I am Fridge

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Byond: Daftspy

I am Fridge

Post by Daftspy » 17 Nov 2016, 18:11

Your Byond Key: Daftspy

Your Character Name: Fridge Vanderhuge

Their Byond key: forwardslashn

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 5:40 PM EST

Which Admin Protocols (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5647) were broken: I guess Abuse of Power and Article 3, Subsection 3 A.

Description of the incident: I admin help asking if the rules for squad medics have been changed since this guy had shrapnel in his chest and needed help (I'm still not sure if I can remove Shrapnel). And as I'm talking to a mentor Forwardslashn chimes in and asks me "Have I talked to you about your name yet?" I kindly say "I'm not going to change my name, I've had the same name for 2 years and If he bans me, I wouldnt rightly care not playing" And that's true, I dont mind the ban, I have plenty of other things to do.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): http://pastebin.com/NhCPZUuE

How you would punish the accused: I wouldnt really, I was being a snarky cunt. I expressed that I dont have an issue with being banned for being a cunt but my issues lies with the fact that the name Fridge Vanderhuge has been used by me for 2 years and it's now suddenly a problem because this random guy took offense to the name Fridge which, while not the most conventional name, stands to reason that I've seen my fair share of rp. I literally come from a wow roleplaying server and I play on Polaris quite a bit. The name is FAR from the most OOC and unacceptable names Ive seen. If I'm going to be continuously banned over the name, tell me now so I don't have to go through getting into an argument with a developer again.

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Re: I am Fridge

Post by Casany » 17 Nov 2016, 18:12

You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.

6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, noone has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Just because he didn't get caught doesn't change the fact. He still needs to change the name, ignorance of the rules is no excuse. Note added if he fights it more or doesn't change the name.
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Re: I am Fridge

Post by Daftspy » 17 Nov 2016, 18:25

What do you mean "Didn't get caught." I've spoken to admins loads over the past two years, just because one developer too offense to the very idea that a person could be named Fridge it's suddenly an issue? I never said I've never seen the rule, I've seen the rule and I'm not breaking the rule. It's not a name from pop culture, a famous person or an established character. Citing a name because you don't like it doesn't mean it's breaking your rule.

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Re: I am Fridge

Post by forwardslashN » 17 Nov 2016, 18:40

I took offense that you didn't even listen to me before telling me that you wouldn't change your name. Before I even asked you to change the name, you already told me that you weren't going to change it. Your name is just as lore breaking as Beef Hardmeat, Blast Hardcheese, Big Mclargehuge, and so on.
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Re: I am Fridge

Post by Feweh » 17 Nov 2016, 18:43

If a staff-member finds your name inappropriate then you'll be asked to change it, this isn't negotiable.
Fridge Vanderhuge isn't the best or worst name I've heard. However someone probably reported it and it was then looked at.

Your attitude is what landed you into a ban.

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Re: I am Fridge

Post by Daftspy » 17 Nov 2016, 23:52

Feweh wrote:If a staff-member finds your name inappropriate then you'll be asked to change it, this isn't negotiable.
Fridge Vanderhuge isn't the best or worst name I've heard. However someone probably reported it and it was then looked at.

Your attitude is what landed you into a ban.
I already said I dont care about the ban, and I honestly dont. A permaban is fine by me for having the name Fridge Vanderhuge and refusing to change it.

On the point of it being reported, was it reported or did you just find it offensive. Because I really dont see how a name that has no standing in lore here nor is it from any other mythos could be lorebreaking in yours. MST has Bolt Vanderhuge and Fridge Hardmeat but again, this isn't one of the names from MST, this is a last name and an outlandish first name. If we're saying you cant have a single reference to any other mythos then why is Osala Wookie a name? His last name is literally Wookie.

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Re: I am Fridge

Post by Feweh » 18 Nov 2016, 00:54

Report resolved, as N didnt break any staff protocols.
Disputing your name is another issue, feel free to make a ban appeal.
