New Battle/Assault Rifle Suggestion.

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New Battle/Assault Rifle Suggestion.

Post by Mxssi10 » 02 Jul 2017, 15:38


Introduction (new gunz to rek gaylien scrub pls so i can be mlg pro leet and killz with gun cod pro level ok)

Just gonna say I have no fucking clue how to write a topic or whatever but hey it's a start right?
I was thinking of a new gun being implemented into the game, and I still need to think of a name fuck. Maybe..... H-BR (Heavy-Battle Rifle).

Brief Briefing of the Gun.
Oh well, it's gonna be more of a SCAR kind of gun. Hard Hitting bullets, low rate of fire, low magazine capacity (32 rounds pref). This is a gun that binds very well with the M41A and SMG and will be a nice sibling for it.
SMG = Fast, Weak bullets M41A= Medium Hitting, Medium Fire Rate. Then here comes the H-BR (whatever its called) = Hard Hitting, Slow fire rate.
It would help benefit the game in quite a bit of ways and I'm gonna get into that next.

Benefits I would have to improve the game slightly

Alright Mxssi, what benefits would it bring to the game?
Well first off it gives the Marines (especially Grunts) an extra weapon to use rather than ALWAYS rolling out with the M41A or something. It would be nice if the gun had a brother which is the H-BR (again whatever the fuck you wanna call it). In addition, it also gives a bit of a variety. This weapon can be used for dealing high damage to aliens and scaring them off quite a lot which does provide support for your teammates. Another gun like this would be nice to have when your retarded fellow Marine blasted you with a shotgun and the medics trying to say you're okay.

I know what you're thinking "But but.... There's the M4RA",

Yes lad, there is the M4RA but that takes a little more to get and this is not available to all Marines since very few can get this and you have to have a pretty good reason for cargo not to be like "What's that wanker? You want a M4RA? HA FUCK OFF!".

Detailz and stuff.
Well this is just a concept of a gun I found.

That's how I'd want it to look like.
Right now for the attachments and what it should have in my opinion

Attachments (Anything but!):
Barrel Charger (That's a maybe) it will increase the damage a fuck load but you will be as fast as a snail dying my friend. Quickfire Adapter, hell to the fucking no that's basically making your weapon into the Smartgun.

Conclusion folks

Right then that's my idea of a gun that I'd want to be implemented into the game. It would fit in well and work nice.

Now I don't know what the fuck to say..... err........
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Re: New Battle/Assault Rifle Suggestion.

Post by Sleepy Retard » 02 Jul 2017, 15:45

Things to stop asking about (auto-denied):
New Guns (Seriously, stop. When we get ideas, we make new guns. We are not going to make the super-death gun you want)

Asking this to be locked.
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Re: New Battle/Assault Rifle Suggestion.

Post by Mxssi10 » 02 Jul 2017, 15:53

El Defaultio wrote:Things to stop asking about (auto-denied):
New Guns (Seriously, stop. When we get ideas, we make new guns. We are not going to make the super-death gun you want)

Asking this to be locked.
Alright then I didn't want this to be some "Super-Death" kind of gun but just another gun that fits the pattern of fire rate of damage with the M41A and M39. Oh well, would you like this suggestion to be removed?
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Re: New Battle/Assault Rifle Suggestion.

Post by Snypehunter007 » 02 Jul 2017, 16:04

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