Tank Traps

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Byond: TopHatPenguin

Tank Traps

Post by TopHatPenguin » 27 Nov 2016, 16:05

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Have engineers be able to create Tank Traps from metal or potentially concrete *New material maybe* but most likely metal.
When created these Tank Traps will block a Crushers momentum charge and will need to be slashed or melted.
They can be shot over/Spat over.
"It is passable (acts like sticky resin to anyone that tries to walk over it)." - Jroinc's good idea

Images for visual representation.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Tank Traps for stopping Drifting Crushers.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Pretty much covered in the summary.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Coding and a few new sprites.
Last edited by TopHatPenguin on 27 Nov 2016, 18:01, edited 4 times in total.
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Byond: ExpoStealth

Re: Tank Traps

Post by TheUnicornOfJustice » 27 Nov 2016, 16:06

Yes, right now theres not really any way to stop crushers, so it would be a good thing to have, also, when are they gonna fucking add sandbags!


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Byond: Mook476

Re: Tank Traps

Post by Mook476 » 27 Nov 2016, 16:35

+1 The Unicorn of Justice said it and I also think it'll be a nice neat addition
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Byond: Jroinc1

Re: Tank Traps

Post by Jroinc1 » 27 Nov 2016, 17:21

Hmm. +1 with the following changes.
It blocks a crusher's momentum, but is passable (acts like sticky resin to anyone that tries to walk over it).
I can see it slowing ayys, but not stopping them.
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Re: Tank Traps

Post by Derpislav » 27 Nov 2016, 22:49

+1 if still passable. Perhaps you'd have to climb them like a table if marine? I don't really see how they would slow down T1-T2 xenos, though. Carrier is T3 in my head. Slow the fuck out of the carriers.
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Byond: TopHatPenguin

Re: Tank Traps

Post by TopHatPenguin » 20 Jan 2017, 22:10


More engineer constructions, who could say no?

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Re: Tank Traps

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 14 Apr 2017, 12:24


I love me a stunned crusher.

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Re: Tank Traps

Post by Reuben Owen » 14 Apr 2017, 12:54

can the crusher still walk over them?
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Re: Tank Traps

Post by TopHatPenguin » 14 Apr 2017, 12:56

Reuben Owen wrote:can the crusher still walk over them?
It's passable and acts effectively like sticky resin for T3's and blocks a momentum charge from a crusher.

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Byond: NoahKirchner

Re: Tank Traps

Post by NoahKirchner » 07 May 2017, 16:53

+1 so snype doesnt kill it
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Byond: NeroCavalier

Re: Tank Traps

Post by nerocavalier » 08 May 2017, 11:43

-1 because Noah supports it.

+1 because Engies could use some more love.
Troublesome, as usual.

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Byond: Kiroking

Re: Tank Traps

Post by Kiroking » 21 May 2017, 20:23

+1 because lets stop the crusher charging from the other side of the map.
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Byond: Jroinc1

Re: Tank Traps

Post by Jroinc1 » 21 May 2017, 20:27

SOMETHING is desperately needed to stop the 6 crusher meme.
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Byond: TheDonkified

Re: Tank Traps

Post by TheDonkified » 21 May 2017, 21:40

+1 please. This is seriously needed now considering how powerful crushers are, especially with the constant cycle of ramming into the marines and then ramming out to safety.
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Tank Traps

Post by Feweh » 21 May 2017, 21:45

Are you guys crazy?
Do you know how long and difficult it is to set up a fucking tank trap.

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Re: Tank Traps

Post by outordinary » 21 May 2017, 21:51

You serious? As if plasteel barricades weren't enough, you want fucking concrete tank traps? -1 all the way home.

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Re: Tank Traps

Post by Karmac » 21 May 2017, 21:55

I'll +1 it if it stops runners too.
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Re: Tank Traps

Post by TheUnicornOfJustice » 21 May 2017, 21:58

outordinary wrote:You serious? As if plasteel barricades weren't enough, you want fucking concrete tank traps? -1 all the way home.
They would use metal and would be like tables but you put infront of the main defenses, plasteel is too scarce, these would be much better to make a lot of.

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Re: Tank Traps

Post by MrJJJ » 22 May 2017, 02:00

Feweh wrote:Are you guys crazy?
Do you know how long and difficult it is to set up a fucking tank trap.
From the pictures posted, those are Czeech hedgehogs and Dragon's Teeth.

Dragon's teeth is preety hard.
Czeech hedgehog?
Not so much

Really it just depends what tank trap we doing here that can stop what i assume is a tank that has nearly the same speed as modern tanks nowdays.

(Also weren't you a fireman? when did you guys used tank traps?)

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Tank Traps

Post by Feweh » 22 May 2017, 13:10

MrJJJ wrote:
(Also weren't you a fireman? when did you guys used tank traps?)

Last week to brace a flood waĺl

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Byond: Rustarus

Re: Tank Traps

Post by Rustarus » 22 May 2017, 15:03

I gotta +1 this. Though, I think it might be somewhat... hard to make it visually into CM, it could be pretty cool. Lets be honest Feweh, do you REALLY think a fucking bandage and a syringe can heal a gaping wound in minutes? Not everything has to be very realistic
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Byond: driecg36

Re: Tank Traps

Post by driecg36 » 22 May 2017, 16:07

+1, would help the crusher meta

Also feweh, I dont know many people who can build a wall or a metal table in seconds with no tools, i dont think realism is a concern here.
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Byond: Symbiosis

Re: Tank Traps

Post by Symbiosis » 22 May 2017, 16:12

Call it Pikes, then.

Spear wall! Make it buildable from WOOD and destroyed in one slash. Impacting roots the target for 2-3 seconds and causes damage.
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Byond: Nick123q23

Re: Tank Traps

Post by Nick123q23 » 22 May 2017, 23:53

Czech Hedgehogs literally only take two pieces of metal and a welder to make.

It's not impossible to make them in the field. Crushers need somekind of countermeasure badly lately, +1
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Byond: Krab_Spider

Re: Tank Traps

Post by Crab_Spider » 23 May 2017, 07:16

Rustarus wrote:I gotta +1 this. Though, I think it might be somewhat... hard to make it visually into CM, it could be pretty cool. Lets be honest Feweh, do you REALLY think a fucking bandage and a syringe can heal a gaping wound in minutes? Not everything has to be very realistic
It doesn't, but the bandages are actually 2 feet long.
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