Report against Slc97

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Report against Slc97

Post by Neray » 21 Aug 2016, 11:59

Your Byond Key: Neray

Your Character Name: PMC Esmeralda Cooper

Their Byond key: Slc97

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): ~09:00

Which Admin Protocols were broken: 2, 3, 5.

Description of the incident:
Alright, let's get going. I joined in ERT, turned out it was PMC and I rolled a sniper. Sully lost its lower deck to aliens, so after a quick briefing from a nearby marine we took defensive positions in briefing, canteen and evac corridor. Thanks to enemy boilers, evac area was lost, I retreated to canteen and continued forcing them back. Here I was looted by RO named John Hayter, who took my rifle and ran away in cryo sections. I yelled at him to stop, he ignored me and started shooting walls, wasting my last AP mag. I tried to catch him to take my rifle back, but he was running too fast, so after few minutes or running around and ahelping his actions (those were marked as "no-answer-needed" by Jdobbin49) and due to aliens already taking over east briefing, I had to shoot a bastard with my pistol in a groin and after that finally managed to get my rifle back. About 5 minutes later, when we were stuck between tables at main ladders, with queen roaring nearby, I got shot by John with a shotgun slug. Since I was lying stunned, that was clearly an aimed shot. After aliens finally finished me and I saw some salt about that guy's other actions in deadchat, I ahelped it again with something like "I hope John Hayter is getting something for his actions".

And here comes out Slc97, telling me that he just joined and isn't aware of situation. I gave him a quick story, after what he started claiming that I was a bad guy in it, violating Improper Escalation of force rule. Since I don't like false warnings being placed on my ass, I tried to reason him, describing my situation again. As answer for that, he stated that I was wrong anyway and banned me for 24 hours for pointless discussion.

So, let me sum it up again, just in case. W-Y Sniper got attacked by a crewmember (there even was a XO's annoucement about them helping marines out), who took his rifle (violating metagaming and griefing rules), ignored sniper's requests to give it back, ignored ahelps (from sniper's perspective he continued to run around shooting and wasting sniper's ammo). After 3 minutes sniper finally had enough of that (with one of his team members and few marines dying cause they lost cover from sniper rifle), shot a retarded person in a groin (most peaceful way) few times, lowering his speed, disarmed him and got back to fighting. After being shot to almost crit and seeing salt in a deadchat about that griefer, he ahelped it again and got banned for proper IC escalation.

My problems with Slc97 are next one:
1) Application of escalation rule in a first place, let me even quote it, though I never saw it being applied so hard to ERT teams:
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I gave him 3+ minutes and few warnings before opening fire. My ahelp was ignored or at least he didn't stop doing what he was doing. Person was clearly violating few rules as well as ruining a last stand for marines, since W-Y team had only 2 specs and another one was a smartgunner.
2) Placing false warning on a player's list. That's obviously connected to 1st point.
3) Enforcing of Rule 0. I wasn't arguing, I was trying to give him a clean picture, since he got me wrong few times (for example, when I told him that I punched John before shooting, he thought that he punched me and I opened fire at him for that).
4) Threatening me with "Do you really wanna go there, Neray?". Pre-e-e-etty damn sure that's not how you do it.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
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How you would punish the accused:
Apart from this situation Slc is a helpful chap and personally I've got nothing against him. In this one however he was clearly wrong, unprofessional and too quick to act. I suggest some sort of disciplinary action for him and my ban removal. For a strange reason I thought that we're out from Greytide 2016 and you can post more than 2 words while discussing something with moderators. Looks like Slc is still in past.
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Re: Report against Slc97

Post by slc97 » 21 Aug 2016, 12:24

First off, you were not looted. John Hatter found your gun in a gas cloud on the Sulaco. Presumably you dropped it after being hit by a boiler.
Secondly, when I went to investigate this, Dobbins had already put a note on John Hayter's file. I went to investigate this because you told me something had to be done about his conduct and that other people had complaints about him. The only other complaints about him were from a report already being handled and from a guy who, when I checked the logs, was wrong.
Third, this was clear cut improper escalation. You're not allowed to start shooting someone because they took your gun. When I said "do you really want to go there" I wanted you to drop it because I just wanted to give you a warning
Fourth, your arguing with staff has gotten you in trouble multiple times. I am very glad and very thankful that you at least didnt curse at me or insult me like you have with others, but the sarcasm was there, and you obviously lack an understanding of the rules.
If the admins come in here and find me at fault, I will absolutely apologize to you, but it seems to me that you lack a proper understanding of how escalation of force works and need to go back and read the rules.

