Shotgun Duckbill Choke & #4 Buckshot

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Shotgun Duckbill Choke & #4 Buckshot

Post by Supdawge » 01 Jun 2017, 17:11

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Oval chokes, which are designed to provide a shot pattern wider than it is tall, are sometimes found on combat shotguns, primarily those of the Vietnam War era. They were available for aftermarket addition in the 1970s from companies like A & W Engineering. Military versions of the Ithaca 37 with duckbill choke were used in limited numbers during the Vietnam War by US Navy Seals. It arguably increased effectiveness in close range engagements against multiple targets. Two major disadvantages plagued the system. One was erratic patterning. The second was that the shot would spread too quickly providing a very limited effective zone. - Wikipedia on Shotgun Chokes

The Duckbill modified shotguns we're usually loaded with #4 Buckshot which gave with the Duckbill the ultimate spread possible due to #4 Buckshot having more pellets in their load but in-order to have more pellets in the shell which is 12 gauge the pellets had to be sized down which provides less damage and penetration compared to #00 Buckshot which is the most general buckshot out there but it doesn't mean that the #4 Buckshot is useless because FBI had tested and analyzed that each pellet of #4 Buckshot is able to provide the same penetration of a .45 hollow point which is able to penetrate the minimum level of armor but it is worth it because the best part is that it provides it 24 times with wider spread than #00 Buckshot and due to wider spread you'd be able to get more shot everywhere on the target meaning for instance if you aimed for the chest you'd be able to spray the target from the upper-chest all the way down the waist this makes it more lethal due to more vital organs being destroyed instead of the more focused shot of #00 Buckshot.

to sum up the #4 Buckshot provides 24 pellets that have penetration equivalent of a .45 hollow point, now that is very lethal at CQB against hostiles without armor but to the drawback is less range and armor penetration then the #00 Buckshot so overall the #4 Buckshot would provide more ability to kill then #00 Buckshot In a CQB against the minimum armored targets due to more spread so anything that .45 penetrates being T1 to T2 I believe the #4 Buckshot penetrates too.

the first combat user of the Duckbill was James "Patches" Watson a Navy SEAL who led as a Platoon Chief and served three tours in Vietnam he also was a Pointman, he received a modified Ithica model 37 with the Duckbill from the Navy's China Lake Weapons Center in California and he stated the following "the spreader made quick shooting against moving targets in the dense jungle of Dung Island much more effective." he also stated the following about #4 Buckshot "It worked very well against the smaller Viet Cong.I heard no complaints from any of them",

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Shows more love for the shotguns and over-all greatly improves and shows their practicality in so many scenarios and with implementation of these suggestions those practicalities and improvements will come true for instance you'd wanna have the most Lock 'n' Loaded CQC Pointman you'd want let's say you'd be a Squad Leader and you'd assign Fireteam 1 to be the Breaching team you'd have at-least one Shotgunner with the Duckbill and #4 Buckshot he'd come in and he will mess some stuff up real bad with that much firepower saying if there'd be a T1 or T2 targets in close proximity and he's partner with a SMG coming in after him in-case you'd need that extra range. not saying that Duckbill can only fire with #4 buckshot i just described the scenario with it because how lethal it is with it but when the going gets rough and the Xenomorphs evolve to T3 you can always use the Duckbill with the #00 Buckshot with that increased devastating spread but now the capabilities to penetrate T3.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): the #4 Buckshot would be separate from the #00 Buckshot the server uses I believe, the #4 buckshot would lack more range but does more damage compared to #00 Buckshot and provides more "additional buckshot" the drawbacks is it cannot Penetrate Tier 3 Xenomorphs if they'd have stronger chitin armor then Tier 2 so in the vendors you'd have the choice between #4 Buckshot and #00 Buckshot they don't have to be included with the Hashtag also the Duckbill choke for the Shotguns will be provided as a limited attachment alongsides the M37 Wooden Stock now what the Duckbill will provide is more spread and less range let's say about if you'd shoot the #4 Buckshot from the Duckbill it'd reach about three tiles just from the shear amount of spread and if it was the #00 Buckshot it'd be able to go up to four tiles and in general if you'd shoot without the Duckbill the #4 Buckshot would just be able to travel one tile less then the #00 Buckshot given that it is the default buckshot.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): create a separate buckshot from the default buckshot called #4 Buckshot now decrease it's reach one tile unable it to penetrate Tier 3 Xenomorphs and give it more damage then the default buckshot don't give it like 2+ damage give it more damage because then it'd wouldn't be so useful, now the default buckshot would be re-named as #00 Buckshot.

Now for the Duckbill, you'd sprite the said choke for the and create it in code as an attachments for shotguns now what it'd would only do is less accuracy, less range and about +6 more damage.

Sorry if I have repeated myself a lot and feel free to improve if you'd wish.
I don't know why but my account was removed so i made a new one. and I you'd be curious to know who I am in-game it is Hunter Sandford I main with him all the time.

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Byond: Snypehunter007

Re: Shotgun Duckbill Choke & #4 Buckshot

Post by Snypehunter007 » 01 Jun 2017, 17:56

This is so complicated and clustered.

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