Removal of firing delay

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Removal of firing delay

Post by Kazuko_myu » 11 Jun 2017, 10:03

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): As far as I'm aware, there's a firing delay that reduces normal burst fire to a good second or something before you can fire another salve. This has caused a few unneccessary deaths, considering how runners/hunters can just abuse that timegap to pounce and ultimately paincrit you to hell. Seen that a bunch of times now.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): No idea. Balance?

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
Uh.. it removes the firing delay?

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Coding.

Any opinions?

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Karmac » 11 Jun 2017, 10:37

11/10 very well thought out

get out of my christian CM please and thank you
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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Kazuko_myu » 11 Jun 2017, 10:41

Karmac wrote:11/10 very well thought out

get out of my christian CM please and thank you
yes, no.. yes.. no. maybe.. nah.
is that a no or yes

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Karmac » 11 Jun 2017, 10:56

The firing delay's been in the game for a while now and everyone else has managed to man up and handle it like nobody's business, so I doubt this suggestion is going to change that because you literally wrote "Remove it ok? thanks friendo"
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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Kazuko_myu » 11 Jun 2017, 10:57

Karmac wrote:The firing delay's been in the game for a while now and everyone else has managed to man up and handle it like nobody's business, so I doubt this suggestion is going to change that because you literally wrote "Remove it ok? thanks friendo"
Judging by the opinions in death chat, that must be a large 50/50 then.

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 11 Jun 2017, 11:01

I'm sorry to say that the firing delay isn't going to be removed any time soon.
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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Casany » 11 Jun 2017, 11:27

As much as I'd love the five second delay to be removed, I'm afraid it ain't gonna
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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Crab_Spider » 11 Jun 2017, 11:35

I think it should be "reduce the firing delay" not "remove the firing delay"
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by MrJJJ » 11 Jun 2017, 13:15

Its too much for a smartgun...or a sadar...a crusher ran away by the time i could fire...

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by caleeb101 » 11 Jun 2017, 13:28

It's too much, period. There have been many times now where I get pounced by a hunter but they don't take me out fast enough, so I get up and get out my shotgun to punish them, only to have them run away or just pounce me again immediately before I get a shot off. Feels like I'm wielding a musket instead of a pump shotgun. A reduce in delay would be really helpful. With these kind of updates, you only realise how much you miss a certain thing after it's gone.
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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Kiroking » 11 Jun 2017, 13:43

What you don't love being knocked down by a hunter then getting up drawing your shotgun and realizing you cant fire because your faster then a 2 second delay then being knocked down again by a disarm?

When this change first happened I was in the CM discord with 8 others and we were all properly bitching and complaining about the change, then Apop appeared and told us why it was changed. According to him some people found out how either with a macro or just being fast, use binoculars then quick switching to their rifle and firing at 100% accuracy at a target their entire screen away. +1 because I hate the delay maybe we can make binoculars a 2 handed item and fix it that way.
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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by misto » 11 Jun 2017, 17:37

the aliens have a wealth of advantages such that this artificial sluggishness should not be necessary

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Recounted » 12 Jun 2017, 01:06

Cause y not?
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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by dylanstrategie » 12 Jun 2017, 07:08

The firing delay, as far as I'm aware, is the counterbalance to being able to shoot bursts in the first place

If we don't have that in, you can just fire bursts at no additional costs, and trust me, a burst that hits fully can flatten your average small Xeno already, or at least demolish their health bar

I don't see a compelling reason to remove it. You always have the option of not firing bursts

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by caleeb101 » 12 Jun 2017, 08:06

dylanstrategie wrote:The firing delay, as far as I'm aware, is the counterbalance to being able to shoot bursts in the first place

If we don't have that in, you can just fire bursts at no additional costs, and trust me, a burst that hits fully can flatten your average small Xeno already, or at least demolish their health bar

I don't see a compelling reason to remove it. You always have the option of not firing bursts
I don't think it's that delay he's on about. It's the delay now get after you pick up your gun and try to fire it. Say for example I pick up my beloved pump shotgun and wield it due to young runner frustrating me to the point that I want to blast it in the gabba. Well, I can't. Due to the delay update that was recently added, I have to wait 3-4 more seconds than usual (CM before the update) Which is enough time for you to meet your pitiful end by a pounce.. I proceed to get pounced, get up, get luck tackled and rinse and repeat until I'm slashed to death. (i swear runners tackle rate has been buffed, or all the ones i've seen lately have been getting lucky af).
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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by MrJJJ » 12 Jun 2017, 08:20

dylanstrategie wrote:The firing delay, as far as I'm aware, is the counterbalance to being able to shoot bursts in the first place

If we don't have that in, you can just fire bursts at no additional costs, and trust me, a burst that hits fully can flatten your average small Xeno already, or at least demolish their health bar

I don't see a compelling reason to remove it. You always have the option of not firing bursts
Bursts already have a counterbalance in their accuracy and FF, it also fucks you over if you miss and can be hard to hit T1's and T2's, because you leave a HUGE opening to yourself if you miss it, and it wastes quite the ammo

Not only that, but it nerfs the Spec and Smartgunner so cancerously bad, by the time you wield your smartgun to fire it, the ravager already has charged you and killed you, or that runner has already re-tackled you and fucked you up, hell you could be trying to chase something but you can't fire, or even trying to help defend but you need to move quickly.

