Add a "Show/Hide Hivemind" button for ghosts

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Add a "Show/Hide Hivemind" button for ghosts

Post by Ordukai » 12 Feb 2017, 02:40

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): The same thing as "Show/Hide Ghost Ears" or "Show/Hide RadioChatter", but for xeno hivemind.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): It will make keeping an eye on the xeno hivemind easier as right now the only options are to be a living alien or to have "Show/Hide Ghost Ears" on, and it's difficult to have to see marines shouting "LIZARDS" and explaining how to set up the SM and a whole host of other nonsense when all you're really trying to do is repress a xeno rebellion by finding out who's shouting "Let's make a xeno democracy" and keeping an eye out to see if more dissenters pop up after you've beaten the first wave back.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Ghosts press the "Show/Hide Hivemind" button, hivemind magically starts appearing in the chat, everyone rejoices except for the rebellious xenos.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): We used to have this IIRC. Undo whatever changes caused the loss?
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.

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Re: Add a "Show/Hide Hivemind" button for ghosts

Post by Snypehunter007 » 12 Feb 2017, 16:11



Do this to help allow mods to repress the xenos.

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Re: Add a "Show/Hide Hivemind" button for ghosts

Post by ZDashe » 12 Feb 2017, 20:13

+1 to repress Xeno rebellion today!

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Re: Add a "Show/Hide Hivemind" button for ghosts

Post by Swagile » 12 Feb 2017, 22:16

I was always wondering why moderators were asking me for logs whenever I ahelped about these types of situations.

+ 1

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Re: Add a "Show/Hide Hivemind" button for ghosts

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 17 Feb 2017, 01:12

Options are nice, so +1.

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Re: Add a "Show/Hide Hivemind" button for ghosts

Post by Toroic » 17 Feb 2017, 11:54

+1 from me
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Re: Add a "Show/Hide Hivemind" button for ghosts

Post by ShortTemperedLeprechaun » 17 Feb 2017, 12:33

Please? There is no actual downside I can see to this. Scotty Hardy: Resident loud mouth, smart assed Irishman. Image Gahn'tha-cte Bhu'ja: Honorable duelist, beserker charger, jungle hunter.

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Re: Add a "Show/Hide Hivemind" button for ghosts

Post by KingKire » 18 Feb 2017, 20:44

+1, quality of life always is best life.
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But seriously, does uh, anyone know the way out?!

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Re: Add a "Show/Hide Hivemind" button for ghosts

Post by Bmc777 » 27 May 2017, 04:48

Great suggestion, I will get this working as soon as possible. Approved.

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Re: Add a "Show/Hide Hivemind" button for ghosts

Post by Bmc777 » 04 Jun 2017, 19:22

