Improper esclation involving 2 players

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Improper esclation involving 2 players

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 08 Sep 2016, 13:07

Your Byond Key:TheSpoonyCroy

Your Character Name:Barry Flynn

Accused Byond Key(if known):N/A

Character Name: Bob Gorbo & Darius Wood

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):11:40 Am cent 9/8/2016

What rule(s) were broken:Marine Rule #1 Lethal Force

Description of the incident: Note I had very little involvement with this whole situation but this was something I observed near the end of the round while there were no admins/mods online to report this to. From what I can gather Bob Gorbo the medic decided to steal the CL's (Darius Wood) chair, Wood really didn't take this well so he threaten to shoot Gorbo if he continue he would aim at Gorbo with a pistol. I'm unsure on who shot first but one of them did and Wood ends up as the survivor while Gorbo died, I was the doctor for that round, I was in the morgue when I heard shots so I fixed up Woods and cloned Gorbo. I requested an MP to Medical to cuff both of them, so the crime can properly be investigated instead of only taking Wood's side of the story. That is about it from my side, there was more arguing on radio but I couldn't find it

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
Image From my limited point of view this is all I got, note I did some cutting to remove some irrelevant details to the picture How you would punish the accused: Honestly unsure since really I just want this investigated, since I'm very unsure on all the actual details since I was an outside observer to this all

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Re: Improper esclation involving 2 players

Post by Jdobbin49 » 08 Sep 2016, 13:39

I'll investigate this once I'm available

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Re: Improper esclation involving 2 players

Post by Jdobbin49 » 08 Sep 2016, 14:47

Ok so I looked into this and also conversed with west on staff chat about the final decision so I'm going to give the CL Darius Wood a warning but no bans or job bans shall be issued. The logs turned up no real out of place improper escalation I mean the only thing that was breaking the rule a bit was shooting someone with AP for stealing a chair but he did give him 3 warnings before firing the gun which is why no ban is being issued.

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Re: Improper esclation involving 2 players

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 08 Sep 2016, 15:22

ok just reporting this since like said no mods were online, wasn't too sure how far the rabbit hole went, I did find it strange for someone shooting another person just for a chair, however thanks for investigating this!

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Improper esclation involving 2 players

Post by Feweh » 10 Sep 2016, 23:56

