Rule Amendment

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Rule Amendment

Post by Redfield5 » 24 Feb 2015, 16:38

Suggestion Title:Amendment and/or Clarification to the Erotic Roleplay Rule.

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):I understand that I will likely be ostracized by the populace for proposing this, and that this suggestion will be immediately shot down by the administration, not to mention that I will likely face the censor and banishment. Care, I do not. I believe that we should amend the ERP rule and make it less restrictive, while adding in more clarification for offenses.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):Regulated, but legalized recreational and medicinal ERP would provide nourishment to the RP by furthering romantic development between characters, as well as adding drama to the roleplay, just like in the real military. If amendment is not the chosen avenue, then I propose further clarifying the rule.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):Although I was never formally in the military, I did however undergo 2 years of military education and I have numerous friends in the armed forces, many of whom have been deployed overseas. I have heard numerous stories of debauchery, forbidden hanky-panky, resulting drama, and a plethora of other stories all revolving around a common theme - sexual interaction. I'm not advocating for every Marine or Alien to be humping like rabbits, but what I am saying is that maybe we should allow "regulated" ERP between characters, as opposed to simply issuing out permabans for such a victimless crime. Perhaps Marine regulation forbids it, but like every other rule, perhaps it can be broken in a private setting. My observations of military life have shown that sexual activity is an element that is naturally present in military life. At any point when you corral a bunch of people together and put them into national servitude, especially when you have a contingent of Marines aboard a space-faring vessel. Pin them up, give them little leave, and expect them to create that element of sexual activity aboard the Sulaco. Why permaban two or more decent roleplayers for expressing the existence of this element?

I know that some of you will read this and remark "THINK OF THE CHILDREN;" well, what about them? I understand that there are a lot of adolescents present, however I would ask you to take a look at society nowadays. ERP on an isometric online game that maybe 300 people tops play is not perverting their minds any more than the media that discusses lewd sexual encounters between celebs, or the porn that they can instantly view from their cell phones. The game itself contains "extreme" depictions of gore, violence, and profanity, and are we to say that such elements are less damaging than consensual ERP?

ERP can be regulated, however. For obvious reasons, non-consensual sexual encounters should remain banned. Both - or however many - parties must agree to the encounter, and it would be best held in a "private" setting, such as the latrines, showers, or bunkroom. Most likely, the CMC would impose fraternization laws prohibiting/restricting sexual activity, and MPs would be given full authority to arrest and detain Marines for violating the law. Further legislation should be drafted for punishment related to this offense. I would be open to the idea of imposing time limits upon how long a sexual encounter can carry on, as well.

Again, this is but a suggestion. If the amendment is shot down, I will not argue further.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
Last edited by Redfield5 on 24 Feb 2015, 17:08, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: Rule Amendment

Post by Rahlzel » 24 Feb 2015, 16:44

Ok, I need to understand something.

Why are people using this ridiculous, unreadable formatting?

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RE: Rule Amendment

Post by Redfield5 » 24 Feb 2015, 17:05

Rahlzel wrote: Ok, I need to understand something.

Why are people using this ridiculous, unreadable formatting?
That was what was listed in the coded section for the suggestion template. I will amend the application for ease of reading. My apologies.
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RE: Rule Amendment

Post by Davidchan » 24 Feb 2015, 17:54

I get where you are coming from, and I served overseas for 4 years in the Air Force, it wasn't the Marines but I've corroborated with enough people to know that you spend a long enough time away from home or isolated, and you'll be looking to relieve stress anyway possible.

/Would/ Interstellar Marines spend their downtime shagging or getting it on with civillian crew or survivors they picked up after 6+ months away from home? Yeah probably.

Should we allow it on the server? No. If people want to have IC romance, flirting or claim they bf/gf and get emotional, it's fine. But keep it to hand holding/hugging/kissing. Just keep the jumpsuits on and zipped up, most of the people who play on CM aren't even 18 anyways.

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RE: Rule Amendment

Post by Rahlzel » 24 Feb 2015, 17:57

Redfield5 wrote: That was what was listed in the coded section for the suggestion template. I will amend the application for ease of reading. My apologies.
No need to apologize, I'm just trying to narrow down a potential forum issue.

How are you making the post? Are you copy/pasting the Code block from here:

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RE: Rule Amendment

Post by Redfield5 » 24 Feb 2015, 17:59

What are we protecting these kids from, anyway? Are you saying that consensual ERP is worse than someone getting violently dismembered or dragged off by a pack of aliens?

