Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

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Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

Post by username123 » 11 Oct 2016, 10:10

Your Byond Key:locoloco3001

Your Character Name:i always play with random names, that round i was playing a Frank Kramer

Accused Byond Key(if known):Boltersam

Character Name: Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 20 minutes ago, more or less.

What rule(s) were broken:
Honor Duels: Predators, may challenge either other predators or prey (mostly humans) they deem worthy to "honor duels". They challenger MUST provide the challenged with an appropriate hand-to-hand weapon. Ranged weapons are FORBIDDEN against each other (you may use a ranged weapon to chase away unruly observers or people who interfere).The duel must be fought as honorable as possible, but is to the death (however, it's recommended that if you knock them down or disarm them, you let them recover if they can before a final blow). Failure to do-so is a GREAT STAIN against your own honor.

Description of the incident:

In the nexus, the pred sees the elite crusher, he chases the cruser into a maze of resin doors, when the predator meets the crusher, he screams, the crusher roars back, and they start the duel, but as soon as the duel start, the crusher steps on an alien mine and the predator slashes 4 times the crusher with the clan sword, when the crusher recovers, he uses the stomp and as soon as the pred is stunned, he uses the cloak to prevent the crusher for harming him, the predator recovers from the stun, decloaks, and they keep fighting again, and then, the predator stuns again the crusher with the clan sword, slashes the crusher 4 times again, not letting the crusher recover, and killing the crusher in the process, ending the round.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

Pred chasing the crusher into the resin door maze:


Pred starting the duel with the crusher, crusher steping on the mine, and then pred slashing the crusher 4 times while the crusher is stunned.


More attack logs of the duel:


Pred stunning the crusher with the clan sword and slashing the crusher 4 times, killing the crusher, ending the round, and hunting the last xeno in the planet:


How you would punish the accused:

Given that the honor code number 7 and no other code of the predator rule set emphasizes that failing to let your opponent recover from a stun is a "GREAT STAIN against your own honor" im assuming that breaking this code is the worst thing you can do as predator, therefore, the punishment should be the removal of this predator from the whitelist (and i will repeat, assuming that breaking the code 7 is the worst thing you can do as predator) but again, im not the executioner, the Elders are.

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Re: Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

Post by Feweh » 11 Oct 2016, 10:14

Hmm, ill look into this

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Re: Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

Post by Boltersam » 11 Oct 2016, 10:15

Aliens can still attack while downed, as I discovered before. And this was a hunt, though it could be considered an honor duel.
(That crusher was also the last alien, though I didn't know it at the time, as the other Aliens had gone up in the shuttle.)

As for cloaking during stuns, that's what most people do when stomped or screeched.

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Re: Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

Post by coroneljones » 11 Oct 2016, 10:18

-This doesnt look like a duel, as the crusher ran and the pred had to chase it.
-Honor duels imply both sides are honorable, xenos have no concept of honor, they are to be hunted.
-Xenos can still slash while downed
-If it was on weeds, the more time it is down on them, the more time it has to heal, putting the pred at a certain disadvantage if it was a duel.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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Re: Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

Post by Boltersam » 11 Oct 2016, 10:21

coroneljones wrote: -If it was on weeds, the more time it is down on them, the more time it has to heal, putting the pred at a certain disadvantage if it was a duel.
It was on weeds, as we were deep within Xeno territory, in a confined space due to doorspam.

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Re: Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

Post by username123 » 11 Oct 2016, 10:48

This is what Chaznoodles has to say over this situation (the crusher that was fighting boltersam):



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Re: Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

Post by Boltersam » 11 Oct 2016, 10:51

username123 wrote:This is what Chaznoodles has to say over this situation (the crusher that was fighting boltersam):


The sword's stun doesn't knock out, it knocks down.

Or at least, that's what I knew until now. And I apologise. But Xenos can attack while knocked DOWN, but while unconscious they can't. And I, and I don't think anybody else, knew the sword stun knocks people out. Especially Xenos, which don't really get knocked out by anything except explosives.

EDIT: In fact, Xenos I've stunned with the sword before have been able to hit me while downed, so I'm not sure.

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Re: Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

Post by Feweh » 11 Oct 2016, 11:09

Aside from the "killing the last alien" there isnt really much of a rule break.

The swords ability is to knock down players and theyre free-game even when down. Looking through logs there really wasnt anything done wrong.

Also, a Alien being caught in a trap is fair game. The whole reason theyre placed is to due exactly as intended.

Chaz himself even said that he decided to engage the Predator, so he went into the fight acknowledging he could die.

Edit: I dont really like the fact that he attacked the crusher after being stunned by the trap either. Ill speak to him, but theres no massive rule-break.

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Re: Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

Post by forwardslashN » 11 Oct 2016, 11:25

I think there is a lot of confusion on what an honor duel is.
Predators, may challenge either other predators or prey (mostly humans) they deem worthy to "honor duels". They challenger MUST provide the challenged with an appropriate hand-to-hand weapon. Ranged weapons are FORBIDDEN against each other (you may use a ranged weapon to chase away unruly observers or people who interfere).
You can't really challenge xenos to an honor duel, because they don't have a concept of honor. You can agree to one LOOC, or if there's some means of communicating, but roaring and then attacking is not an honor duel. Predators do not have to run around challenging everyone to honor duels, but they are required to give prey a fighting chance.
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Re: Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

Post by Toroic » 11 Oct 2016, 20:25

My understanding is that the extinction rule was removed when non-staff were allowed to whitelist, as they aren't able to know if there are xenos left.

Speaking as a xeno main and as someone whitelisted as pred, I don't think this qualifies as an honor duel. Honor duels in general are a bit iffy for xenos, because the queen (if alive) can 100% order the xeno to lie and trick the pred. Given that the xeno ran and the predator chased it looks more like a hunt leading to a desperate last stand.

I don't believe that what was done breaks any rules, though it is poor sportsmanship from an OOC perspective.

As an aside, you can still hit cloaked preds by alt clicking the tile and targeting them that way.
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Re: Dhi'rauta Bhu'ja breaking the predator honor code

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 12 Oct 2016, 08:30

Not to fond of the cloaking during a 1 on 1. But aside from that, there's really not a violation here.

The purpose of the sword is to knock down prey. So complaining about using it for its intended purpose is a very moot point.

The dishonor in attacking a downed prey really comes from stuff outside of immediate combat. If a marine collapses from blood loss, for example, that would be dishonorable to slash them.
