MauroVega, muting me from all chats for "extreme agresiveness towards a player"

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MauroVega, muting me from all chats for "extreme agresiveness towards a player"

Post by username123 » 11 Oct 2016, 10:44

Your Byond Key:locoloco3001

Your Character Name: always random names

Their Byond key:MauroVega

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 40 minutes ago, more or less.

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken:

Protocol #5 and probably protocol #2

Description of the incident: i was reporting this: , mauro labels my report, while i was doing it on the ahelp as "No response necessary", the round ends, i tell the pred over ooc that "the predator can't attack anything that is stunned", bolter responds with "that rule was removed, Rev, and I wasn't intentionally exterminating them" (he was talking to rev, but i was thinking at the moment that he was talking to me) so i respond with a "that rule was NOT REMOVED" and "stop trying to damage control", then i get muted over ooc, i ask over ahelp why was i muted, mauro responds with "extreme agresiveness towards a player" i ask him "Agresiveness? is saying "stop trying to damage control" agresiveness?", then he mutes me over all chats, and im here reporting this because i can't even talk over ic right now.

I was thinking at first that it was an accident, that he wanted to mute another person, but when he told me why was i being muted, and he responded with "extreme agresiveness towards a player" i knew that he meant to mute me over ooc because i said "stop trying to damage control", he tried to remove the mute. but for obvious reason, i was not able to tell him if i was able to speak again over ooc, ahelps and ic.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

Complete OOC logs and ahelps in order:

How you would punish the accused:

First, i just want to be able to speak again in all chats, as for punishment, i don't know if muting someone over ooc for saying what i said is "ok" but for me, it looked like he was trying to protect boltersam from what i had to say by censoring me, and if he did that for those reasons, then it's up to the staff to punish him, not up to me.

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Re: MauroVega, muting me from all chats for "extreme agresiveness towards a player"

Post by Boltersam » 11 Oct 2016, 10:49

*cough* (I was part of this and, well, I'm not a witness since I didn't see you talking about this particular rule, but hey.)

It's not very aggressive in terms of what people say, especially on CM where salt is ripe. People have said worse to me, and to others, and not been muted for it.
I'd be biased if I said I don't think he deserves extreme punishment for something like this, but that's my opinion.

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Re: MauroVega, muting me from all chats for "extreme agresiveness towards a player"

Post by Feweh » 11 Oct 2016, 11:03

Staff have a right to mute you and dont really need to justify their reasons. If you have your ahelp marked "No response neccessary" you have your answer there.

Sending further ahelps demanding a response or questioning staff will result in a mute. Being muted isnt even a warning or a ban, its till the end of the round at most.

This is most likely resolved,
As Mauro wasnt insulting or unprofessional in anyway possible here. Furthermore, he was within his grounds to mute you. If you have complaints (like the predator issue) bring it to the forums as I generally handle then and not mods ingame.

Ill flag TR just for his opinion as well.

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Re: MauroVega, muting me from all chats for "extreme agresiveness towards a player"

Post by username123 » 11 Oct 2016, 11:13

I only sent mauro one (1) ahelp about the predator issue, he labeled the ahelp as "no response neccessary" and i stopped ahelping about the predator situation, but muting me for for using the ooc chat to talk about the previous round and about the honor code of the predators, how is that "extreme agresiveness towards a player"

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Re: MauroVega, muting me from all chats for "extreme agresiveness towards a player"

Post by username123 » 11 Oct 2016, 11:30

Feweh wrote:Staff have a right to mute you and dont really need to justify their reasons. If you have your ahelp marked "No response neccessary" you have your answer there.

Sending further ahelps demanding a response or questioning staff will result in a mute. Being muted isnt even a warning or a ban, its till the end of the round at most.

