Ban Apeall For KiritoSenju

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Ban Apeall For KiritoSenju

Post by TheMooseMaster » 07 Aug 2016, 07:19

Your Byond ID:KiritoSenju

Character Name:Collin C Collins

Type Of Ban (Job-ban, Timed Ban, Permaban): 7 day ban on Kirito Perma on all other accounts

Admin who banned you (if known): Trial Mod Warnipple

Total Ban Duration:10800 mins

Remaining Duration:10760

What other servers do you play on? None besides marines

Are you now or have you been banned on any of them? I havent played on others in a long time but yes

Reason for ban Multikeying and grief

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): Alright so to be honest ive been a rather bad player in the last few years with some attempts to get better which have proven to be semi what working but now im honestly just sick of all the grief I have been doing and have done and I kinda just want to dive into the marines server. I honestly do feel bad for the ruins I might have ruined or the moods of others because I recently just realized that for some people this game could be a get away for them and if I just kedep thrashing that Im not much better then a cyber bully. Another Reason is that I want to help the community and learn from it as aliens was my favorite childhood movie as well as AVP But there is no good games for it besides this one at least multiplayer wise. I also love the people here and had quite the few laughs and now that I have matured a bit atleast over the years ahaha Im hoping that I will be giving one last chance A new fresh start to LEarn the game and become part of the community And I know you have no reason to really trust me due to my rather long past with you guys But I started getting into LARPING in real life and gotten into war hammer and the entire like roleplay part of it is so cool and an amazing time consumer so im hoping Ill be able to do this here. I do expect that if I am forgiven and given one last chance that I will be on a super tight leash and that is fine I honestly hope im watched and bound in a way so that I can prove that I can play without griefing and that I can actually roleplay. Well this is my awkward ban appeal if its not up to shape please let me know also this is only for KiritoSenju .

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Re: Ban Apeall For KiritoSenju

Post by TeknoKot » 07 Aug 2016, 07:26


You've multikeyed, ruined a round and chose roles to just fuck around with them, CO mainly.
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Re: Ban Apeall For KiritoSenju

Post by EMT_321 » 07 Aug 2016, 07:45

You went out of your way to multikey and ruin the round for a substantial population. What good does it provide the server for you to return?


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Re: Ban Apeall For KiritoSenju

Post by TheMooseMaster » 07 Aug 2016, 07:53

I honestly want to become and dedicate myself to one role really which is medic since I have the best memories of them I dont know I know how bad what I have done to you guys is

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Re: Ban Apeall For KiritoSenju

Post by ZDashe » 07 Aug 2016, 08:48

Multikeyer + Griefer, enough said. Take the 7 days off to reflect on your actions before even trying to appeal. You just got banned only.


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Re: Ban Apeall For KiritoSenju

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 07 Aug 2016, 12:07

This ban appeal is denied, you are now on perma ban which will go into effect shortly. We have a very strict policy on no multi-keying.


If you want you can make another appeal against your perma ban.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Ban Apeall For KiritoSenju

Post by Feweh » 07 Aug 2016, 17:51

Any chance of future appeals is gone.

TheMooseMaster • just now
If thats how you wanna be Ill just bounce my IP
