After all it's doesn't matter which Xenomorph species wins because they still have to take care of the Marines.
Benefits in that game mode are kinda simple more exciting game rounds because both Xenomorph sides still must gather hosts even fight for the right to Claim the host and so the strongest hive will be triumphant over the battlefield.
To get more Balance for the Marines in the game well because they now have to fight two hives somehow so if Marines or the rival hive kill a Queen and the Marines manage to get somehow to get the intact corpse of a Queen and if they somehow can get the corpse to the Sulaco and the "crazy scientist"

Xenomorph King whitelisted or not ? Not sure about that but we could we try whitout whitelist if the Players don't follow rules they could get blacklisted not sure lol...
So now it's up to ya'll feel free to post any ideas or more rules i keept the rules simple.

For more informations i found those two Videos on the Hybrid Network channel on Youtube: (Xeno civil war) (Xeno King)
Thanks for reading and see ya'll on the Battleffield.