Xenos can slash other Xenos.

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Dirty Old Harry
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Xenos can slash other Xenos.

Post by Dirty Old Harry » 15 Mar 2017, 20:29

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):

Pretty self explanatory, make xenos able to hit and slash each other.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):

Let the Xenos feel FF as a load of xenos all try to slash down the one human that is frantically bobbing and weaving through a hive. Also gives the Queen the ability to have xenos that disobey her punished in an IC sort of sense.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

So Marines can punch, kick, shoot, stab, maim, burn and generally harm each other so why not the same for xenomorphs? I'm not saying make boiler clouds deadly to both sides but just make slashing affect other xenos like how a Marine would slash a Xeno with a knife. Hunter that disobeyed your order? Have them hunted down and killed by your other, more loyal daughters. Two runners trying to slash the same baldie and in the confusion end up clicking each other by mistake? Well now there's a consequence since you could potentially harm that other Runner. But let's also look at the bad, this could be used by an abusive player that has joined the Xeno side to slash up friendlies and potentially larva or other necessities. FF would occur if a Marine squad all charged a Hunter and got it into a corner and if by some damned miracle they all decide to slash it then they'd have to be careful to avoid hitting each other, how much more so when the scenario sides are flipped?

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
The MAN, The MYTH, The LEGEND, https://youtu.be/1kXU14hkuSI.

That one old man that USED to run around as Engineer building retarded table forts and developing relationships on a questionable level with sentry turrets. Now I run around as someone equally stupid, doing equally stupid shit as a Medic. Oh and Pookie, that's also me.

http://prntscr.com/grdigl I totally succeeded in that btw, it was a badass kick-flip.

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Dapper Stache
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Re: Xenos can slash other Xenos.

Post by Dapper Stache » 15 Mar 2017, 20:31

Please for the love of god. +1ing for the pure hilarity of it. I am so very down.
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Re: Xenos can slash other Xenos.

Post by forwardslashN » 15 Mar 2017, 20:39

No. Aside from the griefing this can and will cause, xenomorphs are a hivemind, and will not attack one-another while a queen is present. Ultradenied.
The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
