"We Always have a Synthetic on board"

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"We Always have a Synthetic on board"

Post by RedsPro » 21 May 2017, 19:36

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): A new heavy RP whitelisted non-combat role. A Synthetic. As Burke said every Colonial Marine OP Has a Synth on board.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): More possible RP situations. The Synthetic could be a normal nice guy who can do a lot of roles (maybe) or he could be a WY shitbird who will slaughter you all in your sleep with a magazine. 50/50

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): The Synthetic would be a heavy RP whitelisted non-combat role. Synthetics can use engineering tools and (maybe) also a Doctor. The Synthetic can preform surgery's and remote pilot a Dropship. With all these perks as a Synth you can not use any sort of firearms or weaponry. (Some sort of balance is needed i hope comments assist me heavy on this). Synthetics only have one name which the whitelisted player can choose. There are directives that the Synthetic has to follow and they will be on a sidebar tab. Im also thinking that maybe there are some code phrases that maybe only the Captain spawn with and they're random each round to stop Meta. Maybe the code phrases could either "Unlock" the Synthetics ability to use lethal force on a human. Possibly on some rounds the CL could spawn with his own code that makes the Synthetic under his control. Also if the Aliens tear apart are poor non-human friend the recovery of his head means he could be rebuilt. Or you could just plug his little noggin in and he can still spew info. Any more suggestions in the comments would be great to help me flesh this out. Some things im not sure on right now is how the Whitelisting would actually happen as you cant really write a backstory for a Synthetic.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):Coding and changing the color of the Blood Splatters to white.
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Re: "We Always have a Synthetic on board"

Post by shyshadow » 21 May 2017, 19:48

Ha, HAHAHHHAA. Oh my boi, they've said "We're working on" that means, they're not going to add it. +1 But low hopes for acceptance.
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Byond: Sephoris

Re: "We Always have a Synthetic on board"

Post by Sephoris » 21 May 2017, 20:01

I'll +1 this

It'd be awesome to have an artificial human around. Synthetics are extensively used by the USCM in non-combat roles according to the lore ( http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/Synthetic ). As for the whitelisting, backstories for synthetics could just be a story in the form of a "Classified deployment history". Blood spatter could be oil or "coolant".
Despite their advantage in speed and strength over humans and their imperviousness to pain, androids are not especially tough
If the above quote is followed, I think it'd be a great addition. However with all the new changes and bug fixes that need doing, it might be a while before it's created =P
Last edited by Sephoris on 21 May 2017, 20:03, edited 1 time in total.

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Byond: driecg36

Re: "We Always have a Synthetic on board"

Post by driecg36 » 21 May 2017, 20:02

Honestly, I like the idea of the synth being an "IC mentor." As in, their main role is to advise the crew, for which they are very qualified to do (they know pretty much everything there is to know), but they aren't supposed to do things unless they have to, so they don't go around stealing jobs. I also like the idea of code words changing AI behavior.

I can understand the fact that some people wouldn't want to whitelist this role, but I think it really does need a whitelist for the role to have its full potential. +1
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Byond: TheMaskedMan2

Re: "We Always have a Synthetic on board"

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 22 May 2017, 02:12

Already accepted though.

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Re: "We Always have a Synthetic on board"

Post by RedsPro » 22 May 2017, 02:19

TheMaskedMan2 wrote:Already accepted though.

Whats it like to ruin my hopes and dreams?
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Byond: driecg36

Re: "We Always have a Synthetic on board"

Post by driecg36 » 22 May 2017, 02:20

Even if the overall suggestion to synths is already accepted, this particular twist on them isn't.

I have very similar ideas for synths (I think i already even discussed them with u TMM). I view it as a role in itself rather than a alt race you can pick, and the ship should only have one or two MAX.
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Re: "We Always have a Synthetic on board"

Post by Snypehunter007 » 22 May 2017, 02:59

Locking until we ACTUALLY get them in the game.
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