Survivors starting without vital equipment.

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Byond: Cairath

Survivors starting without vital equipment.

Post by Cairath » 15 Aug 2017, 22:38

Bug Description:
I understand that it's hard to be a survivor, but it seems that after the new bag update, they are down right impossible. I've played them twice and once I spawned with a crowbar but no light source and the second time, I spawned without either. I was stuck somewhere dark without any kind of lighting source or a way to open doors. Immersive difficulty is okay, but this makes it a baby walk for aliens to abduct survivors. Hope this isn't intentional.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Play Survivor
2. Be amazed as you stare at a black screen, stumbling around because you don't have a flare or a flashlight.
3. Get captured by aliens.
This is what dreams nightmares are made of.

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Re: Survivors starting without vital equipment.

Post by Snypehunter007 » 15 Aug 2017, 22:39

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