This is Resolved
As Mauro wasnt insulting or unprofessional in anyway possible here. Furthermore, he was within his grounds to mute you. If you have complaints (like the predator issue) bring it to the forums as I generally handle then and not mods ingame.
Also, im reporting him for the Protocol #2 and #5, not the staff code of conduct #2 and #5:

Staff protocol #2:

"2. Investigate the situation
a. Contact anyone involved and get their side of the story. Also, check logs. It may not be immediately visible WHO caused the situation, and you may need to talk to several people to figure it out. Try to do this as quickly and efficiently. "

You said that the staff have the right to mute anyone they want and they don't have to justify their reasons, but the staff protocol #2 says that the staff infact has to contact the people involved (me) to get their side of their story.

He didn't contact me about why i was being muted i had to contact him, he muted me out of nowhere and he didn't get my side of the story

Staff protocol #5:

"5. Determine the punishment.
a. Determine the bare minimum punishment. There's no reason to jump straight to a ban, especially if the incident didn't cause a major disruption to the game. Try to use warnings, and if you do need to ban don't be excessive. Most bans should not be above 12 hours.
b. If a player’s general ban time exceeds 24 hours (they’re constantly being banned for more than 24 hours) then a permanent ban request may be filed if needed. If a player’s general ban time exceeds more than three days, then it is recommended that a permanent ban request is filed.
c. If you feel someone needs to receive a permanent ban, give them a ban for 10,080 minutes (7 days) and make a post in the Permaban Request section of the admin forums explaining the situation and why you believe a permaban should be enforced. This should ONLY be done for repeat offenders, or players griefing the server (those bald pajama marines that shoot up the place). "

This is what i don't understand, he punished me by muting me over ooc for "extreme agresiveness towards a player", first of all, i was not being aggresive, bolter (the player that i was talking about over ooc) was not being insulted by what i said and he said in this thread that it didn't look aggresive to him.

This is all i said over OOC:

"OOC: Locoloco3001: the predator can't attack anything that is stunned" (i said this just when the round finished, not in the ooc chat of the new round)
"OOC: Locoloco3001: that rule was NOT REMOVED" (When bolter said to Rev, not me, that the rule was removed)
"OOC: Locoloco3001: stop trying to damage control"

I don't understand how this is being aggresive and why i was muted over ooc for this, and then muted over all chats, i can't even talk over ic now (i can't play the game).

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Re: MauroVega, muting me from all chats for "extreme agresiveness towards a player"

Post by Feweh » 11 Oct 2016, 11:41

Neither protocol 2 or 5 were broken in this situation. Having arguments and causing problems in OOC or LOOC is grounds to be muted.

Being marked No Response Necessary means he was was aware of the issue and was handling it.

I wouldnt of worded it extremely aggressive, are you clearly werent being "aggressive". It was probably more poor wording on his part.

I would of muted you as well honestly, as you sent a ahelp and it was marked. You then went to OOC to complain/argue about it with said player.

I notified TR to this as Id rather you get two opinions. I personally dont see anything wrong, as a mute a VERY minor punishment.

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Re: MauroVega, muting me from all chats for "extreme agresiveness towards a player"

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 11 Oct 2016, 12:05

For starters, aliens don't have honor as far ad I'm concerned. So from what I can see your complaining about a rule as it is worded. Instead of how it's intended. So when the ahelp was marked you then said more over ooc. So from what I see he was in every right to mute you. As it is temp. Now he may not have ment to mute your ic. Which I'll ask him.

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Re: MauroVega, muting me from all chats for "extreme agresiveness towards a player"

Post by MauroVega » 11 Oct 2016, 15:35

I intended only to mute you on OOC until next round start,(i did not close the player panel,i left it open)
When i tried to un mute you the text of OOC was still blue,so i clicked toggle all thinking that was gonna un mute you,i was asking you if it worked but you ignored me,im sorry for the inconvenient
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Re: MauroVega, muting me from all chats for "extreme agresiveness towards a player"

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 13 Oct 2016, 16:32

This is being marked as resolved as it was a issue of confusion with UI as the mute buttens dont refreash when used making it look as though nothing is happening even when it is. My Apologies.
