remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

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remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Supermichael777 » 27 May 2017, 17:39

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
see title. this is how it worked befor hugger combat was removed. noiw xenos drag off the dead to "manage light" and to prevent defibs.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Slightly reduce hidden corpse piles from xenos

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Symbiosis » 27 May 2017, 17:45

I hate to see anyone not get the chance to be defibbed/continue the round. But realistically Xenos know we can bring people back, so they'd drag away to prevent that.

-1, no Xeno Nerf. I'd be fine with allowing Xenos to drag flares away, even.
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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by tuzz » 27 May 2017, 19:26

Is moving bodies to get rid of light an invalid reason? If xenos had a way to stop bodies from emitting light then I might be ok with this, but even then bodies can get in the way of hive building.

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 27 May 2017, 20:27

I'm going to be honest, as a Xeno I only move bodies to get rid of light, or if I want the queen to gib them for funsies, I give zero shits if marines revive the dude because that player gets to play the round more, and there will be more resistance in the future, it isn't fun to stomp marines utterly when I am a Xeno. Though in complete honesty I think Xenos should be allowed to drag bodies.

MAYBE not allowed to drag dead bodies? Though that would make nests only usable once... but then again, that would make a spookier environment when nest clearing and instead of a single tile of twenty dead marines you find all the chest bursted nests.

Though in that case being stuck with all that light would drive me nuts and eeeeh.
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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by NescauComToddy » 27 May 2017, 21:23

I Will be simple, and honest.

Defribiliations are not a right, but an advantage and benefit for players to enjoy their rounds more. Being carried by Xenomorphs to the depths of the hive may have several variables, where rarely the light emitted by the armor of the Marines would be a valid excuse. Even so, this "skill" should not be withdrawn on account of salt.

Anyway, it happens to me often, and I've never seen a problem with the Xenos annihilating my body or taking him to the whore who gave birth to him. I simply look for the error that resulted in this accident, and fix it to not happen again.

Will not you get a chance to play the round again as a Marine? Do not worry, you are not important to the progress of the round, and you should be held responsible for being caught and taken. Wait until the end of the round or join the Xenos to kill those who have abandoned you.

Simple and unnecessary suggestion.

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 27 May 2017, 21:26


Yeah, if you die, you aren't entitled or should expect a defib really. Also to be honest even if you're left dead infront of your allies chances are you still wouldn't be defib'd, heh. Anyways yeah.
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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Supermichael777 » 27 May 2017, 22:14

True but its becoming an established tactic and its fairly meta(xenos follow meta rules too though enforcement is lax to nonexistent.) and "you have no right is not equal to you never have the right" if the light source is a legit problem then you have queen rend, else move on. Xenos also don't have the right to have victory served up on a platter. how do the xenos know?

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Garrison » 27 May 2017, 23:00

I have seen specialist corpses dragged into a hive, even when the Specialist was dead. Although I have unintentionally done this as Xeno, thinking I captured a host only to find out that they died, then leaving them there. There was one instance today where I got killed as a Smart gunner (2 crushers and the queen slashed me to death after I got screeched and dragged away from my squad) then a runner drags my corpse away from the front and into the hive, making a defib impossible. I had the impression this was meta targeting, cause I watched the round for a bit, and even came back an hour into the game, and all the PFC corpses were left alone/recovered, whereas I found another smart gunner in the hive next to my corpse.

While I am a bit peeved, I do agree that defibs are as much a privilege as cloning was. Except when the Xenos appear to be deliberately targeting high threat marines and making every effort to prevent their revival. That seems very sketchy to me.
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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by MrJJJ » 28 May 2017, 03:09

This is one of the many problems, but this happened with both cloning and defib

Corpses would be dragged away always just to prevent anyone from finding them, which in my opinion, is a legit thing to do, if they have the time to drag your shiny corpse away into a safe hole, then marines will probably never find you and you might as well ghost instead of sitting in the body for 3 hours.

What i would argue here however, is just fucking remove gib (A cheese move that serves no other purpose than to piss players off and remove spec weapons, that has repeatedly been abused in combat as well) and light all xenos slash the light's off the marine armor (its literally just a shoulder lamp...), because i seen, and there still is constant instances of someone getting gibbed but the light staying, making gib not even that worth it for destroying lights because you end up glitching them up and fucking yourself over.
NescauComToddy wrote:I simply look for the error that resulted in this accident, and fix it to not happen again.

Will not you get a chance to play the round again as a Marine? Do not worry, you are not important to the progress of the round, and you should be held responsible for being caught and taken.
I know thats a valid opinion and all, but...

Not everything is your fault in this game, infact, 70% of the time it will be actually something else fucking you over, either dumb teammates aka baldies, or the more common but not noticeable too much, RNG.

For example, you have a SADAR, you see the queen, you loaded your trusty AP and fire, nearly completely sacrificing all your defense to try and hit the queen...and suddenly, you see that the rocket just goes through the queen, one quick look at the chat, and the RNG rolled...and made it *Miss narrowly*, you are then killed after in a instant by the queen screech and one-hit slash

One could say it's the player fault for rushing out, but how is the player supposed to know the RNG would roll badly on him?