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Re: Report against Slc97

Post by Neray » 21 Aug 2016, 12:40

slc97 wrote:First off, you were not looted. John Hatter found your gun in a gas cloud on the Sulaco. Presumably you dropped it after being hit by a boiler.
Secondly, when I went to investigate this, Dobbins had already put a note on John Hayter's file. I went to investigate this because you told me something had to be done about his conduct and that other people had complaints about him. The only other complaints about him were from a report already being handled and from a guy who, when I checked the logs, was wrong.
Third, this was clear cut improper escalation. You're not allowed to start shooting someone because they took your gun. When I said "do you really want to go there" I wanted you to drop it because I just wanted to give you a warning
Fourth, your arguing with staff has gotten you in trouble multiple times. I am very glad and very thankful that you at least didnt curse at me or insult me like you have with others, but the sarcasm was there, and you obviously lack an understanding of the rules.
If the admins come in here and find me at fault, I will absolutely apologize to you, but it seems to me that you lack a proper understanding of how escalation of force works and need to go back and read the rules.
1) I was looted. He took a gun that was lying right under me and he clearly saw that I wasn't dead. More though, right after he took it he ran off to cryo and started wasting ammo.
2) -
3) I was a ERT member. W-Y team CAN and WILL open fire on marines going against their command's orders and attacking them. And of course they'll defend themselves if marines attacking em on command's order, but I degress.
4) Not sure about "multiple times", since I've got back to CM about 2 months ago. Yes, I was arguing last time I got banned as RO, because guy who banned me was too lazy to get a good look on situation. Basically an armed survivor told MP to arrest his own ensign and MP took it as an order. That was a self-defense and I was angry cause admin totally ignored that fact. Curse? Yes, I do insult people from time to time, usually when they're acting as retarded children, but I can't remember any other situations except for RO. Situation that happened with my BO is another story, cause I was angry on Warnipple not for his admin actions, but for his afk habit as CO, that led to marines losing round.
5) I don't know what type of rules you're trying to apply here, I gave you a direct quote from rules list and, first of all, it doesn't apply to ERT teams (basically I could've just shot him right away, but instead I tried to PROPERLY escalate it. It's hard to escalate something if your opponent is ignoring you), secondly - it WAS escalted properly as rule states.
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Re: Report against Slc97

Post by Feweh » 21 Aug 2016, 12:44

When PMC's enter Sulaco the message is something like "This is PMC's from Royce, any act of hostility will be met with Lethal force"
PMC's are considered a NEUTRAL ERT, leaning towards friendly usually.

Stealing someone's gun, is an act of hostility.
If you're in a war-zone and someone who is supposed to be your friend assisting you STEALS your guns.... that's an act of hostility.
Especially when you're in the middle of a fire-fight.

This WOULD be improper escalation HAD Neray not warned and asked for his weapon back. (Even then it'd be iffy)
It's not unusual for players to pick up fallen weapons on the ground, so it would of been very shitty to just start killing the RO.

This was entirely an IC issue.
As soon as Neray SHOT the RO to retrieve the weapon, it became an IC issue. As he rightful in shooting the RO, he then forfeited any further assistance from Admins.
So if the Marines decided to shoot the PMC at that point, it was on him as he just killed their fellow marine. Neray was not entitled to any assistance at any point from admins, the RO taking his weapon was considered IC as Neray was a ERT and not technically a marine.

I would go as far to say that the RO was purposely being a dick if he was ignoring the PMC to return the weapon AND purposely wasting ammo on the wall.

Anyways, Neray will be unbanned and I'l bump TR to this.

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Re: Report against Slc97

Post by slc97 » 21 Aug 2016, 12:47

Okay, sorry then. I was under the impression that this was a pretty clear cut improper escalation.
Neray: I apologize.

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Re: Report against Slc97

Post by Feweh » 21 Aug 2016, 12:49

Also Neray, you can write ban-appeals.

SLC wasn't being exactly shitty or an asshole about the situation.
It was just his way of understanding the rules and believing he was enforcing the rules properly.

This would of been a perfect ban-appeal situation.

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Re: Report against Slc97

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 21 Aug 2016, 12:59

Pretty much what Feweh said in a nutshell, The ban will be removed, any note with it will be remove. I will have a talk with SLC so that he will better understand a situation like this. I do apologize for the trouble.

