HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

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HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by SecretStamos (Joshuu) » 12 Feb 2015, 19:18

Suggestion Title: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): A overhaul of the armament and gear of the HIT (Heavy Infantry Team) to better fit the Aliens universe. Instead of being Hardsuit-clad energy-gun carrying super-soldiers, they could resemble a special-forces branch of the Colonial Marines. Instead of being armed with laser guns, they could be given advanced/customized M41A Pulse Rifles(with special ammo?) and reinforced marine armor.
Think of the A-team if they were enlisted in the Colonial Marines.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): The current HiT doesn't really fit too well with the theme of the server. They look like time-travelers from the far future. I've had a couple of my friends complain that they look out of place. I tend to agree.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
They could still be referred to as the HiT, or they could have their name changed. I'm thinking of something along the lines of Colonial Marines Special Reconnaissance (CMSR) or Colonial Marine Shock Troops (CMST).

They could be armed with M41As loaded with special ammunition that deals toxic or burn damage. Alternatively, they could be armed with advanced M41As (perhaps a experimental model?) that deals increased damage.They could also be given some additional special equipment to compensate for their loss of energy swords and shields. (grenades, machetes, poisoned combat knives, C4?)
Their armor could be a variant that makes them resemble marines, but sets them apart.

Maybe give them a couple of enhancements to represent their superior fighting capabilities? Maybe some minor stun and damage resistances?


Not really a refined idea by any measure, so feel free to propose alternatives.
Last edited by SecretStamos (Joshuu) on 12 Feb 2015, 19:20, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by Rahlzel » 12 Feb 2015, 19:23

I tend to agree, though I don't think they should be a unit belonging to the Marines.

I feel like it makes more sense to have the HIT be a team sent from the Weyland group/The Company. This further solidifies the idea that calling the HIT means (as a Commander) that you have failed your mission. In so doing, this would allow for a more dynamic objective range for the HIT other than just "kill all aliens". For example, it would provide admins with the choice of having the team eliminate ALL life - humans and aliens - or just usurp an inept Commander. In this way, calling the HIT would become a risk. Commanders would think, "If I ask for help, are they going to kill the aliens, or all of us?"

If the HIT is built around being a Special Ops Marine team, it would be out-of-place for them to do anything other than "kill all aliens", such as killing other Marines.

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by MrJJJ » 12 Feb 2015, 22:48

THE HIT is indeed out of place,
-the armor and helmets are very strong and look like for time travelers or something, a galaxy army?
-the energy gun they hold is op as hell, 1 shot from it (laser) is enough to get or kill a runner, heck, 1 hit on his own can kill all aliens
-a modified gun for them should be better, i don't agree much on burn/toxin damage but i can see it work, but just please not a energy gun…
-the armor and helmets need to be pretty much sprited correctly, can we also still have they HP still same? otherwise they will be useless if they have marine like helmet, 1 leap, and no helmet.
-please don't make them 100% melee resistance, xenos will have to remove they armor then, and the only one who can do is the ones who can actually tackle the HIT and not die since well…

Its hard to see that someone one of the marines could be actually a russian traitor no?

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by coroneljones » 13 Feb 2015, 04:21

You could always welcome our new angry infanfry overlords
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by tristan1333 » 13 Feb 2015, 05:07

If the bullets were to transfer some sort of chemical, that would be cool and probably easier to code.

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by TopHatPenguin » 13 Feb 2015, 05:18

I like this idea as it means playing a alien you won't get fucked by laser guns that recharge themselves instead maybe a different kind of bullet like tristan said :)
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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by xomega000x » 13 Feb 2015, 12:13

+1 this.

The Idea of some special ops Marines could be better, but what about making them not look... "Customized".

As In they would have to follow orders from CentComm without a doubt, something like an implant or whatever, that way we can still have them murder something else rather than the Aliens.

Or rather when sending the Spec Ops Mahreenz, they would still have personalities and such, and could disobey an order of let's say killing other Marines.

But when you DO want to kill everything, just send the Weyland PMCs.

Just a thought of mine, sorry If I didn't phrase it correctly.
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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by RoswellRay » 13 Feb 2015, 12:17

Well they will definately need some kind of hardsuit armour. Otherwise aliens will just breach the ship,not to mention these are exactly the same players who play the marines so without some advanced protections against huggers and attack they will just die like marines.

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by apophis775 » 14 Feb 2015, 15:07

I'll add this to the list of things to do.

But, they will retain fancy-lasers. HIT, is meant as a round-ender, not reinforcements.

Maybe though, a Re-inforcement thing would be a good idea...
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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by Nalsur » 16 Feb 2015, 10:37

+1 HIT feel out of place. And what Apo said. No using HIT as reinforcements.

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by mdom » 18 Feb 2015, 13:09

I vote for the reinforcements, it would be interesting to see humans sending another transport with a human squad that arrives at the Sulaco after it has been rampaged. I feel like it would match up well with the Aliens acting like an endless Pandora's box.

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by LordLoko » 18 Feb 2015, 13:31

Some time ago I've imagined a system to replace the HiT, but i was too lazy to make the suggestion. I'm going to adapt to the suugetsion made before.

It has two groups: the Colonial Marines Special Reconnaissance (CMSR) and the Colonial Marine Shock Troops (CMST).
The CMSR is the "reinforcement", shit is all fucked? Call the CMSR so they can help the marines, maybe use an alternative armor to relect the "Reconnaissance" characteristic.
The CMST need the inclusion of the smartgun, it would be called if the CMSR suffered heavily casualities.
They would be the new HiT counterparent, they would use the Smartgun(http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/Smartgun) as a main weapons and the armor would be the Apesuit(http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/Apesuit , it's canon that the USCM use the armor on the game AvP: Extintion) or the http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/M4X_Armor(Used on AvP: Extintion too).
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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by Sellka » 18 Feb 2015, 14:41

+1 some game reinforcements Instead of people continusouy waking up from sleepers. Could send it in waves too. That would be a new twist.

