as a Game Admin, returned to Moderator, or extended an additional month.

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Re: Mileswolfe 7/24/2016

Post by MilesWolfe » 24 Jul 2016, 20:27

We were doing an minor even with the bear, we had sent an announcement explaining the situation, and that the bear was not hostile, and should anything happen to the bear something bad would happen. While we had players role playing with the bear and enjoying the little event someone decided it was a good a idea to just kill it, which is why the ert was called.

Ill admit maybe my actions may have been a bit too excessive, should a punishment be given ill take it without question.

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Re: Mileswolfe 7/24/2016

Post by Feweh » 24 Jul 2016, 20:32

Trial Admins cannot run events, nor has APOP even allowed ANY admins to run events at all.
Action will be taken for this, as Iron Bears 50 minutes in without a large RP reason behind it and solely because a Admin Spawned bear died isn't acceptable.

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Re: Mileswolfe 7/24/2016

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 24 Jul 2016, 20:50

I will have to agree with feweh on this matter. I will be discussing the punishment that will become of this.

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Re: Mileswolfe 7/24/2016

Post by Mech__Warrior » 24 Jul 2016, 22:46

It wasn't just one Iron Bear team, it was two. One right after the other. However, I wish marines *cough*Marcus Bailey*cough* wouldn't fucking kill shit for the sake of killing.
