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Post by TeknoKot » 23 Aug 2016, 20:00

Your Byond Key:


Your Character Name:

Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov

Their Byond key:


Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results):

Around 00:38 UTC London time.

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:

Every single protocol as the mod himself decided to take my ahelp instead of another staff member, when he was the perpetrator of my ahelp. He also broke "Don't be a dick" rule, did not acknowledge that he was being rude even after the incident of the friendly fire.

Description of the incident:

I heard that aliens took over Nexus and marines retreated to Telecomms where Alpha(my squad) reinforced it heavily, upon the marines retreating I baited off any aliens coming after them, and here comes Swabey(Scrat) who intentionally fires a shotgun at me and then takes her rifle out immediately, making remarks like "Go back to Soviet Russia" after doing so, NOT EVEN HELPING ME get the fuck out after being downed OR anything at all, just INSULT me. I punch her several times and she took a knife out and dropped it and I picked it up, throwing it at her and then got dragged off by another marine assisting me. Scrat then claims "well I was trying to shoot at that little black alien over there" when there was nobody around, just a ravager who popped in and then out after I fired at him.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):











How you would punish the accused:

I've no idea, but this was huge bullshit.
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Re: Scrat505

Post by Scrat505 » 23 Aug 2016, 20:08

First of all, this is hardly worthy of a /staff/ complaint, as the alleged rulebreak does not involve my use of admin powers at all. You ahelped claiming it was intentional, expecting another mod to assume that I shot them on purpose, when over and over I say that I was firing at a close ranged alien who was popping in and out, and I was either a shit shot by not seeing you, or you walked into my lane of fire, likely the former, which is purely an IC issue. Friendly Fire is an inevitable part of playing as a marine, and if you insist on making a report by claiming that I'm lying to you, then there's nothing more I can say. Refusing to help you up is also an IC issue - as was the "Go back to soviet russia" insult when you yelled at me IC for friendly firing you.

Plus, if "Dont be a dick" rule should be applied as much as you claim it does, I'm not sure you've received enough reports against you simply because someone disagrees with your IC actions.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by TeknoKot » 23 Aug 2016, 20:13

Scrat wrote:First of all, this is hardly worthy of a /staff/ complaint, as the alleged rulebreak does not involve my use of admin powers at all. You ahelped claiming it was intentional, expecting another mod to assume that I shot them on purpose, when over and over I say that I was firing at a close ranged alien who was popping in and out, and I was either a shit shot by not seeing you, or you walked into my lane of fire, likely the former, which is purely an IC issue. Friendly Fire is an inevitable part of playing as a marine, and if you insist on making a report by claiming that I'm lying to you, then there's nothing more I can say. Refusing to help you up is also an IC issue - as was the "Go back to soviet russia" insult when you yelled at me IC for friendly firing you.
You did not assist me getting up, you clearly fired when there was nobody around and you saw marines in front of you, with a shotgun. You responded to an ahelp that was about you when there were many staff members on, which is WORTH an admin complaint, just "brushing" the issue off.

Stop trying, I did not walk into your line of fire as I already cleared everything off, you just decided to fire a slug at marines who were in front of you, three actually.

Also switching from shotgun to rifle quickly after firing is another thing, you made your intentions clear.
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Re: Scrat505

Post by Scrat505 » 23 Aug 2016, 20:16

You have no proof whatsoever that it was intentional besides what you believe, because there is none, because it was not intentional. Swapping weapons (moving from a close ranged defensive of Atmos to the long ranged defensive of the long trail in front of tcomms) shows no guilt, but simply that I know basic weapon knowledge.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by TeknoKot » 23 Aug 2016, 20:20

Scrat wrote:You have no proof whatsoever that it was intentional besides what you believe, because there is none, because it was not intentional. Swapping weapons (moving from a close ranged defensive of Atmos to the long ranged defensive of the long trail in front of tcomms) shows no guilt, but simply that I know basic weapon knowledge.
"You have no proof whatsoever that it was intentional, despite making a shitty remark about Russia and quickly switching weapons after FF'ing, also with no aliens around as they were cleared off, just gotta fire at you man, sorry. Oh, I need to respond to that ahelp, so another staff member wouldn't catch on and think about it, resolving it and brushing it off."

