Specialists are a role that can make or break a game for Marines, and the Specialist meta is in a place where the best weapons to take are the Smartgun and the SADAR in combination. The Grenade Launcher simply still falls behind in usefulness, the B18 armour is a joke and the Sniper, while a ok weapon, simply pales in comparison to the SADAR/Smartgun in viability.
My suggestion. Remove the M42A Scoped Rifle from the Specialist arsenal, and create a new 'Dedicated Marksman Role' for each squad, where there is one Marksman per squad.
This Marine will use a coin system similar to the Spec, and has four choices.
M42A Scoped Rifle - Marksman

Comes with the M42A Rifle, and a thermal dampening tarp.
M42A Scoped Rifle - Recon

Comes with the M42A Rifle and a SMG inside a belt holster
M4RA Battle Rifle - Marksman

Comes with the M42A Rifle, and a thermal dampening tarp.
M4RA Battle Rifle - Recon

Comes with the M42A Rifle. Maybe also comes with a ammo belt that can hold a few extra magazines.
Benefits: Snipers are very hard to justify in the current game meta, even a year ago Snipers were always outclassed by SADARs and to a extent Smartguns, this divide has only remained consistent from my and many others experiences in game.
In the are instances where I'm a Spec, I feel like I'm disadvantaging myself if I take the Sniper over a SADAR or Smartgun. While disadvantaging yourself is fine in single player games or as a Standard Marine, but in this game Specs can make or break a game for the Marines, and if you hurt yourself your hurting the entire Marine team.
This change would see the Sniper style weapons be seen more prominently in game without disadvantaging the Marine force.
If the Scoped Rifle is seen as too powerful for up to four people to have, it can be slightly tweaked to be less powerful, such as reducing its ammo per mag or making movement with the sniper much harsher.
Thanks for reading.