Or even better, and this happened to me
You managed to get into a safe spot, but forgot to weld a vent, and a hunter and a runner pops out, none of which pounce for some reason and slash the shit out of you, luckily you have a shotgun, readied with buckshot, you get it out, wield it, and fire at the hunter...somehow you miss because RNG, then you fire again, at a runner this time, it misses again, you then pump for another, but you fall down and then they finish you off.

Again, theory wise, you can blame the fact the vent wasn't welded, and you could learn a lesson of *always check if the vents are welded*, but is the player, really, REALLY at complete full fault, even when they had a backup plan, AKA a shotgun if something got in, and it failed because RNG trolled them?

Sure, you get to play again and again, but sometimes you just die early, and there is no xenos to join/you don't want to join them for personal reasons, and you are forced to watch for a hour or two or even longer as things happen without you, with your only way in to get back in the game is to join your killers (unless you were killed by some ass that ffed you), and it might get even depressing if you actually put effort into the round and then it was just wasted, like making all these plans or a fob, but then marines don't follow or lose it within minutes and xenos destroy it all.

If my opinion isin't clear enough, i am putting a big -1, not only does it not make sense, it would actually encourage xenos to spit on your corpses and crushers to run them over more if they can't move them.

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by NescauComToddy » 28 May 2017, 13:57

That's why we need the Marines to be more competent. For you not to be captured it is necessary that all peeps cooperate in a proper way with each other. RNG is a mechanic, it helps you and fucks you. Deal with It. And as soon as the game works, there is no way to avoid your possible, eventual death, I know, it's a shit to die and have to wait, but that's how the game progresses. If you want to survive until the end of a round you may well opt for a safer style of play. Avoiding being alone in closed, dark places would be a good start for you, according to what happened in your story. Even if equipped with a shotgun, the chances of you surviving are low. Risking would not be the best option in CM.

A little while ago, I was having a great round as a Spec. I got the Commander's trust, besides having interacted multiple times with my squadron and a predator. Suddenly, a Ravager appears and kills me automatically, and after that it takes me to a place where I could not be revived.

I Could come out screaming and pointing out how Feweh fucked up my round in the Forum, but I decided to get over it and tell myself a Fuck It. Anyway, I'll try to search for a simple answer to this suggestion instead of being arguing about my point . But I can understand what some are quoting.

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Sarah_U. » 29 May 2017, 18:31

If anything, I'd only give it a +1 if it was concerning a target with no value or light on them (But even then, give the benefit of the doubt to the xeno). Otherwise I'll still keep dragging back SADARs and SNIPERs even when tehy're dead, because those things hurts in the wrong hand.
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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Huebone » 12 Jun 2017, 23:17

I think that if it's light management, xenos should be able to "break" or "disable" lights(a revived marine can turn it back on or fix it with a screw driver), that way, light management is fixed for xenos, and it doesn't make a marine completely defib-able. Not that it would matter anyway, if a marines light is broken, they're out of sight unless there are other lights to show the marine. It would also add to the immersion, imagine marines walking over to a dead squad's position and see a bunch of bodies slowly show up as they walk past bodies.
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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Gentlefood » 12 Jun 2017, 23:26

NescauComToddy wrote:That's why we need the Marines to be more competent. For you not to be captured it is necessary that all peeps cooperate in a proper way with each other. RNG is a mechanic, it helps you and fucks you. Deal with It. And as soon as the game works, there is no way to avoid your possible, eventual death, I know, it's a shit to die and have to wait, but that's how the game progresses. If you want to survive until the end of a round you may well opt for a safer style of play. Avoiding being alone in closed, dark places would be a good start for you, according to what happened in your story. Even if equipped with a shotgun, the chances of you surviving are low. Risking would not be the best option in CM.

A little while ago, I was having a great round as a Spec. I got the Commander's trust, besides having interacted multiple times with my squadron and a predator. Suddenly, a Ravager appears and kills me automatically, and after that it takes me to a place where I could not be revived.

I Could come out screaming and pointing out how Feweh fucked up my round in the Forum, but I decided to get over it and tell myself a Fuck It. Anyway, I'll try to search for a simple answer to this suggestion instead of being arguing about my point . But I can understand what some are quoting.
Blaming everything on the competency of the players does not a good game make.

As for the suggestion. I'll give it a -1. It irks me a little, but its not lore unfriendly and would lead to too much of a hassle to try and implement a rule or mechanics for.

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Toroic » 13 Jun 2017, 02:39


Xenos are just wasting their time moving corpses very far and the light makes for an excellent reason to move old corpses out of the way.

Preventing spec gear from being recovered is also important, particularly for SADAR.

What marine players have to realize, and it takes newbies a while, is that you are playing against other players, not npcs that have glaring weaknesses and fall for the same tricks over and over.

Xenos are going to prevent you from escaping the nest, adapt to repeated attacks to the same area, and generally do what they can to trick and murder you.