What are you trying to prove here? Do I need to dig "logs" out of your damn brain to prove it was intentional? I have no psychic powers to do so, but this is clearly shady shit.
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Re: Scrat505

Post by slc97 » 23 Aug 2016, 20:22

Okay, I'll go do some log diving and see if I can come up with anything that supports either side.
I'll be back soon.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by TeknoKot » 23 Aug 2016, 20:24

I'll also state that I was mad over LOOC, because this person took me off the round and didn't bother helping at all, made some petty insults. Even after ahelping, he still went on brushing the issue off.
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Re: Scrat505

Post by Feweh » 23 Aug 2016, 20:27

Ill speak to him about answering his own ahelp. But aside from that there isnt a whole lot we can do with a single FF shot.

You probably got your best response directly from the person who shot you saying it wasnt intentional.

Will look into it, but moving to player report.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by Scrat505 » 23 Aug 2016, 20:30

The burden of proof falls upon the accuser, and you've none despite what you think I did wrong. In my mind, if you were to scoop it out, you'd find me trying and failing to aim for a hunter, spitter, or drone (one of those three mid-sized black ones was what was playing peek-a-boo).

It's nice to know however that I can't try and relax and play when you're on because if I do something IC you don't like I'll have another report thrown at me.

I ensure you it was unintentional FF, which happens all the time, even for me, since I never was the best shot.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by TeknoKot » 23 Aug 2016, 20:33

Scrat wrote:The burden of proof falls upon the accuser, and you've none despite what you think I did wrong. In my mind, if you were to scoop it out, you'd find me trying and failing to aim for a hunter, spitter, or drone (one of those three mid-sized black ones was what was playing peek-a-boo).

It's nice to know however that I can't try and relax and play when you're on because if I do something IC you don't like I'll have another report thrown at me.

I ensure you it was unintentional FF, which happens all the time, even for me, since I never was the best shot.
Brushing the ahelp off as "resolved", firing directly at me when there was nobody around but two more marines in front of you and me, making petty remarks instead of helping when you were close, claiming this an IC issue? Are you fucking kidding right now?
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Re: Scrat505

Post by Scrat505 » 23 Aug 2016, 20:36

This is pretty blatant disrespect. I've said my piece over and over. I'm done responding, let those investigating it was a PC find whatever end result they will.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by slc97 » 23 Aug 2016, 20:37

Techno, logs aren't up to date enough yet for me to follow through on this. Let's just chill with the commenting until I can find proof of anything, okay?
There's nothing right now but hearsay between the two of you until I can handle this.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by Feweh » 23 Aug 2016, 20:40

TeknoKot wrote: making petty remarks instead of helping when you were close, claiming this an IC issue?

Most FF is handled as an IC issue and petty remarks IC are also considered IC issues.

There isnt any rule dictating that marines must help a fellow marine. Obviously its promoted to do so, but the chances of being helped are greatly reduced if your characters dont kike eachother IC.

Anyways, slc is pulling logs.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by TeknoKot » 23 Aug 2016, 20:46

Feweh wrote:
Most FF is handled as an IC issue and petty remarks IC are also considered IC issues.

There isnt any rule dictating that marines must help a fellow marine. Obviously its promoted to do so, but the chances of being helped are greatly reduced if your characters dont kike eachother IC.

Anyways, slc is pulling logs.
Yeah, there is no rule about "helping marines", but when you friendly fire at someone, then make petty insults straight after, not even shake the person up? That's at least breaking "Don't be a dick rule" to me. Shotgun is a powerful weapon and we all know that a slug can literally break any part of your body. This person fired shotgun at me when there was nobody around, in front of two marines as well that were close by, as I baited a ravager off to save a marine after it charged at him, Scrat then immediately pulled her rifle out and made a remark. Scrat made his intentions clear, yet he decided to respond to his own issue over my ahelp, which got me making this report.

