Weed sac's store plasma/Life

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Weed sac's store plasma/Life

Post by KingKire » 15 Feb 2017, 00:41

Weed sac's now hold a limited amount of plasma/life for weed tiles around them instead of unlimited.


So the thought is, instead of having unlimited plasma generation/ life regen while aliens are on a weed tile with a sac on it, the aliens draw their healing from the weed sac.

aliens regen unlimited life/plasma if they are on a weed tile with an active weed node.

-weed node can hold up to (X)plasma/life.
-nodes generate (X) plasma every second.
-Aliens can drain up to (X) plasma/life every second until it is empty. then they must find a new node or wait.

This means instead of multiple aliens receiving unlimited healing off of one weed node, they have to plant multiple weed nodes. they can also overwhelm the weed node, which means if there are multiple aliens, they will most likely need multiple weed nodes.

This gives more of a reason behind what makes the weed sac's so special to aliens instead of just having the singular purpose of spreading weeds.
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Re: Weed sac's store plasma/Life

Post by elantzb » 15 Feb 2017, 00:58

This would give marines more incentive to clear them out as well. Too often do I see these nodes just chillin alone right outside the FOB. Doesn't feel right.

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Byond: Krab_Spider

Re: Weed sac's store plasma/Life

Post by Crab_Spider » 15 Feb 2017, 07:16

Weed nodes, even when all weeds have been destroyed still heal you. The only reason no one destroys them is because they wouldn't know the node still has the recovery attribute on it. As Drones have become more incompetent (sorry Drone mains) I'm noticing they're complete lack of care when spreading is becoming less strategic (this might just be getting salty or a faulty memory,l) I want xenos to truly think of what they're doing and we can start with weeds.

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Byond: adamkad1

Re: Weed sac's store plasma/Life

Post by adamkad2 » 10 Mar 2017, 19:44

bruh, awesome stuff, +1
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This place would be so much better if marines were replaced with cyborgs, atleast those would follow orders. assuming there was a rule forcing them to do so...

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Re: Weed sac's store plasma/Life

Post by KingKire » 24 Jun 2017, 15:16

bumping because i think this would work great with the plasma resin structure suggestion
Gaze upon me,
for I have wandered deep into the ancient tombs of knowledge to which lie madness and sorrow, cleansing a path for all those who walk behind me...


But seriously, does uh, anyone know the way out?!

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Re: Weed sac's store plasma/Life

Post by Snypehunter007 » 24 Jun 2017, 20:00

Reviewed and discussed with BMC.

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