Why are there this few Squad Headsets?! [Marine]

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Why are there this few Squad Headsets?! [Marine]

Post by Crab_Spider » 09 Apr 2017, 20:23

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Implement a system that allows Marines to swipe their IDs on a standard Marine Headset (for sake of gameplay to be fair), that automatically gears toward the Squad channel the Marine had.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Marines on high population rounds have very few headsets to begin with, and their best option is to vend a Standard marine headset and avoid hanging with their squad for objectives. This hinders communication, and when 20+ people don't have a squad channel, there'd be ramboing. A quality of life system that automatically gives you a headset, would fix the problem of having to increase the size of prep rooms (Joshuu), and also less ahelps regarding the fact that there are no more uniforms (that is still a very stupid ahelp) and headsets.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Implement a mechanic that allows Marines to swipe their ID on a Standard Marine Headset (the ones vended from the Marine Prep Venders) and the encryption key unlocks the Squad Channel of the Marine. The headset can be chameleon'ed (as in, a Marine from Bravo can't swipe his ID on the standard headset that was unlocked from an Alpha).

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Coding
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Re: Why are there this few Squad Headsets?! [Marine]

Post by TopHatPenguin » 09 Apr 2017, 20:27

+1 would honestly be a really good quality of life change so that squad members aren't left with just the general radio to use.

Also as summer time gets closer this will be sorely needed.
Last edited by TopHatPenguin on 09 Apr 2017, 20:29, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why are there this few Squad Headsets?! [Marine]

Post by Helgraf » 09 Apr 2017, 20:28

+1 Please.
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Re: Why are there this few Squad Headsets?! [Marine]

Post by NoahKirchner » 09 Apr 2017, 20:33

Yeah this sounds pretty reasonable. Alternatively, allow the RO to print specific squad headsets.
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Re: Why are there this few Squad Headsets?! [Marine]

Post by KingKire » 10 Apr 2017, 00:24

+1, this acctually seems like a more robust way to get clothing set up. slide your keycard on the marineVendor, and the marine vendors pop out your squad version of your clothing/ gear. Of course, you can only do this once per round, to prevent shenanigans. if you fuck up and lose your stuff, your just gonna need to hunt down a replacement gear.

Hmm, what might also be cool would be to have it also work for the other vendors, so that way theres a limit on the stuff you can pop out...hmmm. like all engineers can only get x number of equipment per slide...interesting.
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Re: Why are there this few Squad Headsets?! [Marine]

Post by completelynewguy » 11 Apr 2017, 04:21

+1, for reasons stated above.

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Re: Why are there this few Squad Headsets?! [Marine]

Post by Snypehunter007 » 20 Jul 2017, 21:00

We have surplus supplies now.

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