Report Against Feweh

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Report Against Feweh

Post by dra24680 » 27 Jul 2016, 17:51

Your Byond Key:dra24680

Your Character Name: Codeine 'Curry' Bang

Their Byond key: Feweh

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results):
4:35 PM July 27, 2016 Central Time

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:
He didn't take time to listen to what I had to say, as he falsely claimed I ahelp EVERY Round about mutinying and killing people. Yes, I have AHelped admins to ask about if using deadly force against some certain people was justified in the heat of the moment when I was put in a certain position, and I have asked admins if I could try mutinying ( For example a Commander attempted to execute an innocent CL for simply threatening to overthrow him on a piece of paper) But Weyland-Yutani stopped him just when he was about to carry out the execution, and I forgot what admins said back, but if I ever mutiny, (Or even ask admins if I can even initiate one,) i'm gonna use a good reason like that. You simply don't attempt to murder your own crewmembers and expect to get away with it, and the Commander nearly did it. This is no lie.
Description of the incident:
I was in jail, and I asked admins if I could wage a rebellion against Security, and Feweh simply banned me, claiming that I always Ahelp about killing marines and about mutinies, and while i'm not denying that, he simply takes it out of context.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): It was completely bogus.
How you would punish the accused:
I'd like this to be reviewed, and I would just put him on leave for a few days and make sure he doesn't screw up like this again. Thank you.

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Re: Report Against Feweh

Post by dra24680 » 27 Jul 2016, 17:54

Enforcement of the rules
- Whenever a player receives a punishment they should know why and what they are being punished for.
- Ensure that all incidents are adequately investigated before giving a ruling.
- We are not a government repressing their citizens. Don’t hassle players for literally everything.

He simply banned me, for asking if I could wage a rebellion against Security. Asking admins such a question may be considered stupid or naieve, but in all my times of reading the rules of this server, asking such a question was never considered a violation of the rules. Thank you.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Report Against Feweh

Post by Feweh » 27 Jul 2016, 18:13

Youre currently pending an APPROVED perma-ban, youve been warned and have been on Probation Twice.

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Re: Report Against Feweh

Post by dra24680 » 27 Jul 2016, 18:20

When was my first probation???? And why do you keep bringing that up?

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Re: Report Against Feweh

Post by dra24680 » 27 Jul 2016, 18:53

Okay, you're saying I've already been on probation once. This is my second probation. I never violated the terms. Please explain this ban and please explain yourself. Thank you.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Report Against Feweh

Post by Feweh » 27 Jul 2016, 18:55

dra24680 wrote:Okay, you're saying I've already been on probation once. This is my second probation. I never violated the terms. Please explain this ban and please explain yourself. Thank you.

You attempted to start an unlawful mutiny and an admin reported it to Head Staff. You even failed your first probation but somehow managed to slip through the cracks.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Report Against Feweh

Post by Feweh » 27 Jul 2016, 19:01

Appears to have abandonded his post when he was needed to assign some marines, a call to replace him arose and he decided the only acceptable course of action was to immediately kill the reasonable player who was attempting to have him replaced IC. short ban issued and jobban issued on Fri, June 26th of 2015

Banned from Commander - Deserting their post when they were needed, then instantly killing the CC-approved replacement when they attempted to peacefully demote them. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Fri, June 26th of 2015 Remove

Warned about marine on marine killing, due to the other marine fighting back no action was taken but a warning was given for fully killing a marine in retaliation to what they thought was the other marine trying to shoot them. by Mordrehel on Sat, June 27th of 2015

Renested people as aliens, mutliple times and admitted to it and not knowing the rules. Issued 24 hour ban. by on Fri, July 17th of 2015

Metagamed, mentioned the 'sulaco' and the aliens hadn't even arrived there yet ... Talked to, and warned. by) on Fri, July 17th of 2015

4 Day Ban - Killing two marines whilst they tried to get a janitor cart back and then dc'd. by) on Mon, July 20th of 2015

Warned for heading down to the planet as an RO, among other incidents. Further violations should result in bans of increasing severity. bon Sun, March 13th of 2016

Shot 2 marines. 1 on accident, 1 because "he didn't think they were leading the station in the right direction" by Apophis775 (Host) on Thu, May 26th of 2016

PROBATION: If before August, he kills a marine and it's determined grief, give him a LENGTHY BAN and have apophis process the Perma by Apophis775 (Host) on Thu, May 26th of 2016

Banned by apophis775 | Duration: 2880 minutes | Reason: Griefing - shot marines for no good reason by (Host) on Thu, May 26th of 2016

| Duration: 10080 minutes | Reason: Griefer/Shit player - Was once again involved in another incident where he was considered "rogue". Did ahelp saying he was going to shoot another player, but was never given permission. XO ended up walking into armory without any weapons out and he opened fire on the XO with lethals. A MP and XO continued to use tasers on him and he returned fire with lethals. Player was just warned and is on probation, no excuses for this bullshit. Next warning/ban is a perma-ban. ) on Wed, June 1st of 2016

Warned for poor escalation of violence, resulting in a dead marine. by GameAdmin) on Thu, June 9th of 2016

Banned by | Duration: 2880 minutes | Reason: Poor escalation, assaulting marines. Banned 48 hours pending investigation and priors. by (GameAdmin) on Thu, June 9th of 2016

As MP punched a marine, marine retaliated, marine got brigged. Warned not to incite incidents again. Breaking Rule#1 especially as Mp's are not above the law they enforce. by (Moderator) on Thu, July 7th of 2016

Banned from Commander, Executive Officer, Bridge Officer, Military Police, Corporate Liaison, Requisitions Officer, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer - Awful player, shot a player despite being told not to. by Adminbot (Friendly Robot) on Sat, July 9th of 2016 Remove

Banned by | Duration: 4320 minutes | Reason: Player is constantly involved in shooting incidents with fellow players. Told him not to shoot the MP's trying to tase him and he still did. Punched the palyer first then shot them. Player is awful and has a terrible history of note, next ban is a perma-ban. by on Sat, July 9th of 2016

Banned by | Duration: 4230 minutes | Reason: Once again, escalated a fist fight into another shooting situation. Killed a fellow marine after he started punching the marine first, gunned him down. Player has a history of this and he's out of warnings and bans. Player is now on PROBATION. When he returns from this ban any bans/warnings with result in instant 7day bans and a permanent ban written. No questions or mercy given. by on Wed, July 20th of 2016

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Report Against Feweh

Post by apophis775 » 27 Jul 2016, 20:53

So, here's the situation:

Feweh banned you, probably because he noticed the Approved Permaban sitting in Limbo (in the Permaban staff section) because it hadn't been applied

The Permaban process has been rectified and you can remake this as an appeal if you want, but Feweh followed as close to standard procedure as we have for permabans being missed and not processed.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine

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Re: Report Against Feweh

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 27 Jul 2016, 20:59

I must agree with Apop, From what i can see from your notes you violated your probation several times. This report is being listed as resolved.