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by razerwing » 18 Feb 2015, 14:50

I can already hear the wailing of the aliens bouncing off the edges of the chat boxes.
"Oh, that's not fair!"
"Marines are OP!!!"
"Nerf the HiT plox!"

+1 from me. Though I think we could do something other than the Reconaissance. Sending a recon team would indicate that CentComm is assessing the situation, not actually sending back-up.... Maybe send in the CMST, and if THAT fails, send in the MI (Mobile Infantry)?
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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by Dabbster » 21 Feb 2015, 05:53

Just re-sprite and rename all their gear.

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 23 Feb 2015, 02:48

while i personally like HIT plenty as they are i can understand why the rest of you would prefer replacing them, HIT as they are now are very much like something from classic SS13 as opposed to something that fits very well with the lore of the CM universe itself, while i personally enjoy the lasers i can also understand why you guys would want to maintain the laser free atmosphere of the original aliens films (with the exception of the predators, who all had shoulder mounted energy weapons)

a few things however.

first, it doesn't make any IC lore sense for our reinforcements to have been sent by the company because quite frankly, if they were called in then weyland yutani soldiers WOULD be reinforcements, FOR THE ALIENS! weyland yutani have made it clear in their every appearance that they prize and value the aliens above all else for use in their bioweapons program, the behavior of HIT thus far is completely contrary to the way weyland yutani soldiers would behave, HIT typically kill facehugged marines immediately whereas company soldiers would want to bring them back as test subjects, perhaps to the point where they would force marines into becoming victims of the facehuggers to bring them back, they would also likely make bringing live aliens back extremely high priority as opposed to the whole, "kill them all" thing, they would never, ever, EVER attempt to murder their prized research subjects to save a shit ton of expendable schmucks they can just replace anyways.

as far as changes for balance reasons, i feel they should still take melee damage but should receive hugger immunity, i kind of want to say that they should be made immune to the ranged acid attacks but frankly if they were then spitters and sentinels and so on would be essentially useless since they dont get any other abilities such as cloak, charge, pounce or crafting stuff and since general consensus seems to be warr's and praetorians are garbage aliens would be good and screwed.

you could always give the HIT's guns that have special armor piercing rounds (same as regular with double damage) if you wanna keep it simple, explosive or incendiaries would be more fun, practical and flashy but depending on how it was handled that could get weird and frankly, i've been HIT more then a few times myself and there are never enough lasers to go around anyways, at most there are one or two lasers and we average 4-6 HIT's every time they get called, most of what makes them great is the rest of their kit, the NVG's, the C4 and the body armor, if you weren't one of the lucky few who got to the lasers first you are looking at vanilla kit for the most part.

if you REALLY want to keep the marine theme and give them special weapons without lasers, why not give them some flamethrowers that dont suck? half the issues i see marines bring up is the fact that aliens hide behind corners and shit, give us some flamers good enough to really burn out a room or area and make HIT armor resistant or immune to fire damage so they can go to town, im sure we can find a way to balance it (maybe you go through the gas bullshit fast or you have those big backpack mounted tanks so you cant carry anything else basically) but that would kill multiple birds with one stone, it will probably be ages before we get some proper frag or HE grenades to use against the aliens (and given how often some retard standard flashes his own guys with the grenade launchers NOW we can expect to see friendly fire incidents increase by triple or more when it finally happens, so thank god we dont have it just yet) so flamers are a great all-round choice.

just my thoughts
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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by apophis775 » 09 Mar 2015, 16:15

Anyone else got input?

Were looking at adjusting the HIT up anyway, so suggestions are welcome.
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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by outordinary » 11 Mar 2015, 20:29

So far there have been some very good suggestions already. HiT as they are now are too OP and are used as a crutch for marines failing in a round. At this point, if marines play the round stupid and get dunked, they simply turtle in the sulaco and call HiT as a no strings attached instant marine major victory. I feel having them set up with some limitations is fine. Some good limits are they can only be called in when aliens invade and when called in, they are foe to everyone they encounter.

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by Davidchan » 13 Mar 2015, 00:02

If I had one wish for HiT, it would be this.

Advanced Energy Guns (and every other laser rifle/carbine) Be a two handed weapon. As an alien, you have no good options for attacking Riot Shield/Egun hits, especially with the recent buffs to their armor (which a queen can hack away on a HiT's head or legs repeatedly after a screech/disarm and the bastard still won't be in crit.)

Aside from the Lasers, HiT feels fair, for the most part. Maybe give them black tactical webbing (the 5 slot, can hold grenades/ammo/tiny weapons like a knife or 45.) They should be armed to the teeth with the best guns, but if the only strategy that works for killing HiT is to Queen screech and spit acid on all the Eguns before they can be picked up, that tells you where the imbalance is. I'd be just fine with hit getting E-pistols however, the ones that get 5-6 shots before needing a recharge. Using those with a shield wouldn't be so bad.

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 13 Mar 2015, 04:51

what if the current HiT E-Guns were turned into two handed rifles (same stats otherwise) and the rest of HiT had the weaker, handgun options? personally i always dislike how as HiT only two of us get to have the epic weapons and the rest of us are stuck with vanilla weapons, i'd be plenty happy to have a choice between a superior damage rifle at the risk of reduced protection, or epic prot with weaker damage and more frequent regens.

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RE: HIT Alternative (Colonial Marines Special Forces)

Post by apophis775 » 04 Apr 2015, 22:50

In progress, closed.
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