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Post by nodnodnod » 31 Jul 2016, 15:41

First off, this is my first post and if I did this wrong, I do apologize.

Your Byond Key: nodnodnod

Your Character Name:
Kira Fairbanks

Their Byond key: Feweh

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 1400, July 31 2016

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: For protocols, I guess #2 and #4? However, code of conduct was seriously broken in this issue, specifically regarding #1, #3, and perhaps #4 - since the punishment was OOC and not IC.

Description of the incident: An admiral/CMO hybrid boards the ship wearing pirate gear and wielding a katana. I mock the katana ICly and give shit about it - call the admiral a weeb to other marines, et cetera. Typical marine bullshit. We get the alert that the console was used, so the marines proceed to run down to the hangar to fortify. It was at this moment that the admiral, CMO Sarah Cowart, decides to walk up to Kira and order her 'to her knees' - and then pulls out the katana. Being any sane person, Kira says 'no' and immediately makes an effort to drop the situation by going to the hangar to defend. The admiral then follows and pulls Kira from the ladder - keeping the sword sheathed for the moment. I, once again, attempt to drop the issue by moving to the ladder and trying to go down. The admiral then pulls the sword out and comes at Kira, at which point Kira pulls out the assault rifle and promptly magdump the admiral for coming at Kira with a sword. Feweh then decides to gib me (the images will show the logs).

The gibbing was an OOC reaction to an entirely IC circumstance and both ruined round immersion and destroyed the potential RP. I would like it to be noted that I did not, infact, kill the admiral. As soon as she was down - and according to my health HUD, only at half health, since I wasn't aiming to kill, I was aiming for the torso - I stopped shooting her and started to go back down to help with the defense. But, as mentioned before, I was gibbed. Freemysoul was the trialadmin involved as the CMO/admiral, should they need to be spoken to.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): http://imgur.com/a/Lidnq

How you would punish the accused: Reprimand - IC issues should play out. If the admiral decides to try to handle an armed marine on their own and gets fucked, then that's entirely IC. An apology from Feweh would be nice too. (haha, fat chance.) I want it to be clear that I have no beef with Cowart's player. The trial admin didn't do anything wrong, other than not following proper execution procedure - which in itself is an IC issue.

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Re: Feweh

Post by Feweh » 31 Jul 2016, 15:45

This rule was enacted on you by my decision for the benefit of the round.

Rule 0. Admins (not Mods or Mentors) retain the authority to ignore the following rules at their discretion when they feel it's in the best interest of the current round/server/playerbase at large. However, they will be fully accountable for their actions should they choose to exercise this privilege. If an admin says something is a rule, and you disagree, FOLLOW WHAT THEY SAY AND MAKE A COMPLAINT ON THE FORUM. Do NOT excessivly argue with them, you WILL receive a ban or extension on your ban.

Your accounts of the events are accurate.
However your words were more something 'Look at that snowflake", "Fucking ignore them". Usually Admirals have an insta-kill pistol to deal with executions instantly, I however forgot to give Sarah one.
Given prior experiences I and the staff team had have with you I decided to remove you from the round as killing the Admiral (Freemysoul) would of severely effected the round especially given Commands incompetence.

I have no regrets gibbing you and removing you from the round given the way you acted in-game and your general attitude towards CM is very poor.
In fact we had a conversation a couple of days about your complete lack of sincerity regarding our code-leak as well. In general, you have a very "FUCK CM" attitude which I've observed over the last few weeks.

No further action was taken, you weren't banned or job-banned and I simply removed you from the round.

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Re: Feweh

Post by nodnodnod » 31 Jul 2016, 15:48

Whoops. Missed one image from the very beginning of the incident.


And I fail to see how my lack of care that your code was leaked plays into anything. Can you elaborate on how my prior experiences, and how that would have had an impact on the round? There were 60+ marines and 12 aliens attacking. I'm not following you.

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Re: Feweh

Post by DMAN » 31 Jul 2016, 17:45

Gonna slip in out of the ebb and say that gibbing RKO style is a bit cheesy. At least you didn't rejuvenate the katana wielding admiral to TP behind Kira and pull a meme, ayys were raiding and the admiral dwelled on Kira like a sick commissar. This is the USMC and not the Imperial Guard, so the random execution of a gib is meeeeh imho. Also, commissars when?
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Re: Feweh

Post by lucashunter608 » 31 Jul 2016, 18:42

I saw the whole thing, both sides were retarded in my opinion, CO was calling names to the admiral and the admiral was literally stabbing the CO with his cool looking animeme katana, but i realy don't know who started this useless fight, anyway this could have never happened if there was even an admiral, i don't think it was necessary bringing him to Sulaco

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Re: Feweh

Post by nodnodnod » 31 Jul 2016, 18:55

For reference, I was not the CO. I was a squad medic trying to de-escalate the situation. The purpose of this report is to establish that Feweh massively overstepped bounds and should be held accountable as per the stipulations of the 'rules don't matter' rule. Gibbing with an admin verb did nothing to contribute to the RP, and infact destroyed the potential RP that could be involved.

