MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

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MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Darlingg » 08 Sep 2016, 16:35

Your Byond Key: Darlingg

Your Character Name: Winona Helms

Accused Byond Key(if known): Jroinc1

Character Name: Angelo Pearsall

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Round took place between ~12:00 PM - 3:00 PM CST September 8 2016

What rule(s) were broken:
Rule 1 "Don't be a Dick."
Rule 6 "No griefing"
Marine + Job Specific Rule 9 under Chief Engineer/Maintenance Tech
"Do NOT make modifications to the Sulaco without consulting the Chief Engineer first."

Description of the incident:
The round started normally enough with civilian staff starting up the SM, preparing chemicals, etc. At one point, MT Angelo Pearsall was being chased by one MP and ended up in the Medbay, apparently being arrested for "just setting up the SM". He claimed the CE was incompetent and that for some reason the CE wanted him arrested for setting up the supermatter. Unfortunately I did not get logs of this and I wasn't really paying attention so when they both left I figured the issue was settled. I do not know whether or not Pearsall was actually brigged.

Later on, however, Pearsall began to almost nonstop complain about the CE's actions and their perceived incompetence over the radio. Not only this, but he bragged constantly that he was a tcomms expert and threatened to do with communications as he pleased, even distorting or outright deactivating certain channels to prove it. This included squad specific channels until he was reprimanded as it resulted in marines dying planetside. (You can see in the screenshots that marines were being brought in critically injured or dead while he spent his time messing with tcomms.)

At one point an alien had burst on the station and Pearsall's method of alerting the rest of the personnel on-board was to brag about how there was an alien right outside tcomms but he was safe because he was behind three blast doors. Despite full knowledge of both the xenomorph use of vents and the fact that only he and the CE were able to safely use tools, he only welded vents in Tcomms and refused to do so anywhere else, again bragging later on that he had his area secured and the rest of the station was "ours".

For the remainder of the round he had altered engineering, medical, requisition, and Sulaco communications, until when the aliens boarded the Sulaco and he distorted all frequencies before dying.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
Note: Unless stated otherwise all screenshots were edited to only include relevant logs.
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How you would punish the accused: Job ban from CE/MT. Being "IC PISSED" and the round almost being over is no reason for Pearsall to go ahead and disrupt communications, especially when aliens are boarding the station. There's no way to describe this other than plain ol' griefing, especially since I doubt he would have done this had any admins been online.
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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Whistle » 08 Sep 2016, 16:43

Please hold while investigated.

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Feweh » 08 Sep 2016, 17:00

From the sounds of this... this is more of a IC issue than anything.

Reading what you wrote... he didn't kill or destroy anything important?
Even the whole alien being outside T-Coms and welding the door/vent closed would be a normal thing people would do.

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Casany » 08 Sep 2016, 17:10

From what I read he distorted comms, causing deaths on the marines sides, and fucked comms when aliens were boarding because the round was almost over and he was mad. Seems a bit griefy
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Whistle » 08 Sep 2016, 17:14

After diving in it seems that the CE was being a needless dick, accused the MT of sabotage, attempted arrest despite not being an MP and just generally being a shit to Jroinc.

Biggest rule break is don't be a dick.
Modifications is more akin to building an additional area attached to the ship not altering the channels on comms,
This does not count for grief.

If anyone were interested this is was their discourse.
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At the end of the day the CE was being a shit for no reason as far as I can tell and will be spoken to.

Staff were aware of the actions of Jroinc1 and I will leave it to their judgement within the round.
Ahelp sent.

[13:00:29]ADMIN: HELP: Jroinc1/(Angelo Pearsall): Psst. Playing snidely-whiplash villain in the tcomms room after an incompetent CE. Not breaking anything. - heard by 1 non-AFK admins.

[13:00:54]ADMIN: WestHybrid/(Darius Ico) jumped to Jroinc1/(Angelo Pearsall)

While I did not see any official reply, silence will be taken as acceptance until further notice.

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Darlingg » 08 Sep 2016, 19:57

As stated in the OP I was not aware of the CE'S behavior having been working in medbay, and I now see that working under one who may not have known what he was doing (and certainly was not fluent in English) could have been frustrating.

However, shouldn't we also consider that Jroinc was intentionally messing with the CE as well? By the looks of your retrieved logs he was deliberate disobeying orders and threatening the CE.

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Whistle » 08 Sep 2016, 21:01

The player was asked not to do their job as an MT.

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Jroinc1 » 08 Sep 2016, 21:37

OOH! This was ME! Let's go through this.
Roundstart, I set up the SM. The CE comes in and asks me in EXTREMELY broken english to not touch atmos. I think "Welp, it's another baldie, I'll just set atmos real quick." I go in and set atmos, and he gets confrontational. I get confrontational back, he disarms me, I leave. Head downstairs, break into the firing range for the handgun, same as every round, and he flashes and cuffs me. Fair enough, I can see where he's coming from, as he might have thought I was going to kill him.
He drags me to sec, and we have a little LOOC chat on the way. No admins or staff on, btw. We get there, continue talking, wait for like 5 min while LOOC talking.

He responds slowly in broken english. I mention I'm being held by him over comms, and he says I sabotaged the SM over comms in broken english while trying to remove my headset. A BO eventually lets me go, and he keeps chasing me. I am having NOTHING to do with this, and dodge him constantly. A marine takes me captive, I explain, and he releases me. OOC I'm annoyed now by the CE. IC, I'm FREAKING PISSED, I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS GODDAM SHIP, so time for the low-grade villainy.

