A new idea for round start

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A new idea for round start

Post by dsezg » 24 May 2017, 23:36

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
I had an idea where instead of a couple people starting as survivors you have a large portion of players start as different roles planet side (Police officer, Scientist, etc) Before the buildings are destroyed. There would be people role playing a sitting around planet side as well as marines starting on the Almayer and getting extra time to get attachments and food. I also think that the aliens should start the round with a Queen and like 3-6 starting larva. This would force the Aliens to take a stealthy approach (as they canonically would) and maybe steal a monkey or two when the scientists aren't looking so that they can build up an army to invade the colony effectively.

I think this would benefit the community because it would cause marines to roleplay instead of do the same old "Unga Dunga me want attachment! Me speak over the XO during briefing! Me shoot Aliens the moment I see them without any reason!" It would cause them to talk to the crew on the ship because as any marine role I have never spoke to a doctor unless I'm injured and I have literally never talked to a maintenance member as a marine. This would make the beginning wait longer so people who roleplay well would have time to and would be able to get the "roleplay impaired" more into the spirit of things. This would also cause alien player to act like how they do in the Aliens movies. The colony itself would be interesting due to the lack of weapons would cause players to use cunning and skill to survive instead of AP ammo and the backup of like 6 other marines with similar loadouts. It would also be interesting because the planet would be different every time the marines deployed on it due to different attack/defense strategies of the xenos and colonists

The detective can look for missing animals/colonists when they get abducted by xenomorphs
Police officers don't wear riot armor until the xenomorphs are invading or if there is an actual riot happening
There could be a Mayor that would call for the colonial marines to assist in the situation

Implementation: Personally I haven't thought of everything and there could be so much more to be said on the topic and this wouldn't be an easy task as it might completely change the occupation system and Meta as well as be a really difficult coding challenge and would require an almost complete reconstruction of all the maps but I feel like this would really benefit the community and make roleplay much more prevalent than it already is in the server.
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Colin LeFever
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Byond: TehSpoderman

Re: A new idea for round start

Post by TehSpoderman » 24 May 2017, 23:58

i think this will count as a new mode which you cant really do on the suggestions forum.
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Re: A new idea for round start

Post by dsezg » 25 May 2017, 00:17

Oh, is there any particular forum this would go on instead?
Marine Name
Colin LeFever
I'm a decent medic (sometimes)

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Re: A new idea for round start

Post by Sarah_U. » 25 May 2017, 02:07

General Discussion and whatnot, but that was already suggested / discussed several times.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy.
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Re: A new idea for round start

Post by LordLoko » 25 May 2017, 11:19


This was discussed several times
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Re: A new idea for round start

Post by Snypehunter007 » 25 May 2017, 18:00

No new game mode suggestions, read the forum rules.

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