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Re: Feweh

Post by slc97 » 31 Jul 2016, 19:52

So it sounds to me like Feweh wasn't wrong in this situation, but was kind of a dick about explaining it.

You were going to be executed by the Admiral from the sounds of it. The Admiral should have had that instakill pistol, but Feweh forgot it. You woulda been dead if it weren't for Feweh's original mistake. So by the time Freemysoul was on the ground, if you had continued and killed the Admiral, the round woulda been right fucked. I observed this round and command was dumb as hell.

Basically, it sounds like you would have been dead if Feweh hadn't made the first mistake, so he corrected that mistake by gibbing you. Having a fugitive run around or kill the Admiral would have seriously hindered the round and Feweh had the round's best interest at heart I think. Even if he was being kind of a dick.

I would however like to hear Freemysoul's side of this story.

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Re: Feweh

Post by EMT_321 » 31 Jul 2016, 19:53

What had the admiral done previous to attempting to kill the medic? Did they assault the CO?

I am curious as to how terrible command is that an admin being spawned in to kill them is the best course of action, and then proceeding to attempt to execute marines during a hangar defense for insults.

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Re: Feweh

Post by slc97 » 31 Jul 2016, 20:00

The Admiral did not attempt to kill command from what I saw. The Admiral was spawned in to lead because of how poor command was.

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Re: Feweh

Post by nodnodnod » 31 Jul 2016, 20:14

The admiral had not tried to kill command prior to this. The admiral's feelings were hurt that they were made fun of for having a katana. I'm not saying Kira was in the right - though, Feweh's inability to do the simple task of outfitting an admiral properly does -not- warrant the outright use of an admin verb. Who's to say that the instakill pistol would've even done the instakill? From what I saw, the player of the admiral was woefully inept at robusting. Hell, they may have even executed someone else by accident.

Point is - it was taken to an OOC place when there was no rightful reason to. It was 100% fine IC, and was proceeding quite well IC. There were even MPs present to arrest. But God forbid a marine beat an admiral, I guess?

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Re: Feweh

Post by slc97 » 31 Jul 2016, 20:21

It's not a question of OOC in IC though. The question is: did Feweh apply Rule 0 properly?

As a fugitive, with command staff being inept, if you killed the Admiral, or any number of other actions you could have performed could very well have sent the round off the tracks.

I agree with you that Feweh was a dick about it, but he did appropriately apply Rule 0. He simply failed to properly explain to you why he did what he did.

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Re: Feweh

Post by nodnodnod » 31 Jul 2016, 20:38

And the point I'm asserting is that I was not killing the admiral, and the screenshots show very clearly that I had put my weapon away and told the MPs (while the admiral was screaming to 'KILL THEM', despite me being the only person?) that she came at me with a sword. I'd also like to point out article 89 of UCMJ - not that headcanon spess marines follow it, but execution for disrespecting a superior officer is extremely excessive, and not even permitted in the real world for that offense.

Furthermore, the actual marine law (while not having a specific punishment for the actions of Kira) would most closely relate to her having been insubordinate - a five minute brig punishment, or the maximum of thirty minutes and demotion if the admiral had properly followed marine law and applied it fittingly.

But discussion of it won't accomplish much until the administration discusses among themselves and reaches a conclusion. I just hope the evidence provided can demonstrate that rule zero was grossly misapplied.

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Re: Feweh

Post by Feweh » 31 Jul 2016, 20:54

Rule 0 was applied to you to maintain some form of command in the game. It was done with the best interest for others. As i was not playing, it was not done for selfish reasons or my own benefit.

My mistake for not arming the Admiral with the lethal one shot, but the end result would of been the same.

Considering there was no conflict of interest and it was done with the best intentions for others... this was rightful use of rule 0.

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Re: Feweh

Post by nodnodnod » 31 Jul 2016, 21:02

Command, whilst incompetent, was active - and squad level leadership was picking up the slack as the xenos were attacking. There was no pressing need for the application of rule zero.

