Re-buff flamethrowers?

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Re-buff flamethrowers?

Post by masterspots » 08 Feb 2017, 16:52

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): When they were first re-done they were great everyone used them, then they got 're-balanced' and now suck again barely anyone uses them.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): More variety to what marines can do

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Make something fun again

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Reduce the timer between shots it's way to long right now, increase the range the fire goes again(A lot of the time I'll fire and it'll only go 3 tiles?)

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Re: Re-buff flamethrowers?

Post by XenonDragneel » 08 Feb 2017, 16:55

Right flamethower right now is really, REALLY, SHITTY... like 4 tiles... you have to stand on it to suffer.... and also... cooldown on shooting flamethower really?

-1 Flamethower right now but

+1 to buff it
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Re: Re-buff flamethrowers?

Post by Dirty Old Harry » 08 Feb 2017, 16:56

M8, yer patter is shite.

But seriously now, gonna sit on the fence and see what people think of this before i hop off and pick a side to stand on.

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Re: Re-buff flamethrowers?

Post by MrJJJ » 10 Feb 2017, 10:32

Its preety decent, i don't get why the delay was needed but whatever, if you can use it at the right time, ho boy you can catch some poor ass xenos

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Re: Re-buff flamethrowers?

Post by Swagile » 10 Feb 2017, 11:03

The flamethrower, ive noticed, is kinda buggy.

If you hit a xeno, sometimes they have the fire sprite on them but they actually are not on fire (and this continues 5ever until the xeno dies).

On top of this, the flamethrower has the range of a shotgun, but doesn't reliably do the damage of a shotgun because of the above buggyness of the flamethrower. Right now its more of a situational tool used in clearing weeds / sticky resin as well as area denial against Crusher / Carrier than it is in being an actual combat tool.

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Re: Re-buff flamethrowers?

Post by Nightcaper » 11 Feb 2017, 23:53

Neutral, I haven't really used the flamethrower much so I don't know how bad it is. I'd like to take your word for it that it needs a buff, but I don't back a horse I don't know, dig?

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Re: Re-buff flamethrowers?

Post by ZDashe » 12 Feb 2017, 06:21

I believe there's still some bugs that needs to be ironed out, such as the fake fire sprites on Xenos. Also I have to agree with the OP that the flamer's performance is disappointing now.. It doesn't light up the area unlike the old flamer (could be another bug), has mediocre range, very low fuel capacity (not worth it to even use on weeds/resin unlike the old flamer), and most importantly the click delay... You can maybe kill an overextended runner or young Xeno who strayed far off weeds, but it doesn't deter other stronger Xenos.. Low utility on hive assaults too cause area denial is a double edge sword and with the click delay, it takes a long while to deny any area that isn't a 1 tile wide corridor.

I managed to charge directly across 4 fire tiles, ram the marine who used the flamer, then charged back across the fire and survived as a mature crusher even when I was burning.. Granted it put me in low health after I resisted the flames but it wasn't enough to put me in crit. It needs a bit more fine tuning as an area denial tool...

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Re: Re-buff flamethrowers?

Post by Zokkie » 12 Feb 2017, 09:10

+1 on the buff.

I have used the flamethrower before, and after the nerf. I am glad flamethrowers were nerfed because they were pretty powerful, but they got nerfed too much as said earlier.

Current fuel amount and usage is a good nerf in my opinion as previously you could just spam it like crazy without a care. Preventing the flamethrower from going into your suit storage if it is still on would be a good nerf also in my opinion.

As in buffs the range can be increased very slightly maybe (it is four tiles right now I believe), but I don’t really mind. The click delay is what bothers me the most. It is too difficult to use it as an area of denial weapon in something larger than a hallway. You shoot once and the aliens simply walk around it (or over it if they are feeling ballsy) as you are desperately trying to shoot a second time. This delay also prevents using it as a fast and efficient weed exterminator (which is one of its main functions) making a knife not look very subpar in comparison.

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Re: Re-buff flamethrowers?

Post by Kerek » 13 Feb 2017, 23:02

i like them for the most part as of right now. the only thing i dont like is that they dont give off light and that theres a cooldown.

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Re: Re-buff flamethrowers?

Post by forwardslashN » 28 Feb 2017, 19:54

I'll look into flamethrowers at some point; they still have some bugs and issues, and they will be buffed a bit also. Resolved.
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