Give corrosive acid a delay before applying.

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Give corrosive acid a delay before applying.

Post by immaspaceninja » 23 Jun 2017, 04:24

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Give alien's corrosive acid ability a small delay before it covers an object with acid.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Prevents spitting aliens/drones/etc from running up close to baricades, that arent manned enough to kill said aliens fast, and spamming acid on them.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Today, while playing on whiskey outpost as an engineer, i saw a spitter suiciding against our fireline while acid-spamming 2-3 baricades at a time with macro. This should be a thing in my opinion, especialy on normal maps, where marines dont have 3 gauss turrets per baricade, materials are expensive and aliens can get beefy enough by upgrading to tank most bullets you shoot at them untill they finish applying acid on your defences.
The delay should be something around 3 seconds. It wont prevent ayys from melting walls from the other side or completely unmanned baricades.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Coding.
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Re: Give corrosive acid a delay before applying.

Post by Jeser » 23 Jun 2017, 04:31

Wow, didn't know you can macros this. In this case, yeah, maybe it should be so. Just make it 1-2 seconds, 3 is unneccessary too much.
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Re: Give corrosive acid a delay before applying.

Post by MrJJJ » 23 Jun 2017, 04:46

Jeser wrote:Wow, didn't know you can macros this. In this case, yeah, maybe it should be so. Just make it 1-2 seconds, 3 is unneccessary too much.
You can, so the moment you walk up, you can ACID ALOT OF THINGS INSTANTLY, with barely any time to react to that xeno who just did it, this can also be used to bypass mag harnessed weapons if they are quick enough

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Re: Give corrosive acid a delay before applying.

Post by misto » 23 Jun 2017, 22:54

ha ha, thats hilarious, and here i have been right clicking to bring up the little menu to put corrosive acid like a fool

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Re: Give corrosive acid a delay before applying.

Post by completelynewguy » 24 Jun 2017, 00:33

+1, sounds balanced in regards to the Wield Macro delay.

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Re: Give corrosive acid a delay before applying.

Post by Bmc777 » 24 Jun 2017, 18:16


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Re: Give corrosive acid a delay before applying.

Post by Challenger » 10 Jul 2017, 09:19

Better solution is probably just to make it so that metal/plasteel barricades and sandbags can't be melted by anything except a boiler
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Re: Give corrosive acid a delay before applying.

Post by Snypehunter007 » 10 Jul 2017, 10:00

Challenger wrote:Better solution is probably just to make it so that metal/plasteel barricades and sandbags can't be melted by anything except a boiler
Ha no. Its going to be implemented as a delay.
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