tying evo point gain to non-passive factors

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tying evo point gain to non-passive factors

Post by misto » 21 Jun 2017, 16:49

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): tie evo point gain to factors that encourage engagement with the opposing team rather than only the passage of time

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): encourages more active gameplay and less sitting back waiting to grow/boring time as the enemies hide and wait to grow

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

heres where i do a bunch of typing to explain whats up

right now evo point gain is tied to only the passage of time and this somewhat encourages passive play and delaying tactics and fails to reward active engagement with the marines. it is possible to do better.

keep in mind that these can be used in CONJUNCTION with a time-based system(though you may wish to slow the point accumulation based on time to compensate for these new evo point income opportunities)


as the aliens function as a hive, perhaps you will feel it appropriate that some gains are shared across the whole hive. a human killed by anyone could award 15 points to everyone, a facehugged human could award 50 to all, a successfully birthed larva 75 to all. these numbers are only examples, raise or lower them as you please. if you have any other ideas for actions that could count for hive-wide gains, please share


individual evo point gains should reflect the strengths of the individual's caste. drones and hivelords could be given small amounts of points for spreading weeds and making walls and shit, and queens given some for all that and laying eggs, for example. carriers could receive bonus sums if one of their facehuggers gets a marine. but the main kicker here is that combat castes would be awarded points for dealing damage and making kills. this will encourage them to take risks and engage with the marines early and often


1) if damage dealt gives level ups, wont the kids go hog wild and kill all these potential hosts and leave the hive impoverished?

great question. thats why i put a hefty example sum on getting humans facehugged and larvas successfully popping while merely killing them was a more humble sum. you may further get around this by having a hefty evo point bonus awarded to xenos in CLOSE PROXIMITY to a host when that host is facehugged, thus further encouraging the player to tacklespam abduct and infect rather than slaughter

2) wont this make the aliens get super buff mega faster? especially combat classes if theyre getting points for kills and damage dealt?

another great question! this can be addressed by tweaking how much evo point gain is awarded by various actions, of course. you can further tier it by giving diminishing returns as the player progresses to mature and elite, changing the totals needed to progress/evolve, slowing or removing the time-based accumulation of evo points if you really feel it is necessary. the possibilities are numerous! this will also be counterbalanced by the fact that young runner 999 is at strong risk of getting shot to death while they try to score levelups

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

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Re: tying evo point gain to non-passive factors

Post by Szunti » 21 Jun 2017, 17:16

I thought about a system where the timer remains as one of the requirements, but each class has also 3 objectives. Eg. drone: transfer 10k plasma, spend 10k plasma, hug 5 marines. If you do any of them you can be mature, with 2 elite, and if you finish all of them ancient.

Even if you do one of the objectives early, you still have to wait until the maturity timer goes off. This way you can't find ways to mature insanely quickly, but you can feel that you deserved it, because you did something for it.

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Re: tying evo point gain to non-passive factors

Post by Snypehunter007 » 24 Jun 2017, 19:41


This encourages xenos to just hang around certain areas and camp with we don't want.
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