"DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

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"DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by XenonDragneel » 18 Mar 2017, 13:06

Summary: Alright.... I am seeing on couple of servers.... there is role block for couple of days for newcomers... that's actually good because they'll learn te game more often rather than going into a higher roles.... I think it's time for CM to change....

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): So that a baldie don't pick a high role like Executice Officer, Bridge Officer, Squad Leader, CMO, CE, RO, PO, MP, and many more... we need to start organizing this game... they need to LEARN how to play CM instead of going into this HIGHER roles...

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

Standards, MT, CT, Doctors, CL, Researcher, and /Survivor/ role... are free "Human" roles...aswell as Xenos... of course... or maybe it needed it on the Queen too? HMMM..

Implementation(Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): TON OF CODING

I have no idea what I am saying throughout all of this but I hope you understand what I am talking about...
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 18 Mar 2017, 13:08

-1, time locks are pointless and easy to get around (ie log on to the server and wait till the time expires) also if you are going to say actual play time, that is equality ridiculous since being a good medic/marine does not = good SL or command unit

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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by XenonDragneel » 18 Mar 2017, 13:11

TheSpoonyCroy wrote:-1, time locks are pointless and easy to get around (ie log on to the server and wait till the time expires) also if you are going to say actual play time, that is equality ridiculous since being a good medic/marine does not = good SL or command unit
They won't do that... I know they'll love this game.... I have seen so many baldie so far and I think they should stick to basic till time expires...
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by Jeser » 18 Mar 2017, 13:12

Small reminder. Before adding CO whitelist, just-made account could join as CO.

XO, BOs, RO, CE, CMO, Docs, Spec and other valuable roles still have ZERO protection from griefers/newbies/idiots.
TheSpoonyCroy wrote:-1, time locks are pointless and easy to get around (ie log on to the server and wait till the time expires) also if you are going to say actual play time, that is equality ridiculous since being a good medic/marine does not = good SL or command unit
Still MUCH better than some newbies wasting half of valuable roles. We are not talking about people, who can get around time lock, those usually, already know at least basics of SS13 in general. We are talking about complete newbies, whose first server ever is CM.

PS Being good marine automatically means you have experience and some image of how exactly things on the ground go. Which means you are already not green SL or command unit.
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by Dapper Stache » 18 Mar 2017, 13:26

I've never liked timelocks, they've always seemed tedious and annoying to anyone who has encountered them. Sure they'll force people to learn to play before playing, but it also gives the impression a shittily made tutorial does. Annoying and obstructive. I'm not sure how other staff or devs will look at this, but I don't approve.
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by Sodah » 18 Mar 2017, 13:34

Honestly, I'm a person who hates this sort of time lock on most servers, since I see it as a way of preemptively punishing people because the staff don't want to do their job and actually bother to click the 'ban' button when some asshole named Adolf Mcshitler joins. (Not that it works, of course.)

THAT BEING SAID, CM is a exceptional case in that it doesn't play like any other server IMO, due to the fact, as a example, as a squad marine you're completely dependent on your SL to get most things done, and getting some rando asshole in that role can ruin your round a lot worse than "Baldie mcbaldie joined as researcher and didn't know what he was doing so he logged off" on other servers.

I'd say this is a good idea if it was restricted to SL/XO/BO/CMO/CE only, mayyyybe RO, the rough equivalents of head roles, and even then you'd want the timer to be short, maybe less than a week at most? Of course you'd still get people who login once, then log back in two weeks later to immediately play XO, so you can't really stop people who're dedicated to ruining stuff, but it WOULD stop "Baldie Mcbaldie joins as CMO and gets in over his head"
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 18 Mar 2017, 13:40

Jeser wrote:-snip-
I would disagree, in many case sure, your example is applicable but I have seen many new players willing to learn. I think I had a friend come on to the server with little to no knowledge of how to play the game and did quite well as a BO since they asked for help from the staff team and the other bridge staff. Do want to say, yeah that was one example but as a staff member I get to see alot more than the average player and I can see many people do ask alot of questions when they need help, sometimes in the wrong format (asking in IC) but it shows some people will ask for help when they need it.

Also "baldies" are just part of the game and they are quite a good thing for the community since new blood is always good, they might initially suck but fact is vets should try to steer them in the right direction instead of bashing them, for several reasons, I won't get into.

Also you don't even have to actively avoid the timelock, some people have lives so, they can just pick up the game and just drop it for a week or two, circumventing the timelock with you still getting "newbie" taking "valuable" slots. Also you can be a standard for months and still have little to no idea on how medical or engineering works and I would assume some of these "newbies" you are talking about can fall under this category

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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by Sodah » 18 Mar 2017, 14:34

TheSpoonyCroy wrote:-snip-
All of this is correct, and why timelocks are a trash idea in a lot of cases, but I'd have to imagine you'd agree that having a newer player join as a CMO or CE or somesuch who has no idea isn't a good idea most of the time, simply because they don't have any experience or awareness of the mechanics and server, and even if they're asking for help they might end up messing something up.