This isn't a single player game where the bad guys give you a chance to escape or monologue their plans so you can thwart them.
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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by misto » 13 Jun 2017, 03:14

it is also funny when they put dead people on the landing pad and fill the shuttle with gore

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by dylanstrategie » 13 Jun 2017, 11:53

Honestly, why ?

"Managing light" isn't just an excuse to deny defibs, having a bunch of Marine corpses in a fighting zone emits a lot of light which can allow surviving Marines to easily see what's going on

And denying Xenos from dragging all uninfected hosts just because it might be used to legitimately deny a defib is very extreme. I think Marines need to accept that there's cases where you're not getting revived. If your teammates aren't here to shoot up any Xeno trying to snatch your body and drag it away, I don't see a reason to add a crutch like this, you're good as dead

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by butters742 » 13 Jun 2017, 14:13

dylanstrategie wrote:denying Xenos from dragging all uninfected hosts just because it might be used to legitimately deny a defib is very extreme.

I think that aliens should not be able to drag the DEAD. Any Living, infected or not, Can be dragged.
Reason I'm here is because this keeps happening. Most of my games too. You die in the middle of battle. They take you far from reachable during the fight. You pass your 5 minutes. And you see that the marines did push back past where you initially died.
Its all up to you and the rest of the Col marines staff in the end. I'm not gonna be a bag of salt over it, Gotta live with the pros and cons of a game. Ill keep fighting and dying haha. But the poor RP in a alien taking a dead body far from a battle has no reasoning. (And before someone says "COL MARINES IS A LOW RP SEVER RREEEEEE" To me its got RP and the experience of RP brings greatness to this server. But How can it become better in RP if things like this are allowed to happen.)
Aliens would sense death and walk over a victim. They would not think "oh they can be brought back to life, so ill take him far away". Dead body is as much of a rock to em at that point.
Something just needs to be done so that the aliens don't use that as a tactic to keep marine numbers low. It would already take a good 10-45 minutes to get back to shape after dying and being defibed anyway (unless you have a good medic, and they don't send you up for surgery)

Anyway my thoughts. But its whatever is decided.

Edit: to add to this. When I helped kill someone as a xeno. This is what it said when I examined the dead body
Why would you want to touch that..png
Yes why would xenos want to touch that. Let alone drag it on a world tour haha.
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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by tenshar » 13 Jun 2017, 23:04

Technically the act of targeting specific types of marines for body hiding is meta as you as an alien do not have any idea about defib so the act of doing something to prevent another act that you don't know about is problematic to me because people are making excuses for something which at the most basic level is metagaming. If they have their light on then fine, but if its a random corpse without a light on Aliens wouldn't touch it, they have no interest in the dead because the dead serve no purpose to the hive. You can see in the movies the aliens simply leave the dead that burst hanging from the wall, they have no reason to move them as the nest simply expands to add more room for bodies. However as that would be difficult on here the moving of dead from nest cages is somewhat fine as its needed by the gameplay.

The fact is I would expect to see aliens punished for dragging the dead around without a tactical non meta reason. Unfortunately this server tends to focus only on marine meta, just look at the rules.

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Crab_Spider » 13 Jun 2017, 23:14

It appears everyone in favor just wants to remain where they are when they die. +1

Xenos can do whatever the duck they want with your body, grow a pair of balls
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by ZDashe » 13 Jun 2017, 23:36

If we can have a way for Xenos to remove the lighting from a dead marine, i'm perfectly fine with preventing the dragging of dead marines. That's like the main reason I would ever move a dead body.

With how the recent armor lights work, maybe we can let Xenos remove ONLY the marine's armor from their body just to turn off the light. It will also let whatever weapon (with attached raillights) in their armor suit fall out and be able to be melted, because that can be another source of light. If not, just let Xenos somehow be able to coat that marine in some resin to block out all emitting light sources to stop giving Xenos a reason to touch the dead.

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by butters742 » 14 Jun 2017, 16:37

ZDashe wrote: just let Xenos somehow be able to coat that marine in some resin to block out all emitting light sources to stop giving Xenos a reason to touch the dead.
The coating idea is really good. I would go with that +1

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Snypehunter007 » 14 Jun 2017, 18:08

Really not needed. If you are dead, you aren't guaranteed revives.

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by misto » 14 Jun 2017, 22:33

perhaps a new thread could be made for zdashe's light-blocking resin coating idea

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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Huebone » 15 Jun 2017, 04:01

It just makes more sense if xenos got rid of the light with breaking it or spitting resin to block the light. Xenos don't know about defibs or revivals. When they see a dead body they don't interact with it. Then why do they drag around dead bodies? This honestly boils down to whether you want to balance for RP reasons, or balance reasons.
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Re: remove ability for xenos to drag dead uninfected hosts

Post by Hyperio » 15 Jun 2017, 05:39

-1 for me. Xenos are clever enough to understand the idea of draging bodies away to solve the light issue. They may even understand the effect of the defibrillator, they don't understand how it works, but they see that it can revive tall hosts when they're dead. There is no reason a cunning creature with arms couldn't drag a corpse.
