In some states this could be called entrapment. In some states.

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In some states this could be called entrapment. In some states.

Post by Ragolution » 08 Oct 2016, 02:53

Your Byond Key: Ragolution

Your Character Name:
Praetor (numbers I don't remember)

Their Byond key: Toroic & Whomever was playing Queen-Mother for the Xenos at the time.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): Sat, Oct 8th, 2016 ~2:30am EST

Description of the incident:

Was accused of 'griefing my team' despite my intention to open Engineering for an advance rather than throttle everyone through the chokes of MainLadder/Research as Engineering was, assumedly, very open. If the marines had enough time, how much do you doubt that they would set up a pressure trap like that in every location they could? This isn't the really place for conjecture, I suppose so the extended explanation:

Popped overpressurized area marines decided to make in Engineering, effectively permanently choking off the location with absolutely no way to get through it other than going through space (Thus, creating an atmospherics issue, which I chose not to do.) Was able to pop it without setting it aflame, prox/igniter flying out of the plasma/phoron dense area without sparking it. The pop causes an atmos rush and ends up pushing a bunch of Xenos around. I've been lead to assume the Marines capitalized on this and killed them. At the time, I was under the impression that airlocks would have stopped mass pressurization, but was apparently wrong. Still not completely aware of full extent of damage, but I am not contesting the ban, nor its duration, simply the Moderator's conduct and am left to wonder just quite what 'rule' I was breaking, and how I am the main offender seeing as I was not the one who decided to set up the 'bomb' set between two layers of inflatable walls. I'm left awonder as to how long it took the marines to set up that pressure balloon, but I'm sure this isn't the place for that, either.

Beyond that, during the exchange what I can only assume was another Mod/Staff/whatever taking the role of "Queen-Mother" was meanwhile goading us into attacking the barrier, through the course of 2-3 seperate messages to the entire xeno hive so this feels like a crooked bit of entrapment, though one can only assume that Toroic and whomever was playing the Queen-Mother are two different people.

In the case that my complaint is dismissed, I've reviewed the rules enough times and would simply like someone other than toroic to give me their interpretation of the rules, as I fail to see quite what warranted a ban, considering nothing that was in my 'ban reason' falls under any of the rules. I didn't breach any walls into space, which is explicitly against the rules, I didn't powergame, I didn't meta-game, and I don't particularly agree with this interpretation being 'griefing' as if I had wanted to 'grief', I wouldn't have been screaming at the Xenos NOT to do it since the shuttle had arrived at the Sulaco. I tried to break down the impassable trap in the least impactful way I could, and was banned for such.

Next time I play Colon Marines, I'll keep in mind that falling into a trap is grounds for a ban.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

► Show Spoiler

How you would punish the accused: Don't care, not my place to decide that kind of thing. Maybe a 'stern talking to' but I don't have pie-sky hopes for this because I know how many people I pissed off. I'm sure they'll forgive me, one day, but the damage is done.

The ban was apparently lifted a short time later, so I'm going to assume this is a case of jumping the gun or something, but I would still very much like if this were looked into. I clearly don't have legs to stand on, but, again, I wasn't contesting the ban for the sake of an appeal/unban. (Yeah, typical right, as soon as the ban's gone he doesn't care. I'm just not trying to hang Toroic out to dry.)
Last edited by Ragolution on 08 Oct 2016, 03:12, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: In some states this could be called entrapment. In some states.

Post by Aracino » 08 Oct 2016, 03:02

You ruined the game for us. I'm against this. The queen, and everyone said no to open it. You opened it and made us lose the game.

Edit: Ordukai was likely the one controlling Mother Queen, telling xenos that "It's the color of our blood" if there should be any report, it's against him for clear bias to the marines, and taking control of literally the biggest xeno to exist to tell us "Just kill yourselves."

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Re: In some states this could be called entrapment. In some states.

Post by Ragolution » 08 Oct 2016, 03:05

Then so be it, in that regard, but I do not have logs of the Queen-Mother sending the message and have nowhere to go from here, metaphorically.

Edit: No use in complaining about something that was undone. My most sincere apologies to everyone who was on the xeno team that round, as I legitimately didn't think the atmos disruption would do that much harm.
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Re: In some states this could be called entrapment. In some states.

Post by Ordukai » 08 Oct 2016, 03:14

Toroic made some good points which I agreed with about the phoron fire trap situation and I'll probably handle it differently in the future.

Oh, and since the whole thing was basically my fault as I implicitly gave you leave to do such with the Queen Mother reports I unbanned you.
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: In some states this could be called entrapment. In some states.

Post by Feweh » 08 Oct 2016, 03:15

