Don't get me wrong, custom events can be great for some servers, but I have NEVER had a decent custom event experience here. I would recommend you guys either take a crash-course in running a custom event, take some tips, or just don't do them. This round was TERRIBLE.
edit: And even if the admins have good ideas for events, I just don't think this community is well suited for an on-the-fly custom round.
edit2: Okay, to give reasons instead of just bitching why these rounds tend to be poor
1: No custom event info set, marines join and have no idea what's going on, get RDM'd and leave
2: Not enough admins online to handle the issues
-I saw several naming violations, rules broken, and issues with the event itself which never got addressed
3: Some party gets left out.
-Whether this be the aliens, the marines, or the custom aspect itself, someone is going to get ignored and therefore bored.
4: Everything is always just a mess before the aliens even board the ship.