@ Rahlzel
Last edited by Redfield5 on 24 Feb 2015, 18:00, edited 1 time in total.
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RE: Rule Amendment

Post by Rahlzel » 24 Feb 2015, 18:04

Davidchan wrote: /Would/ Interstellar Marines spend their downtime shagging or getting it on with civillian crew or survivors they picked up after 6+ months away from home? Yeah probably.

Should we allow it on the server? No. If people want to have IC romance, flirting or claim they bf/gf and get emotional, it's fine. But keep it to hand holding/hugging/kissing. Just keep the jumpsuits on and zipped up, most of the people who play on CM aren't even 18 anyways.
This is pretty much my train of thought.

Is it realistic for there to be sex on a real-life military vessel? Absolutely.

Does that mean we're going to allow it on the server? Nope.

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RE: Rule Amendment

Post by Davidchan » 24 Feb 2015, 18:10

Redfield5 wrote: What are we protecting these kids from, anyway? Are you saying that consensual ERP is worse than someone getting violently dismembered or dragged off by a pack of aliens?

@ Rahlzel
It's less about protecting the children and more protecting the server from being derailed more so than usual.

A majority of the players have problems following the rules, orders and keeping the IC atmosphere as is. Give them the right to crawl off into any corner of the Sulaco or Nostromo they can find to fuck, and it's going to go one of two ways: A) We a large group of people who break off into couples every round, hide out in medbay or research/semi-private area they can find and do their ERP, probably going SSD once it's done. And/Or B) The not-so-mature group of purist/griefers form into grief squads, hunt down anyone they can who'se even looking like they are ERPing and go to great lengths to ridicule them, harass them and grief them. Neither situation is good for the server.

I don't have a problem with ERP but SS13 is a poor format to pursue it, we want people to RP in groups, not break off into cliques and ignore everyone else like certain other servers do, and we want people to stay focused on the mission/orders they've been given. Just keep it PG and the server as a whole is better, Drake and Vasques were in a relationship in Aliens but we never even see them kiss onscreen and it's subtle enough you might miss it and wonder why she freaked the hell out when Drake died before her eyes.

If you want to ERP with someone, take it somewhere else, Skype, Yahoo, F-List, AIM or what ever 3rd party progam or site you want to use that won't have you interrupted by a bunch of chucklefucks and aliens.

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RE: Rule Amendment

Post by Void00 » 24 Feb 2015, 18:51

Ill just put my two , short , cents.
During the gameplay , your squad is in mission.
You dont have sexual contact during an active mission , that is one of the rule for our military , at least.
(i'm a italian army VFP.)

Also , ERP would just call griefers that wish to stop the ERPer's , and ERPer's who only wish to do ERP , that , excluding the horrible downfall our reputation would have whit the community.

Ah , also , Erotic action in a ambient frequented by minors is illegal , seeing a marine being dismembered is not.
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RE: Rule Amendment

Post by Nefelibata » 24 Feb 2015, 19:16

I like this, and I think it could work except for a few points to revise to the rule:

ERP should not be a perma-ban, that is retarded and if you disagree, pardon my language or don't, but fuck off or explain why you think it should. I believe it should be a warning, then the severity of the ban should be gauged from there-on judging by the players disposition and past offenses.

The explicit content of the role-play should be written and exchanged out of the byond game in the pager or otherwise, it's not that hard to add each other and thank god you can remove message sounds because they ruin all immersion. In server, should another player enter the area and encounter the role-play, the players should provide a more PG-13 version of what is happening in emotes, I.E tame wording, 'intercourse', jerking up the trousers, etc. and non-restrictive on emotional reactions.
You really can't expect the server to allow erotic writing in-game when everyone in dead chat can see it and reactions will vary. it'll just create an unpleasant reaction between players. If you want to ERP in the game, try another server, but I think this would be the best approach to allowing it to /some degree/ here.

Then again, most teenagers do watch porn anyways and some even worse things than that. I had my first fuck at an age I wont even admit here. It's a taboo, and it's natural. I see no reason tame light erotica shouldn't be allowed as long as the explicit things are kept out of in-game chat and it's role-played realistically, not breaking immersion.

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RE: Rule Amendment

Post by apophis775 » 24 Feb 2015, 19:19

Never gonna happen.

Firstly, our mode player age , is around 15-17.

Secondly, we are not that type of server.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
