Is it possible to create day and night cycles on these maps? I have no idea.

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Is it possible to create day and night cycles on these maps? I have no idea.

Post by Bob » 04 Jun 2017, 20:19

[Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary)]: Is it possible to create day and night cycles on these maps?

[Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole)]: Well, I guess it'd make more variation in the strategies or something, maybe.

[Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc)]: I don't know what this is asking me to say.

[Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it)]: I have no idea.

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Re: Is it possible to create day and night cycles on these maps? I have no idea.

Post by Garrison » 04 Jun 2017, 20:32

In theory it could be done. Dev's could implement invisible light sources to simulate daylight. However I don't see it happening, mostly for two reasons: Balance, and lag (I think?)

Why balance? because Xeno's rely on the cover of darkness to be as effective as they are. Otherwise they'd be easy targets for marksmen and SL's with binoculars. (excluding snipers since NVG scopes) They also wouldn't be able to make any offensives maneuvers without having a bunch of marines shooting at them whenever they get into visual range.

Although I'd like to see this implemented. I feel there should be a bit of discussion about it first, oddly enough, a search in suggestions doesn't bring up any previous debate about this.
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Re: Is it possible to create day and night cycles on these maps? I have no idea.

Post by TopHatPenguin » 04 Jun 2017, 21:56

Not sure if the consensus among the dev team has changed about this but I would imagine not as it was only 4 months ago it was closed as a suggestion.

This suggestion was denied back in Feb by N.

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Re: Is it possible to create day and night cycles on these maps? I have no idea.

Post by Snypehunter007 » 19 Jun 2017, 17:58

Denied, duplicate and I know from talking with BMC, it would be really hard.
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