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Byond: Leonidzurnadzhi


Post by Leonidzurnadzhi » 02 Jul 2017, 07:24

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):save yourself

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):It will make marines live easier

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):See. If alien jumps on you the message on the chat says : The alien is on you faster TYPE RESIST TO GET OUT and if he type it and if he got knife he kills alien but is harder to type it because fear.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):no sorry

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Byond: Trench007

Re: {Suggestion}

Post by Trench007 » 02 Jul 2017, 07:33

What abomination is this?

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Byond: Leonidzurnadzhi

Re: {Suggestion}

Post by Leonidzurnadzhi » 02 Jul 2017, 07:43

yeah i know is stupid but my mind telling me yes

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Re: {Suggestion}

Post by misto » 02 Jul 2017, 08:07

so, a last way to try to save yourself. i guess it would help the survival knife in our boots live up to its name. but of course it should not be possible if we have been stunned or are in paincrit

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Byond: Tidomann

Re: {Suggestion}

Post by Tidomann » 02 Jul 2017, 08:09

Aliens pouncing you are now QTEs

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Re: {Suggestion}

Post by MrJJJ » 02 Jul 2017, 13:16

Just why

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Re: {Suggestion}

Post by Snypehunter007 » 02 Jul 2017, 13:58

No shitposting in suggestions.

I'm going to lock this.

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