People friendly fire usually when there's tons of hostiles around, there is no excuse of friendly firing just because there was one alien for good minute ago or so, or that there are several people in front and that there's just one alien(which I didn't even see, I was really close to atmospherics)
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Re: Scrat505

Post by slc97 » 23 Aug 2016, 21:08

Alright, logs are up to date.
Here's the first thing Scrat said after shooting you: [18:37:47]SAY: Mckenzie 'Cotton' Swabey/scrat505 : Fuck.
Here's what you said immediately after that: [18:37:47]SAY: Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov/TechnoKat : FUCKING IDIOT
After you yelled at Scrat, he said this: [18:38:03]SAY: Mckenzie 'Cotton' Swabey/scrat505 : Cry to your mother russia.

But you did not Ahelp after that. Instead, you went to LOOC.
[18:38:12]OOC: (LOCAL) Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov/TechnoKat : that was so intentional
[18:38:16]OOC: (LOCAL) Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov/TechnoKat : fucking cunt though.
This next one comes after you attacking Scrat a few times (Which is in this case okay because of the FF incident)
[18:39:58]OOC: (LOCAL) Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov/TechnoKat : scrat is a fucking retard. (I'll remind you that it is against the rules to disrespect staff)
[18:40:08]OOC: (LOCAL) Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov/TechnoKat : FF's at me intentionally then starts remarking about "go back to russia&#34
[18:40:15]OOC: (LOCAL) Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov/TechnoKat : fucking cunt.

Now you finally go to Ahelp.
[18:40:42]ADMIN: HELP: TechnoKat/(Victor 'Orbital' Kaipov): Scrat, or Swabey, FF'ed at me intentionally with a shotgun then switched to rifle, then remarks about me going back to "Soviet Russia". - heard by 2 non-AFK admins

From the looks of it, there were only two non-AFK admins. Now Scrat definitely should not have handled his own Ahelp, but on the other hand the other mod might have been AFK but not marked as AFK. Either way, Scrat has already been reprimanded for answering his own Ahelp. Also the other admin I see online at the time was Hikato who is not a moderator, but a coder.

Since you already posted the PMs, I won't go into those.

Essentially, what I see here is that McKenzie shoots Victor. McKenzie makes an exclamatory remark that really makes it sound like an accident (I doubt they would say fuck if they didn't mean to shoot you). Victor yells at McKenzie and calls her a fucking retard. McKenzie decides fuck this and leaves Victor behind.
Now, you get mad and jump into OOC and start talking about an IC incident. Then you call Scrat a fucking retard and a cunt twice in OOC, then you decide to Ahelp it after all of that and Scrat picks it up. Scrat should not have picked it up, but he did, and he's been reprimanded for that already.

So what we have here, is Scrat accidentally shooting you.
And then we have you going IC in OOC and disrespecting staff.

Feweh, this is all you man.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by Feweh » 23 Aug 2016, 21:13

Didnt we just have a talk about you toning things down?

This looks like clear cut accidental FF.

Further more, Rule 1 would apply to you as well as your comments in LOOC is ridiculous.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by TeknoKot » 23 Aug 2016, 21:20

Feweh wrote:Didnt we just have a talk about you toning things down?

This looks like clear cut accidental FF.

Further more, Rule 1 would apply to you as well as your comments in LOOC is ridiculous.
The person took me off the round for a long time, and when there was nobody around to even shoot at, Scrat fired anyways and the hit landed on me, immediately switched to rifle after I said "fucking idiot" ICly, because Scrat didn't bother to help me at all, despite being close. Of course you're going to be mad over LOOC, since it was clearly intentional to me.

I've toned my things down, but when things like these occur, and that the person just brushes them off with their staff powers? Really?
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Re: Scrat505

Post by Feweh » 23 Aug 2016, 21:22

I dont think you understand, this attitude isnt tolerated from you anymore.

You cant be swearing and yelling at players in LOOC.
This is the exact shit I talked to you about and told you to tone the fuck down. You're always angry at someone or something every round and it needs to stop.

How have you toned anything down? 1 day back after a 10 day ban and you've made a staff report/complaint while youre screaming in LOOC calling him a cunt.

This is unnaceptable.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by TeknoKot » 23 Aug 2016, 21:29

Feweh wrote:I dont think you understand, this attitude isnt tolerated from you anymore.

