L6 SAW nerf/balance

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L6 SAW nerf/balance

Post by Arom » 08 Feb 2015, 01:26

Suggestion Title: L6 SAW nerf/balance

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Make L6 less powerfull by making it two handed.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): This will stop marines from dual welding it making game little more balanced.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Just make it two handed like other guns like m41a or shotgun.

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RE: L6 SAW nerf/balance

Post by MrJJJ » 08 Feb 2015, 01:55

L6 is useless as heck already due to its slow fire rate for some reason, making it less powerfull by making it two handed will not do any good, dual welding these things do no good too, you cant really die from a guy who has l6 unless you blindly keep running straight

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RE: L6 SAW nerf/balance

Post by Abydos » 08 Feb 2015, 02:07

Pretty much what MrJJJ said, it's completely worthless and useless.

- Has a really low firing rate, lower then the shotgun's pumping (Depending on how quick people click pump shotgun) and M4A1 / SMG.
- Duel wielding does nothing
- To reload, you have to have a hand free (Making duel wielding even more worthless), click on the gun, pick up an ammo, click it on the gun and then click on the gun to close it (Otherwise you can't shoot).
- You can't put L6 Ammo in your belt. Meaning you are forced to wear a bag and fill it full of ammo, which could hold other things (Such as engineering tools, or grenades and such)

The only good thing about the L6 is it's ammo cap, 50 rounds. But that's pointless with the low firing rate as you'll get off around 3-4 shots before an alien gets in range of you, or runs away. And as far as I know, it's weak as hell.
Last edited by Abydos on 08 Feb 2015, 02:12, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: L6 SAW nerf/balance

Post by LordLoko » 08 Feb 2015, 08:16

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RE: L6 SAW nerf/balance

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 08 Feb 2015, 12:44

I never really liked the SAW. We'd be better of getting it replaced with a Smartgun or removing it entirely.

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RE: L6 SAW nerf/balance

Post by xomega000x » 10 Feb 2015, 01:24

Or at least If It gets buffed.

A.K.A Shoots faster.
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RE: L6 SAW nerf/balance

Post by Sailor Dave » 10 Feb 2015, 02:18

I agree, the SAW is useless. You'd be better off using an SMG, even. The damage isn't significant enough for the very low fire rate.

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RE: L6 SAW nerf/balance

Post by Nalsur » 10 Feb 2015, 03:00

I'd "turn" SAW into that Half Sniper Rifle with Thermal vision from AvP 2010.

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RE: L6 SAW nerf/balance

Post by apophis775 » 14 Feb 2015, 15:00


Saw is pretty much completly useless as it is, and is not making the conversion to new-bay.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
