MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

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MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

Post by misto » 11 Jun 2017, 03:07

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): some ideas for activities for MTs to perform to get them out and about

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): makes job less boring!!! you can only repair the same bunch of old reactor things so many times, folks!

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

1. dropship maintenance - POs, call in the MTs to fix those darn windows the aliens keep breaking. there could also be thrusters on the back of the ds that aliens could scratch to slow down the DS transit times that could be fixable. there are also tons of bits and bobs laying around the hangars with flavor text when you examine them that dont seem to actually do anything, so consider making some of them real things. if sentries are ever re-added to dropships, repairing, rearming or replacing them could also be a great job for MTs

2. maintenance on the orbital bombardment cannons after they fire - after being fired a few times, the cannons may need some attention. this will require that MTs have some way of getting in to fix them of course, im not sure if they can get up there at present. this can also be applied to the missile racks if they are ever used for anything.

3. if a synth is damaged, and is not an evil synth(are there ever any non evil synths?), then who better to fix them up than the MTs? well, maybe synths are a little too finicky for these greasemonkeys, but its still something to think about.

4. randomized short outs that damage some of the lights on the ship, necessitating replacement. no lightbulb lasts forever!

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

what if there are no MTs? well, the DS maintenance can probably also be done by marine engis or the PO if you give them access to the right tools, and the same goes for the MPs seeing to the OB cannons.

wont these new chores make it harder to see to the reactors? just recode the reactors break down less often if people are having a hard time seeing to all these new little activities.

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Re: MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

Post by shyshadow » 11 Jun 2017, 03:38

While a few of them seem to work, I think this is more of a discussion then an actual suggestion...
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Re: MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

Post by WinterClould » 11 Jun 2017, 04:57

I got something for the MTs to do, actually come replace my damn windows on my plane after I ask over 20 times.

Honestly in my experience there are never enough MTs to go around as is. There's always one that says they are dealing with something to do with power, I think they are the guy in charge. After that the other one is to bald to know how to replace a window. Sometimes there's a third guy but he's either forgot what comms are or is as real as a my girlfriend in Canada. If there's actually a forth well shit colour me surprised because I haven't seen them either!

I've played for a long while now and far far to many times I've needed to fly down without windows because the MT's basically told me to fuck off and the marines are threatening to kill me if I don't get them in the fight, annnnnd in the end I get killed by xenos the moment we land because of it. I've had MP's come by with metal and glass to replace my windows before because they were sick of hearing me cry over comms. Instead of giving the MT's more things to worry about, I'd like to see them actually doing the things we really need them to do to win, which to me is, make sure CIC and Medbay have power, and then make sure the shuttle has windows. After that if they still need things to do... have they tried mopping the floor?
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Re: MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

Post by misto » 11 Jun 2017, 06:41

well you see winter, if you reread the final couple sentences of my post, you will notice that my suggestion also made provisions for your concerns: make the reactors require less babying so that mts can get out of engineering to help you more often. it great for everyone because there is nothing interesting about weld wirecutter wrenching the same dozen reactors over the course of an hour, and theyll be free to get out and help elsewhere and interact with other players rather than spoonfeeding the engines

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Re: MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

Post by YungCuz » 11 Jun 2017, 21:57

Well a few of these things do sound cool but its likely this would get any acceptance since no one really plays MT anymore due to how boring, railed, and thankless it is.
All they are really used for nowadays is just fixing a reskinned thermal generator that requires fuel. Ayyliums
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Re: MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

Post by kazere » 11 Jun 2017, 22:51

True, but they are like that simce the Sulaco but the difference is that they babysit a diesel engine that somehow always finds a way to break down rather than a volatile but self sustaining power generator. Also there is the fact that most of the Almeyers systems that only the MTs can handle dont need maintenance or even setting up since they are made idiot proof. Frankly, only the new diesel power generators are the problem with how tedious they are. All the other point in how boring and thankless the job is is true since the days of the Sulaco.
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Re: MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

Post by Crab_Spider » 11 Jun 2017, 23:13

If you want to find something to do, do that yourself, there are a shitton of things MTs can do.
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.

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Re: MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

Post by Challenger » 12 Jun 2017, 01:06

Yeah you're just suggesting pointless busywork. MTs need more freedom not less. Here's my suggestion: allow MTs to deconstruct all non-exterior walls, and change Marine Law to allow them to construct without the Captain/CE's authorization (still need to have the dept head's authorization, and CE can still order them around).
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Re: MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

Post by Crab_Spider » 12 Jun 2017, 01:15

Challenger wrote:Yeah you're just suggesting pointless busywork. MTs need more freedom not less. Here's my suggestion: allow MTs to deconstruct all non-exterior walls, and change Marine Law to allow them to construct without the Captain/CE's authorization (still need to have the dept head's authorization, and CE can still order them around).
Yeah hell no.
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.

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Re: MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

Post by dylanstrategie » 12 Jun 2017, 07:06

MTs are already pretty busy gals. They're supposed to build and maintain the engines, keep the ship clean, maintain the dropships when the Xenos inevitably fuck up all the windows, and if not mistaken they can ask for authorisation to go down on the planet to pimp out the FOB like Doctors can

I doubt we'll need to add more things that break on the ship to make them busy, as for new additions we'll obviously always consider MTs for maintenance and rearming tasks

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Re: MTs need more activities shipside to keep them occupied, here are some ideas

Post by Snypehunter007 » 02 Jul 2017, 14:26

Implemented with dropship rework.
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