George White

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George White

Post by danmax67 » 24 Nov 2016, 09:02

Your Byond Key:danmax67

Your Character Name:Dan'Rotten'Williams

Accused Byond Key(if known):Unknown

Character Name:George White

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):8:02

What rule(s) were broken:Rule 6,No Griefing.

Description of the incident:He peppersprayed me,stunbatoned me,locked down the bridge,buckled me to a chair,took my command radio,shot me in the ear twice,and then shot himself.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): , ,

How you would punish the accused: A ban for a long while.

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Byond: Rain7x

Re: George White

Post by Rain7x » 25 Nov 2016, 16:57

The player in question was a survivor. He ahelped this I believe to make sure it was okay. Survivors are allowed to antag on the sulaco if they are taken against their will. I believe freemysoul was the one who gave him the go on this

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Byond: freemysoul

Re: George White

Post by freemysoul » 25 Nov 2016, 17:44

Indeed this was dealt with ingame, The survivor in question was killed on the planet and was then proceeded to be clone, The player ahelped early about killing command, However I quickly denied this action as I believe it would of wrecked the round for some many people, However I did say they could do anything as long as it wasn't blatantly damaging to the round. However after he commited suicide and kidnapped you, he did ahelp and wanted me (On his behalf) to apologise to you if it had effected you, Though at the time I was in the middle of fight.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: George White

Post by Feweh » 01 Dec 2016, 10:46

