Meaningful ranks

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Meaningful ranks

Post by Szunti » 23 Apr 2017, 07:15

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
While you get ranks by RNG it doesn't mean anything, just cosmetics. If we want meaningful ranks, players and staff should promote the new ones when they show maturity.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
  • Your rank is something you can be proud of.
  • Incentive to please your superiors.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
  • Player rank, which you earn (or lose) with promotion / demotion, it unlocks the jobs for you, promotions are given mostly by other players, it is taken away by staff only.
  • Effective rank, which is the rank you currently have. It's needed because you may want to play a job with a lesser rank than your maximum. Eg. if you want to play standard instead of SL you would have an effective rank of PFC. If you are demoted by MP you lose effective rank. Staff is notified and they decide how many levels of player rank you lose if any. If you have a player rank of Staff Sergeant and do something shameful even for the PFC you currently play you can lose everything if staff decides it's appropriate.
Possible jobs for new players:
New players could either choose to be a standard marine (enlisted branch) or cargo tech/maintenance tech/MP (officer branch), or civilians (research, docs, survivor, CL). CMO can still be baldy, but it doesn't have a rank, so I don't care here.

Promotion requirements:

  • Private - this is how everyone starts
  • Private First Class - you show some interest in following orders and staying with the squad, know how to use the radio, should be earned easily
    SL gives it to the marines
  • Corporal - shows you are reliable in following orders and do your job well
    SL gives it with consent from bridge (BO or higher)
  • Sergeant - you are not just good in your job, but you can lead the marines if needed
    Needs approval from SL, bridge and 2 marines under you (PFC or better)
  • Staff Sergeant - you are good in leading and coordinating your squad
    Needs approval from BO, CO, sergeant under you and 2 other marines under you (PFC or better)
  • Sergeant - this is how you start as an officer
  • Staff Sergeant - just to show you are not a silent baldy like the PFC above
    CE in case of MT, RO for CTs or XO(CO can too) for MP gives the promotion
  • Ensign - if you do your job right
    CE or RO with consent from CO
  • Lieutenant Junior - ready to be BO, needed beacuse marines can't rate you until you interact with them
    CO with staff
  • Lieutenant - you are ok as BO
    CO with staff and overwatched squad's SL, Sergeant and 2 marines under you (PFC+)
  • Lieutenant Commander
    CO with unanimous agreement of command crew (SLs, BOs etc.) when there is at least 4 of them, staff approval
  • Commander - whitelist

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Byond: phil235

Re: Meaningful ranks

Post by phil235 » 23 Apr 2017, 07:47

-1 All I see is more work for Staff for very nebulous benefits.

And we already have a job-ban system to punish people's actions.

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Byond: Snypehunter007

Re: Meaningful ranks

Post by Snypehunter007 » 23 Apr 2017, 15:19

This seems overly complicated.

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Re: Meaningful ranks

Post by LordLoko » 24 Apr 2017, 17:40



He's not a sir, he works for a living
My name is Ulysses Skyfall, but people call me "Meat".
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I don't play CM, currently in a break.

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Re: Meaningful ranks

Post by Szunti » 24 Apr 2017, 19:15

LordLoko wrote:>sergeant


He's not a sir, he works for a living
I thought about that, but that would mean CT can never be an RO which would be weird. And it's kinda logical to me that officer wannabe's don't get officer rank instantly. At least in the CM universe where half of the crew can't even talk unlike in real life. That would mean SLs are your superiors until you prove you are not part of the greytide, which is another plus imo. But I was never close to the army, so it can be it's totally unacceptable for those who knows what these ranks really mean. But I think they would have more problem with the non-existing hierarchy than adjusting a couple ranks to make more sense.

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Re: Meaningful ranks

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 25 Apr 2017, 13:50


Seems unnecessary and if this was implemented people who are very competent at leading and deserve to be in an officer's position would need to re-earn it under your proposed system. Well, you may say, staff can go through and pre-promote people before the update and make it so that people like Christopher Odd or Bill Carson already have promotions. Well that introduces the other main issue I have with this which is that player rank is incredibly subjective and each person who plays the game values certain aspects of a player differently. With that in mind I think that a system like this would over-complicate things and deny players access to command positions despite being able and ready for the task just because in one round they mutinied against Bill Carson. Oh also keeping track of all players ranks and demoting when necessary would be an ungodly amount of tedious and unnecessary work for staff and that reason alone would merit my -1.

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Byond: forwardslashN

Re: Meaningful ranks

Post by forwardslashN » 25 Apr 2017, 14:57

I think this is too complicated; a karma system would be better. Either way, we can't lock jobs out since we don't have persistent tracking via SQL. Denied.
The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.
