Bugs with fixing reactors

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Byond: TheDonkified

Bugs with fixing reactors

Post by TheDonkified » 14 Jun 2017, 10:42

Bug Description:
At the moment, you can repair reactors that are a few tiles away as long as they require the same tool to use. For example, if one reactor requires you to use the wirecutter to repair and another reactor on the other side of the reactor room requires a wirecutter, you can use the wirecutter on one reactor and walk away to the other reactor to repair that one. As long as you don't switch tools and don't move away from the second reactor , you can repair both at the same time.

ALSO, if two reactors adjacent to you require two different tools to repair, you can use the proper tool for one reactor, put that tool in your backpack / swap hands, and then use the proper tool to repair the other reactor. As long as you keep the second tool in your hand, both reactors will repair.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Use tool on broken reactor.
2. Walk to a reactor a few tiles away
3. Use that same tool on the second broken reactor
4. You miraculously fix both

1. Use a tool on a broken reactor
2. Switch to separate tool that is used in repairing reactors
3. Use that separate tool on a reactor adjacent to you
4. You miraculously fix both
lother jomes

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Byond: phil235

Re: Bugs with fixing reactors

Post by phil235 » 19 Jun 2017, 14:24

Fixed soon.