It's not much of a issue in the case of say, a CMO or CE or somesuch since if they're a new player they can just get nudged in the right direction, but with a XO or SL you need some awareness of how the server works and how the game plays, or else they'll make bad calls or not know how to RP, again not through any malice, but just unawareness.

Also, since I feel that was directed at me, wasn't trying to bash new players, was just using bald as a shorthand for super-new players, new people are always a good thing, but you don't always want them joining as a command role off the bat.

(And fuk u I have a life, spending 20 hours a day online doesn't mean I don't!)
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 18 Mar 2017, 14:43

Sodah wrote:-snip-
To a point, I do agree people who should play heads should have experience but a time lock will not solve that issue, due to my previously mentioned points. If anything timelocks are just a waste of time

Also this might sound rude but I have no idea who you are.... So not really directed at you per say but I just see the general sentiment of "fuck the baldies" around the community, so if its directed anywhere it would be towards that crowd.

Didn't say you had no life, I think you are projecting here

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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by McRipfist » 18 Mar 2017, 14:48


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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by Sodah » 18 Mar 2017, 14:49

TheSpoonyCroy wrote:Didn't say you had no life, I think you are projecting here
TheSpoonyCroy wrote:Also you don't even have to actively avoid the timelock, some people have lives so,
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by Jeser » 18 Mar 2017, 15:02

TheSpoonyCroy wrote:To a point, I do agree people who should play heads should have experience but a time lock will not solve that issue, due to my previously mentioned points. If anything timelocks are just a waste of time
Erm, on server where I was an admin, it worked perfectly (and still works). We rarely got newbies in headstaff jobs, of course it won't save from griefer or brazilian, but in this cases, you can call an admin to free valuable slot. It's about automatically decrease amount of situations, when we have SLs or command staff, who can't even use headsets.
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by XenonDragneel » 18 Mar 2017, 16:12

How about that
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 19 Mar 2017, 09:35

I don't really like this for reasons mentioned above, timelocks come across as just shitty, and people who know very well what they are doing or willing to learn the role just get a bad impression and are needlessly restricted.

It encourages elitism which I very much dislike, I feel if someone winds up playing SL or whatever as a shitty person who doesn't know how to play then they get job banned, there you go. -1
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by Crab_Spider » 19 Mar 2017, 11:51

-1 As everyone else said, it's needless, promotes elitism, a waste of time, makes the game seem like a FPS game, and we will be getting more powergamers and incompetent men from this. I agree new players should know what they're getting into, but when something is restricted, it means "hey, maybe I should reach the requirements needed for this and I'll be ready."
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.

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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by XenonDragneel » 19 Mar 2017, 14:17

TheMaskedMan2 wrote:I don't really like this for reasons mentioned above, timelocks come across as just shitty, and people who know very well what they are doing or willing to learn the role just get a bad impression and are needlessly restricted.

It encourages elitism which I very much dislike, I feel if someone winds up playing SL or whatever as a shitty person who doesn't know how to play then they get job banned, there you go. -1
Terrible explaination... and reason... that's why I put MT, Doctors, Standard a time to be played... they need to LEARN how to play the game first and then move on... WHY WOULD YOU LET THEM GET JOBBANNED????

If ya play on the other server you will get it.
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by Jroinc1 » 19 Mar 2017, 15:08

I could see a very limited version of this, that requires the first round played on an account, and only THAT first round, to be played as standard.
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 19 Mar 2017, 16:06

XenonDragneel wrote:Terrible explaination... and reason... that's why I put MT, Doctors, Standard a time to be played... they need to LEARN how to play the game first and then move on... WHY WOULD YOU LET THEM GET JOBBANNED????

If ya play on the other server you will get it.
I don't understand what you are saying here? "Terrible explanation, play on another server to understand me?" What? What does another server have to do with anything?

If someone is playing a role and is doing it terribly repeatedly with no attempt to learn, and are warned, then yes I say they should get job banned, then they can appeal it later to show they know what they are doing and not ruining the round needlessly for others. I still don't agree with timelocks, I don't agree with the reasoning and even if i did timelocks are the worst way to go about it if you ask me. I don't like Elitism.
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by XenonDragneel » 19 Mar 2017, 16:41

TheMaskedMan2 wrote:I don't understand what you are saying here? "Terrible explanation, play on another server to understand me?" What? What does another server have to do with anything?

If someone is playing a role and is doing it terribly repeatedly with no attempt to learn, and are warned, then yes I say they should get job banned, then they can appeal it later to show they know what they are doing and not ruining the round needlessly for others. I still don't agree with timelocks, I don't agree with the reasoning and even if i did timelocks are the worst way to go about it if you ask me. I don't like Elitism.

Play on bay... it will teach you how you will play each roles...
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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by Joe4444 » 19 Mar 2017, 16:51

didn't we have a system in pre alpha where you HAD to observe a round... or am I thinking of another server?

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Re: "DAMMIT BALDIE! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FIRST!"/Roles blocked for couple of days/

Post by forwardslashN » 19 Mar 2017, 17:03

We can't do timelocks right now since we have no SQL support. Denied for now.
The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