I break into tcomms from space (Didn't breach, used inflatable walls and regular walls), break the lights, and dismantle 3 of the 4 processors while shifting their loads to the 4th. This has no effect on comms besides making it use less power, AND making it look really broken without actually breaking anything.

At this point, the villainy comes in. I announce my presence as TCOMMS LORD, or something like that, disable the engineering channel, then challenge our "oh so competent" CE to fix it over common. No response. I stay there, chatting with docs in a villanous way, scramble medical comms for... 15 seconds just to show that I can, and disable RO comms... accidentally.

There IS no RO server in the room (which I knew, but it shouldn't have mattered), what I did shouldn't have disabled RO comms, and I'd have fixed it IC if I could. RO's the one comms I don't understand, but I THINK the bridge server is the RO one, so OOC I could fix it, but IC, I can't. That's the one thing I'm upset about that round. So, I stay there for the rest of the round, till a hunter comes in through the vent. It can't get me, and I announce it to the crew, and weld off my little area. Nothing really happens till aliens board, and a boiler starts melting in. I decide to have some fun, and disable the last processor AS they break in, garbling comms for 15 seconds before they kill me and slash the APC. LITTLE iffy, but I don't feel bad about that one.

SO. I ghost. First thing I see is a MASSIVE breach in the firing range. Well, shit. I was gonna make atmos bombs for PLANETSIDE. I guess the CE made some...

Could an admin post the ghostchatlogs between me and Kennard Matthews? In summary, he tried to deny knowledge of the bomb, when I proved that it WAS him, he admitted it, said he THOUGHT it wouldn't breach, thought it was OK to breach if he was about to die, and demonstrated a lack of knowledge about the rules (Good bomb, though). He seemed to be apologetic after I explained it, and I'm not pissed at him OOC, but... the ONLY pressurized room on the lower deck was the AI core. EVERYTHING else was vented due to his bomb.

There weren't really any staff on during this round. I sent an adminhelp with no-one on to store it (does that work?), sent another stating what I was doing when I saw one hop on for a minute, got "No response necessary", and sent one to a pair of mods about the breach, never got acknowledgment of the message.

Summary-I behaved dickishly IC, with an IC reason. I could have done SO much worse with my knowledge, but it wouldn't have been an appropriate response.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17

Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0

Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1

Total kills with SM- 6

Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Darlingg » 09 Sep 2016, 07:58

I guess it wasn't terribly game breaking aside from shitty RP.

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Jroinc1 » 09 Sep 2016, 10:56

Yeah. That's usually why I leave tcomms alone unless (nonexistent) antag, as no matter HOW much you try to RP, you're still messing with quite a few people. This round was a special case for me, and while I don't feel as if I crossed the line, I'll keep trying to stay away from tcomms in the future, because too few other people know it, and a minor sabotage will never get fixed.
Heh, I remember once a few months ago as CE, getting IC drunk, and NURBLING the MP frequency and engineering, and alternating between calling out my position and what I was doing drunkenly, and NURBLING common intermittently. The MP's FINALLY showed up to arrest me, with the cap and 2 MT's. At this point I had to leave OOC, so I quickly asked them in LOOC if they needed me to walk them through the repair, and when they said they had no clue, walked them through fixing it, asked to be perma'd, and apologized for the lack of RP.

So yeah. I'll occasionally do something like this, but I will ALWAYS make sure it's fixable (and tell you how in LOOC if asked) and it's the price you pay for having someone who can also route around explosion damage from a grenade/SM GOD FORBID, dismantle unneeded machines for spare parts, and drag those suckers planetside to set up a new relay OR entirely new network if it was REAL bad, AND regularly coaches people who can't do this in LOOC (just ask Kirchner, I showed him how to rebuild groundside comms. He did good).
psst always willing to teach tcomms IC, already taught 2 people
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17

Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0

Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1

Total kills with SM- 6

Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Feweh » 09 Sep 2016, 11:43

I'm ok with all of this and consider it RP.
Nothing round ruining or really grief related was done.

If anything the CE needs a warning for stupidity, but then again it created an ok RP situation.

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Darlingg » 09 Sep 2016, 15:00

Alright, given the new information feel free to consider my accusations against JPR retracted. Glad this helped start admin action against a shitty CE.

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Whistle » 10 Sep 2016, 09:23

Feweh wrote:I'm ok with all of this and consider it RP.
Nothing round ruining or really grief related was done.

If anything the CE needs a warning for stupidity, but then again it created an ok RP situation.
Ce was spoken to and job banned for lying to staff and being a shitter.

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Jroinc1 » 10 Sep 2016, 14:29

Whistle wrote: Ce was spoken to and job banned for lying to staff and being a shitter.
Not exactly relevant to my case here, but yeah. That's kinda how I expected it'd go down as he lied to me in dchat about the source of the breach, then changed his tune after I showed him I KNEW what he was doing, but kept omitting details till I corrected him, thought breaching was OK... yeah.

Anything else for me, any questions, clarifications, screams of rage into dead comms, or requests to fix comms after some jarhead tosses a grenade in?
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17

Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0

Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1

Total kills with SM- 6

Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u

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Re: MT "Being a Dick", Griefing TComms

Post by Whistle » 10 Sep 2016, 21:20

Teach me Tcomms some time, carry on. Thanks.
