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Post by Mobius_None » 29 May 2017, 17:24

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): The M402 Multiple-Launch Mortar as cited from the Aliens wiki, is a 70-kilogram (including at least one magazine) man-portable artillery weapon primarily used by the United States Colonial Marine Corps in an infantry small unit support fire role. The mortar uses a 80 mm twin-tube design, automatically fed from a ten-round rotary magazine. The weapon can be aimed and fired by a remote command handset, either singly or in volleys firing each tube sequentially. All ten rounds can be volley-fired in under eight seconds.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): How this could benefit the game is that it would grant an excellent defensive capability to the Marines allowing them the hold their Forward Operating Base more effectively.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): The M402 would essentially be the USCM's verison of the Boiler caste found on the xenomorph side , except with a lower AOE and for the sake of balance possibly less damage(?) in trade off for sheer volume. Effectively quantity over quality as found everywhere in the Marines... *cough* but I digress, this would allow for less one-sided fights once the Marines have been pushed back to their FOB allowing for more interesting and intense gameplay as the Marines would feel as if they actually have a chance at successfully defend the FOB rather than it being an obvious xeno ROFL stomp. The M402 would come with two types of rounds: smoke and HE. Although this appears similar to the SADAR, it is not as it serves a defensive last resort role and is effectively confined to the LZs, whereas the SADAR is entirely offensive.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): It possibly could be carried by an engineer, or even better, one per dropship allowing it to be setup in a defensive posture once landing on the LZ, or even a supply drop from the Almayer where upon landing it cannot be moved. It could be contained within a large crate where an engineer setting it up would pry the crate with a crowbar then wrench it into place, screwdriver it, turn on the autoloader (which could possibly take 10-20 seconds to reload?), and then man it. Any recommendations on how it could be effectively implemented into the game are welcome.
Noah Skirata - Squad Engineer, Specialists, and Squad Leader.

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Re: Mortars

Post by KeyWii » 29 May 2017, 17:40

Suggested and denied a long, long, time ago.

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Re: Mortars

Post by Renomaki » 29 May 2017, 17:41

not gonna happen sadly.

Would be cool, but it'll be a pain in the ass to program effectively.
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Re: Mortars

Post by misto » 29 May 2017, 17:42

many areas of the game seem to take place inside buildings, caves, and aboard ships, where mortars would only hit the ceiling.

much the same effect could be gotten from letting grenade launchers shoot farther, without having to worry as much about ceilings

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Byond: NervanCatos

Re: Mortars

Post by Mobius_None » 29 May 2017, 17:44

Well I think it would, since mortars seem unlikely, be acceptable to increase the range of the M92 and make it have a shorter/no fuse.
Noah Skirata - Squad Engineer, Specialists, and Squad Leader.

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Re: Mortars

Post by MrJJJ » 29 May 2017, 21:36

Even if this honestly were to be possible to make and implement, it would end up being either

1) Griefing Machine

2) Too Weak and never buffed to be useful

3) Too Strong and nerfed into 2

4) Cause a ton of lag and just be removed

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Re: Mortars

Post by Snypehunter007 » 30 May 2017, 15:12

Auto-denied, falls under the no new weapons rule.

Also mortars have been denied before.

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