Commander Whitelist Conditions

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Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by UnknownMurder » 22 May 2017, 14:37

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): I have been sitting on the sidelines and watching people throw in +1, I even toss in +1 like it's candy. People gets accepted to be Commander regardless of their RP behavior, don't even get me started on RP behavior of most Commanders like Bill Carson, that's not RP. What I think of it? It's pure shit and an embarrassment to the definition of RP. I guarantee you, none of the players are taking this seriously. It's peanut gallery tossing free peanuts to the greedy elephant at a carnival.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): While I understand this suggestion includes drastic change in how we decide whitelisting. This is beneficial for the entire server as we will reach closer to our purpose of whitelisting the Commander Positions.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): I propose to tighten prerequisites for Commander Whitelist with new factors being considered such as removing the player's privilege to upvote and downvote the application and give this privilege to moderators and above, they know better than majority of us, otherwise, we'll just toss candy. Another condition for Commander is that the expectations bar for Commander should be raised higher to somewhat the level of our expectations for Predators. I'm sure there is many more conditions that we all can think of, but the posted suggestion are my main points to reach.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): A change in the application rules.

EDIT: TL;DR: Be more strict on applications.

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Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by solidfury7 » 22 May 2017, 14:43

> Hold COs to the same standards of predators.

God no.

The reason why I haven't yet applied for the predator role is simply due to the amount of shit slung at them whenever they do anything which even SLIGHTLY unconventional, interesting or sometimes just inconvenience someone.

If you have an issue with a certain commanders play style, make a thread about it and discuss it on the forums.

This would merely remove flexiability for COs to try something new (or roleplay something different) and likely restrict even more people from playing CO.

(Don't get me wrong, I'm all for whitelists for CO,Survivors and Liason, but tighter restrictions aren't always better past a certain point)
Last edited by solidfury7 on 22 May 2017, 14:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by Biolock » 22 May 2017, 14:45

I suppose the argument there is, is it more important to have good commanders, or is it more important to always have a commander? I can't answer that question outright, but as a community I believe the consensous is that it's better to have an OKish commander than no commander at all.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by UnknownMurder » 22 May 2017, 14:46

solidfury7 wrote: If you have an issue with a certain commanders play style, make a thread about it and discuss it on the forums.
I did, and look where that got us? Intention Incompetent is okay.

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Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by UnknownMurder » 22 May 2017, 14:47

Biolock wrote:I suppose the argument there is, is it more important to have good commanders, or is it more important to always have a commander? I can't answer that question outright, but as a community I believe the consensous is that it's better to have an OKish commander than no commander at all.
We have Executive Officers who can play as Commanders in absence of Commander.

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Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by solidfury7 » 22 May 2017, 14:48

UnknownMurder wrote:I did, and look where that got us? Intention Incompetent is okay.
Actually, I believe that a certain CO nearly got removed for intentionally being incompetent, (I'll link to it later, after tribes)
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Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by Jaketeaking » 22 May 2017, 14:50

UnknownMurder wrote: such as removing the player's privilege to upvote and downvote the application and give this privilege to moderators and above, they know better than majority of us.
this is my main issue with your suggestion. According to who do they know better? staff are a limited group, in terms of numbers, during highpop, there are usually around 6, for over 120 people. theyre often too busy to pay attention to a single marine, unless special circumstances apply, whereas a marine who has been fighting alongside this person will have a general idea of how they will act in a given situation.

As im given to understand it, the CO whitelist is not for whoever would be the "best" CO, (given that there is no "best", different CO's have different strengths and weaknesses) but who people would most like to see as the CO. removing the communities ability to vote on this is not a good thing.

It may go without saying, but im heavily -1 on this suggestion.
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Byond: driecg36

Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by driecg36 » 22 May 2017, 15:01

Well, I don't really know where to start with this.

I guess I should start with only moderators being able to vote on CO apps. I heavily disagree with this, because I know some incredibly experienced non-staff members who know RP better than most of us (think Renomaki). Elitism is already something we want to cut down on, this would only promote it. I do think that the expectation bar should be raised a little higher than "not a baldie", but it's really not a major concern.