You cant be swearing and yelling at players in LOOC.
This is the exact shit I talked to you about and told you to tone the fuck down. You're always angry at someone or something every round and it needs to stop.

How have you toned anything down? 1 day back after a 10 day ban and you've made a staff report/complaint while youre screaming in LOOC calling him a cunt.

This is unnaceptable.
How do you think it's acceptable to just use your staff powers and brush things off? Yes I understand it's bad to use profanity over LOOC, I also stated that I used it, but when stuff like this occur? I was FF'ed repeatedly by standard marines and I haven't got any beef with them over LOOC, just couple "marines are dumb" in IC, but when this occured, it really pissed me off, would happen to you to be honest if you were a standard player. A staff member, FF's at me whilst there's two more marines close by, I call him an idiot ICly for not even helping me get up, he quickly changes weapons and remarks about "Go cry to Russia" or whatever, then handles his own ahelp. I do apologize for calling Scrat a "cunt", but honestly?
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Re: Scrat505

Post by Rahlzel » 23 Aug 2016, 21:33

TeknoKot wrote:How do you think it's acceptable to just use your staff powers and brush things off?
You keep mentioning the use of "staff powers". What powers were used, exactly?

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Re: Scrat505

Post by TeknoKot » 23 Aug 2016, 21:34

Rahlzel wrote: You keep mentioning the use of "staff powers". What powers were used, exactly?
Scrat quickly brushed my ahelp off when I wanted it to be resolved, continuing the round and playing.
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Re: Scrat505

Post by Feweh » 23 Aug 2016, 21:37

TeknoKot wrote: How do you think it's acceptable to just use your staff powers and brush things off? Yes I understand it's bad to use profanity over LOOC, I also stated that I used it, but when stuff like this occur? I was FF'ed repeatedly by standard marines and I haven't got any beef with them over LOOC, just couple "marines are dumb" in IC, but when this occured, it really pissed me off, would happen to you to be honest if you were a standard player. A staff member, FF's at me whilst there's two more marines close by, I call him an idiot ICly for not even helping me get up, he quickly changes weapons and remarks about "Go cry to Russia" or whatever, then handles his own ahelp. I do apologize for calling Scrat a "cunt", but honestly?

You we're shot once.
He said FUCK instantly.
You then screamed in LOOC
I wouldnt of helped you either after that.

I spoke to him and told him not to answer his own AHELPS. Considering any other staff would of simply asked him if it was intentional, his response or another staffs response would of been the same.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by Rahlzel » 23 Aug 2016, 21:38

TeknoKot wrote:Scrat quickly brushed my ahelp off when I wanted it to be resolved, continuing the round and playing.
So you're saying that Scrat used his staff powers to click a "No Response" button when you continued to gripe about an IC issue and call him a cunt?

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Re: Scrat505

Post by Scrat505 » 23 Aug 2016, 21:40

Rahlzel wrote: So you're saying that Scrat used his staff powers to click a "No Response" button when you continued to gripe about an IC issue and call him a cunt?
I used my staff powers to click Respond and tell him it was unintentional, then invited him to make a proper report if he felt as if I was being untruthful.

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Re: Scrat505

Post by TeknoKot » 23 Aug 2016, 21:46

Rahlzel wrote: So you're saying that Scrat used his staff powers to click a "No Response" button when you continued to gripe about an IC issue and call him a cunt?
When there were many staff on? Yes, he responded to his own ahelp. And the "cunt" issue? There's been some time between the FF and that, and without helping at all, making petty remarks ICly, that's what got me calling Scrat out, it was huge bullshit to me and really got me pissed off.
Scrat wrote: I used my staff powers to click Respond and tell him it was unintentional, then invited him to make a proper report if he felt as if I was being untruthful.
It was an ahelp, if it wasn't for you continuing with the argument that it was unintentional and letting another person handle it, I wouldn't of made the report.

edit:: the ahelp response was REALLY quick, I highly doubt about the "No response" thing.
Last edited by TeknoKot on 23 Aug 2016, 21:50, edited 1 time in total.
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