A concise description of what the problem is. Pure description, no narrative or conversational language.
When attaching my light to my smg I turn it on and go about figuring out what happened on the Nostromo with other marines. But when I pull a flare, pick up another flashlight, or have any light source on (in hand or pocket) when I remove it or shut it off or it goes out, (flare) the light on my gun goes off as well. And I have to turn it on again and in those few seconds of darkness aliens have pounced on me.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Step by step instructions on how to reproduce this bug.
- Do not assume anything, the more detailed your list of instructions, the easier it is for the developer to track down the problem!
-Turn light on (I usually turn it on aboard the shuttle) pull flare, (turn on another light, pick up already on light, or already lit flare).
-Get rid of light source. (Wait for flare to go out, shut off light, I usually drop light or flare)
-Then the light on your gun goes out as well. You have to go through weapon tab, turn it off then on again. Very annoying process especially when you drop a different light source you had in your hand to engage and alien and it gets really dark.
(Optional) Other notes:
If you can't reproduce the issue ask me and I'll show you. Don't know how well I explained this here, but its a very annoying bug. Almost got me captured by aliens a few times. Just pm me here if you need me to show you, or in game, or over Byond. Usually on 4 pm central time to about 8ish pm. Should be on most of this Friday not to sure yet. Just hit me up whenever and I'll try and help you fix this, I am not aware of any one else running into the problem or if they have nothing has been mentioned about it.