Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): The colonial marines employ veteran squads of 5 marines that are special forces. These squads consist of 2 infantry, 1 heavy, 1 ranged specialist, and one NCO/Officer. Squads are trained to be highly self sufficient and normally deploy alone for months on end with no reinforcements. They would be about as common as PMC distress responses, and come equipped with M4X prototype armor, which is black armor that is adapted and in testing to replace the M3 armor later on. All squad members have a M4A3 pistol with hollow point and suppressors. The 2 infantry would get M41A/2 rifles with plenty of spare ammo, the heavy would get a E2 HPR, the ranged would get a M42C AT rifle and a M39 SMG with AP ammo, the NCO/Leader would get a Tactical shotgun with incendiary rounds. Each armor would be painted all black.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):Add a USCM supportive distress, since only the dutches dozen are actually supportive of the USCM, and PMCs sometimes.
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Calls distress, if its the special forces they spawn in and attach like normal. All marines get a command radio headset with a custom frequency for the ERT to use.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Coding, spriting to an extent, and maybe more spriting.
some reference pictures
M4X armor, notice the added face protection and gauntlets. Armor would be all black for the ERT