Tom 'houston' Sagaz-Rule 1

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Tom 'houston' Sagaz-Rule 1

Post by RadiantFlash » 11 Sep 2016, 17:58

Your Byond Key:RadiantFlash

Your Character Name: Axel Strife

Accused Byond Key(if known):Unknown

Character Name: Tom 'houston' Sagaz

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Multiple incidents, can't quite gauge the time frames, unfortantely.

What rule(s) were broken: Don't be a Dick. - "Dickish" and "Asshole" behavior will not be tolerated. If you're pissing someone off, you're probably going to get spoken to.

Description of the incident: As the RO, they have complete authority over attachments and supplies that come out of requistions. It's written in the rules that only the CO and XO can over-ride them.
Recently, As Tom was RO, he has been requiring paperwork, and giving out a single attachment. Not /that/ much of a problem, though perhaps significant slowing down marine deployment.
I'm not contesting their actions, I'm contesting WHY they did it. It wasn't for an enhanced roleplay expierance, or even like they put that much work into the paperwork for the marine to do.
Their intent was to be a dick, plain and simple, by messing with marines and stalling out the round.

He has stated multiple times in ooc after/before rounds, that he is doing it simply because he can. Not at all for roleplay. It's extremely shitty behavior, and can really screw with the marine's side.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):I didn't have the foresight to save any logs unfortantely, but he has said it multiple times over ooc the past two to three days, it can't be too hard to find in the logs.

How you would punish the accused:I just want him talked to about it. He can continue to give out one attachment and paperwork for all I care, but the reason for doing it should be for roleplay, not intentionally pissing people off.
Last edited by RadiantFlash on 11 Sep 2016, 18:27, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tom 'houston' Sagaz-Rule 1

Post by Renomaki » 11 Sep 2016, 18:14

I myself was present for the round, and while weapon mods are a privilege, not a right, you still have to consider that forcing marines to waste their time because you can is really inconsiderate of others.
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Re: Tom 'houston' Sagaz-Rule 1

Post by IAMMagikarp » 11 Sep 2016, 23:08

I was an MP most of the times he's been a RO and I have to say he single handily caused so much death and destruction due to marines going ape shit over his distribution. The first time it happened I would consider it not really his fault but he kept doing it round after round, it seems like he wants there to be riots because he just kept doing it knowing the marines would go riot about it.

I think a job ban or a talking to would be nice
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Re: Tom 'houston' Sagaz-Rule 1

Post by EMT_321 » 12 Sep 2016, 00:41

He stated in the post round he did it purposefully to anger the playerbase. In my mind, that turns this from an RP decision into a griefing decision, as he actively intended to impede a high-pop round players experience.

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Re: Tom 'houston' Sagaz-Rule 1

Post by Boymilk » 12 Sep 2016, 02:17

I was playing MP this round and felt really bad I went lethal on some guys because of this bullshit

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Re: Tom 'houston' Sagaz-Rule 1

Post by freemysoul » 12 Sep 2016, 12:14

Asking for paperwork is NOT being a dick, and I've seen many a time this has caused issues with Marines SHOOTING the RO.

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Re: Tom 'houston' Sagaz-Rule 1

Post by Feweh » 12 Sep 2016, 12:29

Nothing wrong with asking for paper-work.

