General defib usage?

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General defib usage?

Post by Kazuko_myu » 30 May 2017, 18:03

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Well, I was told apparantly that no personnel other than medics and doctors are 'allowed' to use the defibrillator in order to resuscitate a lifeless body. Kind of makes no sense, considering most modern defibrillators have instructions labelled inside of them so that even a layman understands how to properly use them, so why restrict something as simple and logical as that?

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): I mean, it kind of takes something away from general medical personnel, even though I wouldn't neccessarily see it as something drastic. Everyone can use a defib in real life, it's really nothing that requires years of study to master or an extensive workshop. Just google it. Someone in the game that could have been possibly revived couldn't because I got barked at from admins that only medical personnel could use them, for whatever reason. In conclusion, person remained dead.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): See above.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Rule change?
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Re: General defib usage?

Post by Ikmalmn » 30 May 2017, 18:10

Sure, everyone would probably know how to use a defib with how common it is for a medical personnel to portray it in the media, seeing how you just put it on their chest and KABOOM, resuscitated. Easy right?

However, for complete balance purposes, we can't and shall not have defibs be used by anyone besides a medic (possibly SL or CO). It would be too overpowering and makes the role of medic, kinda useless. So, -1
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Re: General defib usage?

Post by Kazuko_myu » 30 May 2017, 18:15

Ikmalmn wrote:Sure, everyone would probably know how to use a defib with how common it is for a medical personnel to portray it in the media, seeing how you just put it on their chest and KABOOM, resuscitated. Easy right?

However, for complete balance purposes, we can't and shall not have defibs be used by anyone besides a medic (possibly SL or CO). It would be too overpowering and makes the role of medic, kinda useless. So, -1
Probably isn't as easy. Sure, you can resurrect them, but everyone with a glimpse of first-aid knowledge should know how to perform something like a defib with the instructions given on it.

Why not make it so that, with medical personnel, the defib has a better chance of reviving someone as if they're untrained? Looks like we talk about gameplay mechanics rather than logic.

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Re: General defib usage?

Post by Ikmalmn » 30 May 2017, 18:20

Kazuko_myu wrote:Why not make it so that, with medical personnel, the defib has a better chance of reviving someone as if they're untrained? Looks like we talk about gameplay mechanics rather than logic.
A neat suggestion that could be use. Though I don't really know how it is going to work/implemented into the game. There are also already some thoughts for the moment on making the defib ID locked which doesn't bode well to help this suggestion.
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Re: General defib usage?

Post by Kazuko_myu » 30 May 2017, 18:23

Ikmalmn wrote:A neat suggestion that could be use. Though I don't really know how it is going to work/implemented into the game. There are also already some thoughts for the moment on making the defib ID locked which doesn't bode well to help this suggestion.
I think that can be achieved through the same way randomized events are done by the code. Just loop through if the player is apart of a medical faction, and based off of that, the game gives a better random value close to one of success rather than failure.

I think by that, a marine, security member or whatever would have a higher unlikelyness of reviving someone while not entirely perishing the chance of resurrection. There is a possibility, just a really low one, since they'd kind of do it sloppily instead of professionally.

Then again, this is lightweight RP. I don't think a character trait has much to tell when it comes to game balance.

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Re: General defib usage?

Post by Ikmalmn » 30 May 2017, 18:29

Kazuko_myu wrote:Then again, this is lightweight RP. I don't think a character trait has much to tell when it comes to game balance.
No, a character with a background in medical should not and will not affect them at all. Roles are roles.
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Re: General defib usage?

Post by Kazuko_myu » 30 May 2017, 18:30

Ikmalmn wrote:
No, a character with a background in medical should not and will not affect them at all. Roles are roles.
Kazuko_myu wrote:I don't think a character trait has much to tell when it comes to game balance.

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Re: General defib usage?

Post by tuzz » 30 May 2017, 18:38

This is more for balance. If you want an RP reason, then its because these are not defibs as we know them, but magic space defibs that bring people back to life, and require more training.

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Re: General defib usage?

Post by Kazuko_myu » 30 May 2017, 18:42

tuzz wrote:This is more for balance. If you want an RP reason, then its because these are not defibs as we know them, but magic space defibs that bring people back to life, and require more training.
Then where is the balance when medical teams are understaffed and people are dying at rampant numbers? That was the case last round, the one when the PMCs 'n shit stormed the CIC. Most of the medics either died, or went permanent SSD, leaving those in need dying and pretty much ending their round while those that could have potentionally helped were restricted from doing so.

Sure, makes sense to only give medics and doctors 'access' to it, but then again, kind of stupid that people can't recieve that one last bit of help to continue their game so instead they have to observe the remaining round only because people can't remain in their role or handle the stress.

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Re: General defib usage?

Post by darkwahn » 30 May 2017, 18:45

tuzz wrote:This is more for balance. If you want an RP reason, then its because these are not defibs as we know them, but magic space defibs that bring people back to life, and require more training.
This is how I self rationalize it. Our defibs are useful for way more than SCA, so they're also more "advanced" and harder to use.
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Re: General defib usage?

Post by Ikmalmn » 30 May 2017, 18:48

Kazuko_myu wrote:Then where is the balance when medical teams are understaffed and people are dying at rampant numbers? That was the case last round, the one when the PMCs 'n shit stormed the CIC. Most of the medics either died, or went permanent SSD, leaving those in need dying and pretty much ending their round while those that could have potentionally helped were restricted from doing so.

Sure, makes sense to only give medics and doctors 'access' to it, but then again, kind of stupid that people can't recieve that one last bit of help to continue their game instead of having to observe the remaining time only because people can't remain in their role or handle the stress.
As much as how frustrating it is to be in this situation. There's nothing much you could do really. Just plain old unlucky. To remedy this however, the pop limit for medics should be increased from 2 per squad to 3 per squad. Which, probably gonna take a fair few while.

I've been in many situations especially in low pop where we didn't have any engineers and we were left to do nothing as we don't have the "knowledge" to fix stuff. You just have to suck it up. or just do it when the mods aren't around. Kek.
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Re: General defib usage?

Post by completelynewguy » 30 May 2017, 18:59

Why not make a Defib based on the video and make it general use? For balancing purposes, make it distributed through Medical and Cargo only, because "it's expensive".

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Re: General defib usage?

Post by apophis775 » 30 May 2017, 20:06

Fixed this with an update.
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