Tidal7 banbaiting and lying to admins

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Tidal7 banbaiting and lying to admins

Post by rev_benji » 03 Nov 2016, 06:39

Your Byond Key:rev_benji

Your Character Name:Benjamin Forrester

Accused Byond Key(if known):Tidal7

Character Name: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Somewhere around 4AM central time, the early morning of 11/3

What rule(s) were broken:
1- dont be a dick
3- respect the staff
14-play your assigned role.

Description of the incident:
I was MP, Sars was an engineer.
So power was never set up. Another MP asked Sars to get power cells and unlock the APCs in medical etc. They refused, for reasons that are unclear to me. Later in the round, there were reports of an alien bursting and getting loose. Shortly after, comms flickered off and on. I asked Sars to come hack the door to comms, twice, as there were no other competent engineers or MTs on station. They didn't so I arrested them. When I tazed them, they said "LOOC: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton: your gonna get job banned again"
I got bwoinked, and took them to the brig, for 5 minutes, the minimum punishment.

Mentor PM from LiquidRecluse: He says he doesn't KNOW how to do it and that he didn't see you talk.

at this point I noticed Sars had sechud glasses, and the brig doors were bolted open, and a vendor was hacked. I explained this, and added to his time accordingly.

Moderator PM from Infant Punter: Right. Here's the thing, this is a shitshow of mass proportions. Release him now, and we're kicking it under the rug.
PM to Infant Punter: Hes currently arrested for hacking into sec and hacking a vendor to take sechuds. He lied to you about not knowing how to hack.
Moderator PM from Infant Punter: I heard it all. Just listen to what I said. Release him.
Moderator PM from Infant Punter: And we're over with this.
PM to Infant Punter: Why?
PM to Infant Punter: I havent done anything wrong and he is lawfu
Moderator PM from Infant Punter: Because I'm rather done with your two conflicting stories. I could give you both horrible punishments for what I've seen.
PM to Infant Punter: lawfully brigged.
Moderator PM from Infant Punter: Release him, final warning.
PM to Infant Punter: okay but if he hacks in here again I'm not being lenient
I release him at this point.
PM to Infant Punter: Man this guy is a classic ban baiter
PM to Infant Punter: I regret letting him go
Moderator PM from Infant Punter: I'm just trying to wrap this up with a bow, because I don't have another two hours to spend gathering the story of you two here on a blame game.
PM to Infant Punter: I know.
PM to Infant Punter: he is in the wrong though. He hacked into here to take sechuds and claims he doesn't know how to hack...
Moderator PM from Infant Punter: He also claims he got the huds from the planet, but, his prints are on the vendor when I view it. I get it, but I really can't treat this like the watergate scandal, it's nothing big
Moderator PM from Infant Punter: I appreciate you doing as I ask. Now, I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep, and regret my life choices.

I understand why he didn't want to continue dealing with this shit, but I do.

There was more to it but thats the jist of it.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
full (long) logs:http://pastebin.com/TSP5CJDP

How you would punish the accused:
I dunno, maybe a week ban. But I'm biased. Maybe nothing. I wanted to bring this to the attention of higher ups at least.

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Re: Tidal7 banbaiting and lying to admins

Post by freemysoul » 03 Nov 2016, 11:32

Investigating expect results within the next day or so.

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Re: Tidal7 banbaiting and lying to admins

Post by rev_benji » 04 Nov 2016, 08:00

Another incident today, again I was MP Sars was engi. They shot a spec (jon 'houndslayer'). As Sars explained later:

CPL Sars 'Kitty' Clayton says, "I brought supplies, and as I landed this one marine started pushing me and throwing my suppleis around"
CPL Sars 'Kitty' Clayton says, "So I shot him"

Spec told me they saw sars running all over the place with a supply crate and tried to get them the leave it at the FOB. Anyway.
They also shot an SL, claimed the SL stabbed them. SL said he didn't even have a knife.
I went to the surface to arrest them under command orders. They shot me in the process and ran off.

CPL Sars 'Kitty' Clayton [Sulaco (Eng)] says, "Fuck off ben you've about to be perma banned from MP"

I later arrested them.
LOOC: Sars 'Kitty' Clayton: ghosted mate
then they logged off, hoping I'd leave them. Of course I didn't because I'm not an idiot.

I brigged them for the minimum 60 minutes for 3 counts of assault with a deadly weapon. Of course they were adminhelping as soon as we got to the sulaco.

After investigation it came down to this

GameAdmin PM from Freemysoul: Ok, so I've checked the logs, This is how it's going to happen. You release Sars, Then I want both YOU and SARS to stay WELL away from eachother, Unless there is reason? I'm sick and tired of these accusations, So I'm going to stop it by imposing a sort of Restrainting order. This going for you and Sars.

I released them and they went on their merry way. Ended the same way with the admin getting fed up and just ending the lawful brigging and going to bed. which again I understand. But come on.

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Re: Tidal7 banbaiting and lying to admins

Post by freemysoul » 10 Nov 2016, 10:01

Given you recently received a 10 ban for Bug Exploitation. I'm NOT going to suggest a ban for Sars as your just as bad as Sars, Mostly in the sense you're both just looking for reasons to get each other banned.

My personal suggestion: Keep going with keeping these two apart. I've seen for myself, Once you two are away from each other you're fine.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Tidal7 banbaiting and lying to admins

Post by Feweh » 16 Nov 2016, 17:28

