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Post by Coldflame » 13 Oct 2016, 22:15

Your Byond Key: coldflame85

Your Character Name: Vincent Adams

Their Byond key: Snypehunter

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 9pm 14/10

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: '
Preserve the RP and enjoyment of the server' '3. Determine the seriousness of the issue'

Description of the incident:
I was playing as a specialist and the round was proceeding pretty much as normal- I become wounded during a battle (of key importance here is that i was stable and was in no immediate risk of death)- another player, a medic, provided basic care however I would require an extraction due to internal injuries. my specialist weapon had been dropped during the previous battle and was right next to me- I asked the medic twice to place it on my back, to which he replied 'you don't need it right now' and 'you're in no fighting condition'. he dragged me back to the Sulaco and I received medical treatment. The marines had seriously lost territory over the course of said treatment and the specialist weapon was now completely irretrievable- I was now effectively incapable of actually continuing to play the round as my selected role due to either incompetence or deliberate malice on the part of said medic. Once I had recovered, I berated the medic and punched him twice.

I'm not here to discuss if the action was valid on my part, but the way it was handled was, for lack of a better word, poor. Snypehunter made it clear in his PMs and investigation into the case that he had not checked the logs, and was gathering his information by means of questioning (at several points even asking me, the 'suspect' to provide him with names and information regarding the incident which would be freely available in the logs). Following the long and drawn out investigation, I was banned for 'griefing'.

Regardless of if the RP escalation in the situation was valid, punching someone twice as a result of them significantly impacting your round is a far cry from what is entailed by the word 'griefer'- I had explained several times my motivation for taking action, and being branded a griefer for roleplaying has left an extremely sour taste in my mouth. I also feel that a ban for this particular situation is excessive, however that is not the focal point of this complaint.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): server logs

How you would punish the accused: serious reconsideration on the part of snypehunter as to how RP escalation situations should be dealt with and the connotations of the word 'griefer'

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Re: snypehunter

Post by Feweh » 13 Oct 2016, 22:23


As per recent news this is actually going to stick, as you did technically grief, it wasn't a matter of a "few" punches.
You went out of your way to cause harm and conflict to a player that helped you.

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Re: snypehunter

Post by slc97 » 13 Oct 2016, 22:25

Alrighty here, I applied the ban for Snypehunter. Here is the situation as it happened. You got injured and a medic came in and saved your life. In saving your life, he left your gun on planet. That's a pretty minor loss compared to your life.
Furthermore, the logs are usually an hour behind. Was Snype supposed to wait an hour for the logs to update before dealing with this issue?
You could have grabbed an M4, you were not incapable of continuing the round.
Also, you say "I berated the medic and punched him twice", you pulled the wounded medic out of medbay, dragged him into a maintenance shaft, threw him, and then started punching him.
So here is what I summarized from what Snype informed me of. Someone saved your life, and you decided to beat him for it. How this is roleplay, I will never know. Finally, by dragging the wounded out of medbay and throwing him in a maintenance shaft, it is heavily implied that you are hoping to take him out of the round without killing him which is essentially griefing. Also, griefing is any type of action that intends to cause grief to another player or the server which is what you did by causing grief to the medic.

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Re: snypehunter

Post by Coldflame » 13 Oct 2016, 22:38

I'll repeat my life was not actually in danger- I was just barely crit and in a safe location. The medic made the active decision to abandon the weapon (commenting on it twice IC before dragging me away) which removed my ability to actually play the role I'd chosen. He certainly did not 'save my life'.

As far as the actual methods I used in the 'attack'- I honestly wasn't aware the medic was wounded-they certainly weren't incapable of walking (if they were injured,that's entirely my bad, to be frank), and dragged them into a maintenence tunnel as to avoid witnesses.

This complaint isn't about the validity of the action,or it'd be an appeal- I dispute the usage of the word 'griefer' for dealing a grand total of six brute damage to someone (probably less) and the questionable link between the severity of the incident and the severity of the punishment.

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Re: snypehunter

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 16 Oct 2016, 13:14

Just a quick FYI. You have no idea how much brute damages punches do. so trying to say it was only 6 brute damage is a bit far fetched. What you did is considered grief and is as such. You invalidate your complaint by your last post here. Griefing doesnt just mean going around and killing everyone you see. AS that typically earns a perma request. cause that means you have no other intention for our server but to grief. But luckly in this case thats not the case, instead you were punished for minor grief.

Yes it sucks you lost your gun. By throwing a player into an area that they do not have access to is removing them from a round for an unknown duration, that duration relying on someone hearing his calls for help and finding him and letting him out of that area. So, the term used is correct and will remain. Snypehunter did his job perfectly as far as i can tell and will not be punished.