Also - I never stated it was for your own benefit or that it was selfish. If anything, it was for the benefit of the admiral, whom you decided to side with instead of letting the issue play out and letting the MPs arrest and letting the admiral get treated. I can assure you that Cowart did almost NIL to contribute to command while she was present.

I also suggest that you re-read rule zero. While you may have done this with 'good intent', you are at the end of the day liable if you fuck up while invoking the rule. Again, I assert that rule zero was misused, and assert that you should be held accountable. Being that the issue was minor, I simply want an admission that it was inappropriate use of the rule and an apology.

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Re: Feweh

Post by slc97 » 31 Jul 2016, 21:12

At this point, this is becoming a pretty big he said/she said type of thing. The fact of the matter is, Rule 0 is a very conditional rule. To you it could look like Feweh was out of line and to me it looks like he wasn't. I think the best course of action here is to get Freemysoul's side of the argument and then wait for a ruling from a head admin. No one else can really add much to this argument besides general bitching and all of us getting angry.

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Re: Feweh

Post by Jdobbin49 » 31 Jul 2016, 21:39

I was refraining from posting on this but I decided why the hell not
I was a staff online at this time as well and i was ghosting free whilst he was playing as the admiral.
Feweh used rule 0 in the correct way, he didn't abuse his power in my opinion, I do believe it could have been dealt with a bit better than gibbing kira but despite it being done maybe not as clean as it could have been there really was no potential badminnery going on

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Re: Feweh

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 31 Jul 2016, 21:51

I will be investigating this as well as talking it over with Rahlzel to decide on any actions that may become of this for either way.

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Re: Feweh

Post by EMT_321 » 01 Aug 2016, 04:07

Had the medic taken any actions other then insults which disrupted the round? Were they instigating a mutiny or attacking marines?

Is insulting now grounds for summary execution?

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Re: Feweh

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 01 Aug 2016, 10:21

I'm stI'll investigating this. Bit so far I am going to inform you that I don't take to people insulting my staff lightly. Calling them retarded and an idiot is not only rude, but also childish. There will be concequences for it which will be determined on my final post pending verdict.

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Re: Feweh

Post by nodnodnod » 01 Aug 2016, 15:22

I'd like you to at least take into account my extreme frustration at arbitrarily being removed from the round and being refused an explanation until I came on here to lodge a formal complaint about it.

Not that I'm defending getting quite angry at his apparent cronyism, but offering a reason.

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Byond: Sagasword

Re: Feweh

Post by SagaSword » 01 Aug 2016, 16:58

May I ask WHY did he want to execute the medic? He just went for execution without telling her what her crime was.

This could effect the situation here.
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Re: Feweh

Post by Jdobbin49 » 01 Aug 2016, 17:01

Feweh said on msay to execute Kira for insulting an Admiral, free then attempted to do as he was told by feweh but then Kira open fired on him.

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Re: Feweh

Post by Artouris » 01 Aug 2016, 20:41

I'm not going to pry myself too hard into this conversation as I was not there at the time to see what transpired. But going off what other people said, this is sort of laughable. I'm more than sure Apop repeatedly, stated that there are no commissars in the USCM. Properly roleplay would have been perhaps execution after said person unloaded into the admiral because that can be seen as treason. However, execution over insults is laughable. You might get discharged, kicked out, or hell even jailed for insubordination, but not executed. Not to mention there there were MPs there and since its on the Sulaco, the medics weren't probably too far behind. It was entirely possible to leave this up to the hands of regular RP. Hell it would have been more acceptable to have them be put in cyro to get admin healed because at least that promotes the idea that they had to be healed. Otherwise, not only is this seemingly breaking the RP of the server from the start, gibbing someone because of your own mistake also seems like a no no. So either we canonize commissars, or this is a mistake for not following with the spirit of the server and the round. But those are my two cents.

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Re: Feweh

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 01 Aug 2016, 23:43

This is getting out of hand. I am locking this and will post the results on my investigation tomorrow

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Re: Feweh

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 03 Aug 2016, 17:23

Alright so. This is how i have seen the logs. The Admiral never even attacked you yet, Pulling someone isnt a good enough reason to just start unloading into them. As far as i can tell, You attacked a player with out proper escalation, And instead of staff issuing you actual punishment for it, They gibbed you to continue the in game event that was going on and allowed you to play in the next round. Feweh used their Rule 0 properly as far as i am able to ascertain from the logs. And no punishment will be needed as I found this complaint to not have enough evidence of foul play or admin abuse.


Edit: new information has come to light. This is being reopened to investigation
