Increased chance for marines to miss shots when shooting through racks

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Increased chance for marines to miss shots when shooting through racks

Post by SpecialAgentOrange » 04 Jun 2017, 21:24

Summary: If marines shoot through a rack, the chance of hitting should be greatly decreased. I'd assume it'd be hard to hit an ayy when your vision is obstructed by a giant fucking rack in your way. And the chance to miss should increase with every rack shot through.

Benefits: Rack meta is pretty annoying and quite frankly weird and out of place.

Details: See above.

Implementation: No clue, but marines should get a buff because this is one of the only ways they have to protect their FOBs.

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Re: Increased chance for marines to miss shots when shooting through racks

Post by Bmc777 » 04 Jun 2017, 21:47

Denying this because we're working on a different option to do away with the rack meta.