Next is Bill Carson and what it MEANS to be a commander. Oh boy, what a controversial topic. First of all, I've seen the idea of a commander's main purpose being to win games being thrown around a lot, and I couldn't disagree more. I think a commander who has the tendency to lose is COMPLETELY fine, if they do it INTENTIONALLY and in an INTERESTING manner. A commander that loses by sheer incompetence, because they don't understand the game, know the map, or whatever reason is what the whitelist is meant to avoid. There isn't a single commander on that whitelist that is genuinely incompetent, and could never do a good job even if they tried their damnedest.

Bill Carson isn't incompetent. He has created a CHARACTER that is incompetent, and stick to that character. The cult of personality that has formed around him is nothing but shitposts and memes. If you ignore that, you realize that Carson actually rps better than most of the fucking server, and I'm not saying this as a joke. When he plays, he puts RP first, and I wish more people would do that. I don't blame people for hating the circlejerk of carson memes around him, but the guy himself is fine. I've seen him RP very well as other roles as well. I just wish the carson memes weren't a thing.

You know what you can do, if you genuinely hate Carson's RP so much that you want to change the entire commander system just because of him, go make a player report. Write an in depth report that explains WHY is RP is bad rather than just saying "everyone knows it", and then we can talk.

oh and -1
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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by apophis775 » 22 May 2017, 15:11

Commander Whitelist is literally a "greytide filter".
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Byond: NoahKirchner

Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by NoahKirchner » 22 May 2017, 15:15

The CO whitelist was made to weed out baldies and people who will log off at roundstart, speak in only broken english, or who will order stupid meme order just for the hell of it. A train of thinking like this is the EXACT REASON why I detested it so fervently. Doing this will results in an ALMOST COMPLETE LACK of commanders in 95% of rounds, and will ONLY push the problem down a step. It already does, even. Now, instead of having shitty commanders, we just get shitty XOs and no commanders. Restricting the whitelist like this will only exponentially multiply that issue.

Colonial marines is, in a perfect world, MEDIUM RP. The only high roleplay job that we have a whitelist for is non essential to the round, and out of the way, because HRP (while encouraged) is not expected from the vast majority of players.

This is the worst suggestion that I have ever seen. -1
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Byond: Symbiosis

Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by Symbiosis » 22 May 2017, 15:24

Bill Carson the CHARACTER is a great RP'er.

He told the Marines he'd brief them on the dropship and lead them into battle on the planet. Once enough Marines filtered on, he launched the dropship (with him off of it) leading to the Marines fighting a bloody battle below. It was a cruel, very Carson thing to do. It was great to watch as a Ghost, as Carson ALWAYS sticks to his character.

Be able to separate the player from the RP of the character they play. I'd prefer a Carson round (its eventful) any day. The end is still "the same" (Marines die) and there's fun to be had watching/participating.

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Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by Boltersam » 22 May 2017, 16:04

Look, I know what you're going for, but the CO whitelist is really only there to make sure that at least someone who's part of the community is using the role. We can't let random greytiders or possibly griefers to get into such a role. I'd expect something like an Admiral whitelist to be held to the standards of Pred apps, or even more, but the CO whitelist was never intended to do any more than act as a filter.

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Byond: TehSpoderman

Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by TehSpoderman » 22 May 2017, 16:18

NoahKirchner wrote:The CO whitelist was made to weed out baldies and people who will log off at roundstart, speak in only broken english, or who will order stupid meme order just for the hell of it. A train of thinking like this is the EXACT REASON why I detested it so fervently. Doing this will results in an ALMOST COMPLETE LACK of commanders in 95% of rounds, and will ONLY push the problem down a step. It already does, even. Now, instead of having shitty commanders, we just get shitty XOs and no commanders. Restricting the whitelist like this will only exponentially multiply that issue.

Colonial marines is, in a perfect world, MEDIUM RP. The only high roleplay job that we have a whitelist for is non essential to the round, and out of the way, because HRP (while encouraged) is not expected from the vast majority of players.

This is the worst suggestion that I have ever seen. -1
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Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by UnknownMurder » 22 May 2017, 16:36

I wish to close this suggestion while now just accepting the fact that the roleplay is actually LOW.

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Byond: Snypehunter007

Re: Commander Whitelist Conditions

Post by Snypehunter007 » 22 May 2017, 16:50

UnknownMurder wrote:I wish to close this suggestion while now just accepting the fact that the roleplay is actually LOW.
It isn't, you have to create your own RP, no matter how hard that might be.

Locking as per OP's request.
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