This update of firing delay has served nothing and no goal, no exploits are fixed, gameplay became less fun for no real reason, and burst fires still do the same thing, flatten xenos easily, hell some guns that can't even fucking burst have this like the shotgun and sniper rifle, hell even binoculars thing can just be used with a gyro.

If you are so concerned about people using burst fires at no additional costs, just increase fire delay of BURST ONLY and reduce accuracy further/increase recoil by a lot more, dual smgs with burst fire weren't even affected by this update and they can massacre a average small xenos really easily

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by dylanstrategie » 12 Jun 2017, 10:30

Oh, the wield delay ? Well, we're continuing to adjust it, but it's intended and has been validated on multiple levels

The idea is simple. If you get disarmed or you're caught with your gun down, it takes a minimal amount of time before you can fire. It's actually not as big as people make it, and is certainly not 3-5 seconds on Spec weapons

I've recently tweaked it again, it should prove a bit less annoying, especially on some lighter weapons like shotguns and non-wield weapons that had grips attached

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Kazuko_myu » 12 Jun 2017, 10:39

dylanstrategie wrote:Oh, the wield delay ? Well, we're continuing to adjust it, but it's intended and has been validated on multiple levels

The idea is simple. If you get disarmed or you're caught with your gun down, it takes a minimal amount of time before you can fire. It's actually not as big as people make it, and is certainly not 3-5 seconds on Spec weapons

I've recently tweaked it again, it should prove a bit less annoying, especially on some lighter weapons like shotguns and non-wield weapons that had grips attached
Even though I was mentioning the firing rate succession once you gave the first burst.

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Kazuko_myu » 12 Jun 2017, 13:58

Just had a round that once more proved that the firing delay is the bane of all souls. I was smartgunner, burst fire active (sure I shouldn't expect too much there) but when I raised my gun, I couldn't shoot for a good 2 seconds that could have saved my life. Everytime you raise your weapon you sort of float in a bubble of nothingness, where you either get mauled instantly because you can't do anything ("Weapon is not ready to fire again!") or you get one burst off and you get to wait another 1-2 seconds.

Smartgunner isn't the only job in particular where I noticed such, the same applies to normal Marines with their rifles. That is pretty unneccessary.

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Dolth » 12 Jun 2017, 14:06

That's odd. I was always told the wielding delay was implemented to counter macros (explicitly -> Macro that make you equip weapons fast).
What's even more odd is the following. Those macro does not exist.

Now on a honest note, yes it's very displeasant to have that wielding-delay. But it's not really a huge issue. (And believe me, I am a nazi-pro-marine)
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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by immaspaceninja » 14 Jun 2017, 00:45

I dont get it.
The changelog says the delay was introduced to discourage people from macroing things and according to one of the posts above:
"Apop appeared and told us why it was changed. According to him some people found out how either with a macro or just being fast, use binoculars then quick switching to their rifle and firing at 100% accuracy at a target their entire screen away"
The core problem was people switching from guns to binocs really fast.
But why is it bigger for spec weapons and smartguns? Smartgun is not any stronger in close combat than a rifle and a shotty as well as the spec weapons. What was the reason to make the delay for those guns longer?
Furthermore, it could've been implemented in a better way. Like having a delay after you draw/pick up your weapon. That way, you'd still be more vulnerable to stuns, but the delay wont fuck you over if you just switch from running to gunning.
Or you could've added a delay for using binoculars, which is even better.

To me, it looks like another change that promotes R E A L I S M devs are seeking for someone reason, even when it kills fun elements of gameplay.
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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by misto » 14 Jun 2017, 01:21

if the problem was because of people using binoculars to cheat long range shots, then perhaps it could have been solved with a delay after lowering binocs rather than a delay for raising all weapons

or, are we confusing several different issues here?

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by caleeb101 » 14 Jun 2017, 06:05

immaspaceninja wrote: Furthermore, it could've been implemented in a better way. Like having a delay after you draw/pick up your weapon. That way, you'd still be more vulnerable to stuns, but
That is what we got. And it's the reason for this thread...
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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by Dolth » 14 Jun 2017, 07:52

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Re: Removal of firing delay

Post by immaspaceninja » 14 Jun 2017, 08:38

caleeb101 wrote:That is what we got. And it's the reason for this thread...
Read it again.
Currently, we have a delay after taking a weapon in both hands. What i suggesting is applying a delay after you pick up weapon/take it from your armor slot, so you wont be affected by it while just running around wielding/unwielding your gun.
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